Jan 3, 2004, 09:42 AM
I need to have some protection VS grants! I keep dying. Am level 48, and the best I have is Resist/Light... I can't find any in the shops. I keep dying, and I only have 4 scape dolls left in the bank, which I want to save... Help!!!!!! (btw, am FOnewearl)

Jan 3, 2004, 09:44 AM
I will attempt one more run... but I doubt I can make this... PLEASE, PLEASE, REPLY ASAP!!!! I NEED HELP!!!

Jan 3, 2004, 09:48 AM
Gain levels, Keep a telepipe out by falz's teleporter, and do a few quests. DO NOT cast any telepipes/ryuker or else it will go bye bye. When you return to the regular Lobby, the telepipe should still be at Falz.
Also, Get an armor with some light resistance, A weapon with good attack (to end the battle as soon as possible), and the highest Defensive Barrier/shield you can manage.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SpikeOtacon on 2004-01-03 06:48 ]</font>

Jan 3, 2004, 09:51 AM
On 2004-01-03 06:48, SpikeOtacon wrote:
Gain levels, Keep a telepipe out by falz's teleporter, and do a few quests. DO NOT cast any telepipes/ryuker or else it will go bye bye. When you return to the regular Lobby, the telepipe should still be at Falz.
Also, Get an armor with some light resistance, A weapon with good attack (to end the battle as soon as possible), and the highest Defensive Barrier/shield you can manage.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SpikeOtacon on 2004-01-03 06:48 ]</font>

Well... uhm, I came all the way here,... darn, what quests? and as for armor, I'm a FO so I can't use any stuff like holiness armor, and weapons are out of the question. And I have a level 48 barrier, protect barrier...


Jan 3, 2004, 09:56 AM
forget about physical defense since he only has one physical attack (his arm slash) and that does a set amount of damage. as for dealing with grants make sure u have full HP when its used on you, also if you need more light resistance get armor with several slots and fill them up with light/resist instead of looking for a better unit. leveling up would also help.

Jan 3, 2004, 09:59 AM
Hmm...well, the gaining levels Idea is the best way to go. Since forces aren't so hot with weaponry and Falz having incredible resistance to virtualy EVERY SPELL, your best bet is to go with a weapon that isn't force exclusive. A MAG with good defence and an armor with 4 slots (one for the light slot and Maybe a few Ogre/Powers or Dragon/HP?) would also really help.
Or you could just brace for the worst and give the next run everything you've got. That usually turns out with bad results, though.

Jan 3, 2004, 10:01 AM
get hildebears cane for last stage

Jan 3, 2004, 10:11 AM
Just equip 4 dagon hps and u will be find. Thats wat i did with my FO when i beat him.

Jan 3, 2004, 10:13 AM
And i'll gladly help u if ur online just tell me ur Character name and Where to meet u and when.

Jan 3, 2004, 10:20 AM
I take it you beat him offline first, as its good practice, maybe work on getting a good attack weapon or a high level grants tech. Maybe try and convert a Boomas arm and grind it to +15. Dont rush to fight him, as with 4 scapes, your in a bad way. Oh, and DRAGON H/PS ARE A GOOD BET TWO!!

Jan 3, 2004, 10:31 AM
Well, first thing's first, let's get a few things straight:

Physical defense is not important in this battle. At all.

Light resistance will save your life from that Grants. If you don't have enough Light resistance units, then use HP boosting units.

Stock up on Scape Dolls, Mono, Di, and Trifluids; you're probably going to run out, even with ten of each.

And finally, what was said about leaving a telepipe and then going and doing quests... I'm pretty sure that if you do that, the telepipe will disappear.

Now that we've got that done, we can go onto the general strategy. Being a Force, you're going to need as much TP as possible for this fight. If you're a melee/hybrid Force (like me) you'll probably want to get a gun or Talis/Mahu, but you need to use Falz's weaknesses. The first form is weak to Lightning, the second to Ice, and the last to Fire, so make sure your basic techniques are up to a suitable level for your character's level (also, being a FOnewearl, these should pack quite a punch).

