View Full Version : PSO 4

Jan 3, 2004, 11:54 PM
I know this is a bit early, but do you think SonicTeam's gonna come out with a PSO4, properly reviving the RPG style? I mean, c'mon, don't kid yerselves, PSO3 got far worse ratings on places like http://www.ign.com or http://www.gamefaqs.com , and Sega knows that they really screwed up. Besides, PSO3 was a thing to suck up to nintendo, since their bond with games like Sonic and PSO were getting stronger.

HOPEFULLY, Sega will act smart and re-revolutionize the PSO... but what console?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Nazo on 2004-01-03 20:55 ]</font>

Jan 4, 2004, 12:11 AM
er, first of all, sonic team/sega didnt screw up. ep3 sold quite well. i tend not to even pay attention to ign/gamefaqs anymore. the whole reasoning behind ep3 was that they wanted to create a card-based game. instead of just using a new universe for it they decided to use a setting most everyone is familar with.

i cant see them continuing with an episode 4 really. at least not with the current engine/gameplay mechanics. they would havta rework the game. cant just add new characters anymore.

P.S.- i suggest a pso game based solely on androids. you could buy/upgrade parts etc. it would be much more action oriented... but thats just me and my stupid ideas^__^

Jan 4, 2004, 12:41 AM
Hey, I've got a great idea! Before we decide whether or not Sonic Team made a huge mistake with Episode 3, why don't we, ya know, actually play it or something?

Jan 4, 2004, 12:51 AM
Actually, I have played it before. Being a PSO I & II fan, I tried it out at my cousin's house and.. it wasn't HORRID... it was just disappointing. Needlessly complicated, perhaps? I'm not saying it was a total flop, just that I want the old RPG style back.

Jan 4, 2004, 01:12 AM
The game mechanics established in Episode I & II (Dreamcast & Gamecube) iterations of Phantasy Star Online are what made the title's claim to fame. The franchise had already been established, but it required a breath of new air for the forthcoming generations of consoles. Online play via consoles was a feature that was being boasted by the Dreamcast and it's 56K Modem -- what better way to utilize this brand spanking new feature than for SEGA to bring one of it's acclaimed franchises back to life by working the game around the Online play premise.

I guess what they're trying to do with Episode III is breathe new air into the already existant franchise by reworking the mechanics. I don't think this to be too great of an idea on SEGA's behalf because Card-based gameplay is not fancied by absolutely every PSO fanatic and therefore will be turned down by many because of it's departure from the norm.

Jan 4, 2004, 01:50 AM
Yeah, I would actually like the whole strategy thing gone with. But dont go with the same PSO RPG that we are used to. They need something new and fresh. The first step, making it so we can wonder around Pioneer II. I'm so sick of sitting in these small little areas. Open it up and let people wonder online.

Jan 4, 2004, 02:02 AM
The common rumor is there'll be a PSO2 after that with a new story. Note that I said it was a rumor.

Jan 4, 2004, 07:34 AM
For Dreamcast, yeah for the Dreamcast...
I do agree ST made a big mistake with how they went around making Ep3 but hell I guess we will have to see...

Jan 4, 2004, 07:34 AM
On 2004-01-03 20:54, Nazo wrote:
I mean, c'mon, don't kid yerselves, PSO3 got far worse ratings on places like http://www.ign.com or http://www.gamefaqs.com , and Sega knows that they really screwed up. Besides, PSO3 was a thing to suck up to nintendo, since their bond with games like Sonic and PSO were getting stronger.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Nazo on 2004-01-03 20:55 ]</font>

First of all, the game wasn't yet officially reviewed on ign.com, I don't know where you brought up that. The gamefaqs reviews section on Phantasy Star Online III for players isn't even online. And if you meant gamespot, the latest thing they have is a preview which is a lot objective.

If PSO3 was a thing to suck up Nintendo, why bother investing on a whole new gameplay sistem, soundtrack and partially graphics (cards and some scenery) and call it "Card Revolution"? Wouldn't it be easier just to add in some new Seabed maps or quests on an add-on disk and call it "Falz's return"?

Personally I don't know if you played the game, if you base your opinion on what others say on chats or message forums, but SEGA obviously wasn't aiming to screw up on releasing a game with a whole new sistem, by the contrary: It thought about ending the same old routine. Now if that's going to screw up, is only something which only time can tell.

EDIT: By the way, there's a rumour that Episode III is the last one to follow the Ragol plotline.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: New Ultimate on 2004-01-04 04:35 ]</font>

Jan 4, 2004, 08:07 AM
On 2004-01-04 04:34, New Ultimate wrote:
EDIT: By the way, there's a rumour that Episode III is the last one to follow the Ragol plotline.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: New Ultimate on 2004-01-04 04:35 ]</font>

0_o... Shoot.

