View Full Version : Danger Girl fan fic chapter 2

Apr 11, 2001, 04:42 PM
Okay, just in case you didn?t see it the first time around I?m posting chapter 1 and 2 of my Danger Girl fan fiction together. Be warned that chapter 2 rides the line of that PG-13 rating. Some parts are a bit dark. I think I stayed within what would be considered acceptable, but just barley.

Special thanks to IceBlink for helping me proofread the second chapter. His help was greatly appreciated. Also special thanks to Lysan and Eliste for letting me use?and abuse their characters.

CHAPTER ONE - Breakfast with Eliste and Lysan

Danger Girl, covered in sweat, rolled off the couch after a lousy nights sleep. She would never admit this to anyone, but she was having Dark Falz nightmares again. Her night?s eye saw her soul being draw away from her, held captive in the maw of the ancient alien life force. For some reason, instead of defending its attacks, she raised her guns and fired. Dark Falz, shields down, shrieked in pain, its corporeal hide torn to pieces by the blazing mechguns. Danger Girl, the agony returned in full, gasped as her flesh is ripped to shreds. But she continued to fire. Finally Dark Falz let out a dying scream as it collapsed into the ethereal abyss. Her body, butchered by the mechguns in her own bloody hands, topples into the abyss after it.

Startled awake, rubbing her big, green, sleepy eyes, she looked at her clock. She saw she had overslept (again). Quickly putting the troubling dream out of her mind, she began her morning routine.

Danger's morning routine is a fairly simple one. Starts out by brushing her teeth, no problem there, other than the rusty water. However the bathing is a bit of a chore. Being that the hot water heater, and majority of the plumbing hasn't worked in three months; she is limited to an ice cold bath.

Danger has never been very gifted at dealing with money. Often gambling and drinking away what little she made as a hunter, not to mention the many fines levied against her by the guild for her destructive behavior. All this has left her quite poor. In fact, on more than one occasion she has given her would-be employer a fat lip...or worse. Much to Danger's surprise, the guild seemed to frown at such behavior. "Not very good for business," they would say. These disputes would often lead to Danger being escorted to the Sklyly Section jail by Pioneer Security. All this has resulted in Danger's house being a little rust colored shack in the middle of the Pioneer 2 slums.

She filled the tub. Standing, staring into the slightly brown colored ice water. Slowly building the nerve to climb in. Some mornings it took at least 20 minutes to get the nerve. Today however, she had somewhere to be. So after a five-minute showdown between the ice water and a naked Danger Girl, she leapt into the tub. Some people are "one toe at a timers." Others are "leapers". Danger has always been one to take the leap. This particular morning it wasn't a very eloquent leap either, as she managed to crack her head on the waterspout on the way down. After a few muttered curses, a good scalp rubbing, and whacking the water spout with her back scrubber (as if it was the spout's fault) she suddenly remembered how cold the water was, and how late she was going to be.

Back to the routine. Quick as she could, she scrubbed, making sure to get behind her rather large pointy Hunewearl ears, and shampooed her fiery red hair.

"Whew! That is NOT my favorite part of the day." She said out loud to herself. She stood, shivering, drying off her pale skin, and taking a little extra time on her hair. Inspecting the lump on the back of her head with her fingers. She muttered a few more curses under her breath and cast a hateful glance at the tub.

Now for the tough choices.

Every morning, Danger stood in front of the mirror, wearing nothing but her bra and panties, trying to decide what to do with her hair and what to wear. She never wore makeup. No need to. The DNA cocktail flowing through her veins made her lips rosy red, and she rather enjoyed her naturally pale complexion. She always thought of makeup as a silly human woman ritual. Face painting! How absurd! Quite primitive.

So there she stood in front of her little broken mirror. A spider web crack expanding from the center. Inflicted upon it by Danger's fist during one of her less cheery mornings.

Every morning it was the same question. What to do with my hair? She stood looking at her long red hair hanging down over her shoulders. She tried to think of different things. Maybe a bow? How about just letting it flow over my shoulders? Or perhaps a braid? After several different ideas, she found her answer. PIG TAILS!!! Ya that's it! After finishing her hair styling, she looked herself over in the mirror.

"Yup, yup! I am beautiful."

She stood and looked herself over for a few moments, gave herself a wink and a smile, then searched in her pile of clothes for something to wear. The first test of clothing is the smell check.

"P-U I aint wearing that! Smells like dead sharks!" She said, with a look of disgust on her face, tossing the emerald green and fishnet garb back on the floor. She continued to rifle through her pile of worn out clothes, sniffing for something that wouldn?t offend everyone within a two-block radius. After something passed the smell check, she decided if it fits her mood.