This may not apply to you, being a FOnewearl, but if you have a handgun/cards with you, you'll want to use them as much as possible, to conserve TP for the final form. On the second form, when Falz uses its mass-slow attack, remember that this only slows down your attack and movement speeds, not casting speed (so go nuts with the Barta while you're slowed). On the final form, use your gun/cards as much as possible, and only use Foie when Falz is flashing.

When going through a "test run" to see if you can survive the swipe and Grants, take your time to refine your skills at getting through the Darvant swarm and the first two forms of Falz as efficiently as possible, try to use the lowest amount of resources as you can.

Jan 3, 2004, 10:51 AM
Whoo! Thanks guys! With some personal help from SpikeOtacon, I managed to get through... now for Very Hard. Dang, a whole new story once again.

Oh and just to clear up some confusion, when I said I'm "online", I meant I was online on PSOW at that time.. not on the GC... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif meh, thanks a lot again!

Jan 3, 2004, 10:56 AM
Physical defense is not important in this battle. At all.
Then explain why my FOmar died ages back on his first attempt at hard falz because of heaven punisher, then all I did was equip 2 metal bodies (raises defense by 30 each), and I could survive with 11hp left, and no I hadn't grown any more levels, and no I wasn't on less health the other time around, all I did was go to the bank and get out the metal bodies. It turned out that the blue balls that chase after you do the same damage as heaven punisher, so that ment that the only move I couldn't survive was his swipe at me, which I got around with scapedolls and the resta trick.
So, yes I know that HP is more useful than defense in falz, because most of his moves do set damage, but defense isn't totally pointless.
Oh, and just to stop people pointing this out, a dragon HP is more useful than a metal body in falz. Unfortunatly, I didn't have any http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Jan 3, 2004, 12:51 PM
On 2004-01-03 07:51, Nazo wrote:
Whoo! Thanks guys! With some personal help from SpikeOtacon, I managed to get through... now for Very Hard. Dang, a whole new story once again.

Oh and just to clear up some confusion, when I said I'm "online", I meant I was online on PSOW at that time.. not on the GC... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif meh, thanks a lot again!


Oh i thought u were at vhard mode trying to get to ultimate cause a lvl 48 Fo can beat Falz with no scapes cause i beat vhard Falz with a lvl 49 Fomar. My spells were bout around lvl 15 .I also had 4 dragon hps on.Lol. Well good luck on vhard falz.

Jan 3, 2004, 03:24 PM
If I ever visit South Korea Nazo, I'll take up your offer on teh' beer.

Jan 3, 2004, 05:25 PM
On 2004-01-03 07:56, Thepandaman wrote:

Physical defense is not important in this battle. At all.
Then explain why my FOmar died ages back on his first attempt at hard falz because of heaven punisher, then all I did was equip 2 metal bodies (raises defense by 30 each), and I could survive with 11hp left, and no I hadn't grown any more levels, and no I wasn't on less health the other time around, all I did was go to the bank and get out the metal bodies. It turned out that the blue balls that chase after you do the same damage as heaven punisher, so that ment that the only move I couldn't survive was his swipe at me, which I got around with scapedolls and the resta trick.
So, yes I know that HP is more useful than defense in falz, because most of his moves do set damage, but defense isn't totally pointless.
Oh, and just to stop people pointing this out, a dragon HP is more useful than a metal body in falz. Unfortunatly, I didn't have any http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

did you maybe change armors or barriers or get out a light resistance unit? Metal/bodies shouldnt have helped against that attack. Maybe he got a critical on you (Not sure if Falzy can get crits... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif)

Jan 3, 2004, 06:50 PM
im pretty sure falz can get criticals. cause one time i was beating falz on vh, and i could survive all his attacks, but then, for some reason the blue seeker missilise killed in 1 hit, and i had full health, and b4 they didnt kill me in 1 hit

Jan 4, 2004, 12:00 AM
On 2004-01-03 12:24, SpikeOtacon wrote:
If I ever visit South Korea Nazo, I'll take up your offer on teh' beer.

http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I'll be waiting.