View Full Version : RAmarl's Materials and Mag

Dec 25, 2003, 04:16 AM
So i'm using a RAmarl, i love her =D and i was wondering which Materials should i use on her!?!? i was thinking on just Power Mind, and of course Luck, but nothing else, Evasion is already high for them and also it won't be so helpful on Ultimate, and Defence, well that's why she can use lvl20 Deband + Jellen...

And for the MAG, i was thinking in something like

So what do you think!?!?

Dec 25, 2003, 06:08 AM
Why the 10 Def? Put those 5 points in Pow http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 25, 2003, 07:38 AM
Actually the extra DFP can be a small lifesaver...

Dec 25, 2003, 10:52 AM
personally, my RAmarl's Rati's stats are

Def 10
Pow 80
Dex 100
Mind 10

Dec 25, 2003, 10:59 AM
How is EVP not useful in Ultimate? With my RAmarl, I can dodge all of Forest (some Hildelt attacks get through, but not many), and some of Caves at only level 117.

But I would use the extra 5 DEF points on the Mag for something else.

Dec 25, 2003, 01:41 PM
POW 132
DEF 73
LCK 45

DEF: 5
POW: 69
DEX: 50
MIND: 76

Dec 25, 2003, 01:51 PM
On 2003-12-25 10:41, Delsaber wrote:
POW 132
DEF 73
LCK 45

DEF: 5
POW: 69
DEX: 50
MIND: 76

is that the 200 plan? cause not everyone has that >_<
my RAmarl downed a few dfp mats, and has abour 20 def on the mag. the extra dfp with her low hp are good for those hits that go through her evp. no mind is a good idea, with the pow/dex thing stated before (something like 20/140/40/0)

oh, and use handguns =P

Dec 25, 2003, 02:35 PM
Well i think i'm going for the stats i posted, for defence, hummm i'm keeping 10 and not 5 because when you're feeding your MAG it's almost impossible to keep the DEF at 5, so that's why 10, and also about materials, pure power and mind, as the mind would help me with the support techs ^_~

Thanks anyway, i'm still confused about the materials tho...

Dec 25, 2003, 04:36 PM
Evade is extremely useful. This is coming from the second person in the country to get a RAmarl to 200. If you max it, you'll be blocking in every area in the game, albiet in a limited capacity in the Seabed and Ruins. I'd put in 15 Evade Materials, though, but not more than that.

For slots, if available, use three God/Abilities and God/Battle. You'll be getting 60 extra points in each stat and 6 extra ATA from this arrangement, so you'll save a lot of Materials. Especially in Luck, where you'll only need to use 15 to max with the Abilities. This frees up plenty of extra space to not only max Power fairly early if you like, but also round out your other stats.

If you do have the Abilities available and use only the necessary Luck Materials before putting the rest into Power, you can max your ATP at L:110 with a Mag that has only 95 Pow. So put 100 of the remaining points into Dex. At L:110, you'll have 218 ATA with the Abilities included. The 60 points from the Abilities to your other stats should compensate for the fact that you've used no Materials or Mag stats on them. If this isn't the ideal arrangement for a Power/Dex RAmarl, I'd be hard pressed to tell you what is.

However, you should be a little more thoughtful if you intend to get to 200 and max all your stats. Unlikely as this is, I felt I should warn you.

Dec 26, 2003, 10:27 AM
Terra :
105 Power materials
100 Mind materials
45 Luck materials


25 DEF because I melee a lot ; 50 DEX is way enough ; 35 MIND because 90 POW maxes my ATP