The outfit she finally chose is a dark brown belly shirt, and a dark, baggy pair of shorts. A rather large, fresh bloodstain is visible under the arm, but it's Danger's blood, so she lets it ride.

"I hope these shorts don't fall off me in the middle of a battle." She thinks to herself.
"Bah! If they do, so be it. It'll make Eli blush and Lysan drool."
She got dressed and looked herself over in the mirror.
"Ohhhhh yeah! I'm a keeper!"

After a few more moments of gazing, Danger suddenly realized how late she was.
"Son of a bitch! I've got ten minutes to get to Pioneer Central Park!"

Eli thought it would be fun if Lysan and Danger joined her watch the sunrise over Ragol. The Pioneer Central Park has a large glass dome, where one could lay back in the artificial grass and gaze off into space. Since the space colony has been in orbit around Ragol, the people have been treated to the closest thing to a sunrise and sunset they've seen since they fled their dying home world.
Danger thought it would be a good opportunity to pay back her close friends for all they've done for her by treating them to a breakfast. Not much, but at least it would be something.

So on her way out the door, she searched in her pillowcase (where she kept her mesita) for her savings.

"What! Damn it! I had at least 10 mesita in here. I know I did."

Danger paused a second and scratched her head. Then she remembered. She went out to the pub the other night. Well one drink turned into two, and two into three. And so on till the bartender threw her out.

Suddenly overcome with emotion, Danger started to cry. It was unexpected, but nothing really new. It has always been in her nature to have rather dramatic mood swings. A fit of laughter, followed by a fit of rage. Or in the middle of a perfectly fine day, suddenly be overcome with depression. It has always been this way for Danger. Perhaps the result of some misfit DNA. Her depression had grown steadily worse since boarding pioneer 2. She often thought it would have been better had she stayed on her home world, realizing she would have been vaporized long ago.

She fought off her tears, dried her eyes, and put on her cheery facade. She already knew she wasted too much time, and would miss the sunrise.

It was at this moment she first felt it. A bad morning about to turn into a bad week. She knew she was about due. It happened once a year or so. Certain Newman females have rather significantly altered DNA from human women. Such dramatic DNA tampering has lead to some rather bazaar changes in physiology. Not all Newman females have such strange biological cycles, but others, with a more unconventional DNA sequencing, certainly do. Danger being one of them. What Danger Girl sensed was about to happen was not the first time it had happened to her. Nor will it likely be the last.

You see, Danger Girl was about to go into heat.

-End Chapter One-

Apr 11, 2001, 04:43 PM
-Chapter 2- Unwelcome Memories

Pioneer 2 is a city that never sleeps. There is no beginning or end of the day in a space colony. No Sunrise or sunset. The people carry out their duties around the clock. The truth is, Pioneer 2 is in a perpetual state of night rather than day. Space is a dark and lonely place, and not even the massive bulkheads of the drifting city could keep the shadows at bay. Maybe it would be more accurate to describe Pioneer 2 as a city that never awakens.

It wasn't that way several weeks ago. Pioneer 2 was filled with anticipation. Ragol glowed like a sapphire against the endless curtain of space. People had a sense of hope that the journey, the long wait, was at an end. Finally they had a place to call home. The chance to be reunited with there loved ones living on Pioneer 1. The hopes and dreams of two cities vaporized in an instant. Once again hope was replaced with uncertainty. The laughter and anticipation replaced with tears and speculation.

Danger Girl walked the streets of the Skyly section slums, deep in thought, her eyes glued to the ground in front of her. On a normal day her eyes would be darting about, looking for signs of trouble. Pioneer 2 was a fairly safe place, but Danger had her share of enemies. Her natural state was one of paranoia. After all, she was genetically designed to be a hunter. Some of her detractors would describe her as more a predator. Danger knew in just a few hours time, her detractors would be right. She was about to become a predator of a different nature.

Danger Girl's DNA could only be described as exotic, even by Newman standards. The intention was to create the ultimate hunter, an individual with extreme predatory instincts. The results were a failure. Danger was indeed a fine hunter, but her genetic tampering had made her emotionally scarred. Her methods were reckless, her mood swings were violent, and her blood lust had alarmed even her closest friends. She was also the victim of some other rather bazaar side effects. One of which is her reproductive physiology.

In other words, Danger Girl was going into heat.

Danger walked slowly towards the Pioneer 2 Central Park, impervious to the fact she had missed the sunrise over Ragol and not even thinking of her friends she was supposed to have met 20 minutes ago. Her mind was fixed on the changes taking place in her body. She could feel dangerous emotions begin to awaken within her.