Jan 4, 2004, 08:41 AM
Ep3 was not a screw up, its a great game, and i enjoy it a lot. i havent even touched my, still new, PSO+ because of it. seeing theres over 11000 players on it as well, i think that makes it pretty successful. and thats 11000 players online. how do i know this i hear you cry, well the ranking system only works on the number of accounts registered online, and seeing ive seen someone with a rank of over 11000, im pretty sure it works out.

at any rate, would you really go out and but a game almost exactly the same al the last. this brings in strategy, tactics, proper team play. where as ep1&2 is a 3 button combo "oh wooooo, 3 button combos omfg fuxor!!!!". dont get me wrong, i love ep1&2, but its the same dam thing again and again. you might say that about ep3. yes its card battle after card battle, but its never the same, and is far more fun against humans.

moving on. Ep3 is the last in the Red Ring Rico/Flowen/Pioneer 2 storyline. the next PSO after this will be entirely new, and unrelated to the current storyline.

comon, you still hanging onto a story which weve played hundreds of times, its time to move on. have a new story nobody has played before, new weapons nobody has used before, new quests. If ST want to make it more interesting, they need to involve the characters more in the storyline, make certain decisions affect the way it is told, and above all have more crazy levels and weapons/sheilds/etc. 4 levels for each 'game' (seeing its 2 episodes) isnt enough to keep users coming back even more. if there were 6-8 lvels in the new story it would be even better, maybe even more. but we'll just have to wait and see.

Jan 4, 2004, 09:19 AM
.............Still, If there was a PSO4, it would be some different type of game. Probably MMORPG style, although I would hate that, unless they could do something to spice up the battle system. Quite Frankly, PSO is online...which would mean that it wouldn't make much sense to have an "Old RPG" style to it. If Sega wanted to do something with the "Old RPG" style, they would make PS5, not PSO4.

I know the turn-based stuff on PSO3 kinda doesn't make any sense...

Hey, maybe they could make a strategy PSO! That would be pretty damn cool. ...er, I mean Real Time Strategy!

Jan 4, 2004, 10:21 AM
There want be PSO4, in the Nintendo Power magazine, they say that ep3 will be the last Phantasy Star game. This is not a rumor, Nintendo Power is the official Nintendo magazine. Sorry to bring you this news. There is very small chance they make an other PSO but dont cout on it.

Jan 4, 2004, 11:48 AM
hm, even though its the official magazine, that doesn't make it fact. nintendo power has been known to make mistakes in the past. that, and i really doubt sega would scrap one of its most profitable franchises.

Jan 4, 2004, 02:18 PM
aHHHHHHHHHHH id written out most of a responce, then the dam thing refreshed on me.

well the gist of it was, Nintendo Power wouldnt know whether it was the last. the main reason being that Nintendo are not, and ill say that again, ARE NOT SEGA. It may be hard for some of you to grasp, but its true.

And here is a news story that a lot of you wernt around to see, but it concearns future PSO, and im not talking about EP3, im talking about a completely new PSO unrelated to EP1-3 and the Rico/Flowen Storyline.

This was taken straight from the new EGM (issue 169, page 64)...

What you heard: "Phantasy Star Online will be done, dead, nada, zilch after Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution comes out."

The Q's sources say: Well, this one's half right-Episode III (at right) will be the last CHAPTER...of the PSO story. It'll wrap up the current plot line of Red Ring Rico and Pioneer 1 and 2, but it's definitely not "over for good." Talk that Sonic Team is working on a new, full-length PSO has been going on for some time, but the hot tip now is that the game will feature a FULL, seperate offline Phantasy Star IN ADDITION to the online adventure. Say, I'd like to play that right now...

We ourselves at PSOW refrain from posting any news of such nature if it does not have verified Sonic Team backing. If you're wondering, that's why no previous news/rumors of EP 3 being the last PSO was posted; they had no confirms from ST.

here is the link to the particular new story http://www.pso-world.com/article.php?sid=976


Jan 4, 2004, 02:54 PM
On 2004-01-04 07:21, Mustashi2278 wrote:
There want be PSO4, in the Nintendo Power magazine, they say that ep3 will be the last Phantasy Star game. This is not a rumor, Nintendo Power is the official Nintendo magazine. Sorry to bring you this news. There is very small chance they make an other PSO but dont cout on it.

i was about to post this too..I'de have to agree or atleast they are just going to forget the whole ragol storyline and start with something new