For thirteen months they had slept. Her stomach tingled, strange and violent thoughts dancing in her mind. She knew she still had several hours before the urges took hold. Preparations would be necessary.

Danger was supposed to have met Eliste Haute and Lysan to watch the sunrise over Ragol. As usual she overslept and was running late. She could already see the rising sun through the large glass dome overhead. *What will I tell them?* Danger thought to herself. She felt embarrassed by the sensations going through her body, knowing that even her female friends wont be safe near her once her raging hormones took over. Male, female... it didn't matter.

This was the fourth time young Danger had gone into heat. The first time was a very dark time in her life. Her thoughts drifting back to those days, she began to tremble.

Pioneer authorities had passed a law regarding Newman females undergoing 'dramatic hormonal changes'. Under the law all Newman females were to report to a clone lab to undergo close observation. Danger had been warned once she entered puberty what might occur. When she felt the changes beginning, she reluctantly checked herself in.

Danger hated doctors with a dark passion. Her earliest memories were not of her mother and father, or a family pet. They were memories of blinding lights and masked scientists, injections and pain threshold experiments. She remembered being drugged and forced to fight androids, beaten to the point of death, only to be revived and forced to battle again. Childhood was not a place Danger allowed her mind to often travel.

Once in the clone lab, Danger was given drugs that she was told would help control her surging hormones. Truth is, they were tranquilizers. Her memories of the whole ordeal, despite the drugged state she was in, were still far too clear.

Tears started to well in her eyes as she recalled the horror of the clone lab. Strapped to a table, she was forced to undergo experiments that could only be described as rape.

Slamming her eyes shut, shaking her head, as if to shake away the memories, she softly cried. "It was long ago. It?s over now," she whispered to herself. But sometimes memories are unrelenting.

The first time was the worst of the three she had experienced. The entire episode lasted about a week. During which time she was kept heavily sedated, and strapped to a table in a small room, her legs held in stirrups.

After she was released, she limped home; sore from the things they did to her. She spent the next three days huddled in the corner of her little room. Despair eventually turned into hatred and anger. She returned to the clone lab a week later and burnt it to the ground.

She swore she would never return to a clone lab. She would die first.

The second time Danger went into heat wasn?t quite as traumatic for her. It wasn?t exactly a vacation either. Her plan was to just wait it out at home. She underestimated the intensity of her lust. Soon, she was out roaming the streets of Pioneer looking for a mate. Luck was on Danger's side this time around. Had she not been apprehended by Pioneer security, she may have been stuck with a litter of little Danger Girls. She then spent the week in solitary confinement in Skyly Section Jail.

Jail was not an unfamiliar place for Danger. She didn?t find it all that horrible. To Danger, the entire space colony was nothing more than a giant prison. Jail meant a hot shower, three meals a day, and a chance to sober up for a few days. So she sat for a week in her fever, unable to get close enough to one of the guards to attempt to rape them. The guards didn?t realize what she was going though. Had they known she might have been sent to the labs. They just thought it was Danger going through another of her fits again. In fact, to them, her behavior seemed quite improved from her regular visits. She didn?t try squeezing through the bars, or tear apart her cell. She didn?t even threaten to tie the guard?s eyelids in knots. She just sat quietly, glaring at them with her big green eyes. Little did they know she was patiently looking for an opportunity to get her hands around one of their necks. If she could just get her hands on someone, draw them in, and quench her thirst...

Danger chuckled quietly to herself as she walked down the streets of Pioneer 2. The thought of the prison guards talking tough to cute little Danger Girl locked in a cage always brought a smile to her face.

The park was in sight now. Danger wiped her tears from her eyes, as she moved closer to the area. *I wonder how much time I have left?* She thought to herself. She started to feel nervous about seeing Eli and Lysan. They know her too well. Her sexual reproductive cycles were not something she really felt like talking about. She needed cheering up though, and it may be the last time she gets a chance to see them for a while. And being that she only had a few hours left before her lust took over, their help may be needed.

"Hiiiieeeee!" Eliste giggled as she saw Danger approach.

"Late again Danger," Lysan smirked.

"Ya, sorry about that. Rough morning. I had some trouble getting here," Danger said, feeling a bit distant, her mind still in a dark place.

Eli and Lysan were Dangers best friends. She often wondered how she would cope without them. Besides a drinking binge, they were the only remedy to her bouts of depression.

She had met Lysan months ago. By chance they happened to be hired to do a job together. Danger thought she was cute, and began playfully flirting with her. Lysan, who was very shy, would blush as Danger went about her routine of tickling, pinching, and cheek kissing. This was pretty much Danger?s way, when she was feeling cheery. Despite her many flaws, she actually had a big heart. Fiercely loyal to her friends, she would gladly die for them. In fact it wouldn?t be an exaggeration to say she had done so already.

Lysan, a Hunewearl with dark eyes and long brown flowing hair and a personality vastly different from the sometimes-obnoxious Danger Girl. She was somewhat quiet and withdrawn, but yet thoughtful. While hunting she would often scout out and evaluate a situation. This was in vast contrast to Danger's tactics, which have been described as suicidal. Lysan would often just stand back and shake her head, as Danger ran headlong into a minefield or a swarm of waiting enemies. Strangely they worked well together. In time they developed a relationship beyond that of just friends. Much to Danger's surprise, Lysan began to return her affection.

Eliste Haute was a Newman female like Danger and Lysan. She too was a hunter. However, Eli also had a desk job on Pioneer 2. Short by Hunewearl standards, with long, light pink hair that hung around her shoulders. Eli could be best described as vibrant and cute. When Danger first met Eli, who happened to be waiting for a job in the guild lobby, it was her aura of cheer that attracted her. Well that, and the fact that Danger thought she looked very cute with her long pink hair and big blue eyes.

In time Danger had grown almost dependant on Eli. Her personality was often the best remedy for her episodes of deep depression. She often recalls the time Eli bought her flowers and carried them over to her little rusty shack. Astonished by the amount of empty beer cans, sake, and whiskey bottles littered all over the floor, Eli spent the entire day cleaning. After she finished they sat and talked the night away, until Danger finally fell asleep with her head nestled in Eli?s lap. Eliste had a giant heart that cared deeply for Danger. One that was also greatly concerned for her.

Eli and Lysan sat on a blanket in the Pioneer Central Park, a picnic basket sitting next to them. Hopping to her feet, Eli stood on her tiptoes with arms extended and gave Danger a hug. Danger Girl returned the embrace, and smelling Eli?s hair and feeling her body next to hers started to set her hormones off on a rampage. Without even realizing what she was doing, she squeezed her tightly, burying her face into Eli?s pink hair and began kissing her neck.

"Um... Danger?" Eli mumbled, her face turning red. Danger didn't stop, however, the kisses become more intense and passionate.

"Ah, Danger. That?s real sweet and all, but I think you?re giving me a hickey..." Eli giggled nervously, thinking Danger was just trying to be her usual silly self.

At this point, unfortunately for Eli, the only thing going through Danger?s mind was how badly she wanted to consume her. The smell of her hair, the taste of her skin. She wanted more. She needed more!

Danger?s hands, guided by her sudden fever, slowly caressed Eli?s face, as she guided her kiss from Eli?s neck to her lips.

Eli?s face went from red to purple as she felt Danger?s tongue slip inside her mouth. Lysan?s jaw dropped as she stared in shock.

Finally, Eliste managed to pull away from Danger, her eyes wide in astonishment.

"Whoa, down girl!" Eli gasped. "I?m happy to see you too, but this is ridiculous! Don?t you know girls can get pregnant from kisses like that?"

Danger stood there panting, trying to regain control of herself, the world around her spinning. Her passion slowly started to subside as for the first time, Lysan and Eli notice the wild glare in her big green eyes. They stood speechless, staring at the feral-like Danger. Her hands moved to cover her eyes, suddenly ashamed of herself. After a long pause Lysan breaks the silence.

"Danger? What?s wrong?" She says softly.

"I... I... I'm..." Danger stammered weakly, tears streaming from her eyes.

Finally overcome with guilt and remorse, she collapsed to her knees, face buried in her hands. Lysan and Eli dropped to their knees to comfort her.

"No! Get back! Don?t touch me!" Danger screamed, almost in a rage.

Neither Lysan nor Eli had ever heard Danger use that tone of voice directed at them before. Stunned, they step back, their faces showing a look of disbelief.

"I?m sorry, I...? the redhead whispered. ?You have to help me,? suddenly sounding very tired, and very weak. "I have less than two hours to escape from Pioneer. I need to escape to Ragol."

-End Chapter 2-

Apr 11, 2001, 05:42 PM
Well, you heard my comments on it allready, glad ya finally posted it tho http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Apr 11, 2001, 07:51 PM
Hehehehe....well I got the nerve to post it. I don't think anyone will read it though. I think when they see the length the freak outhttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif. I understand though, there have been alot of fan fics posted and people probabily got tired of seeing them. It's cool, I had fun writing it. I'm gonna keep going on it to. Even if nobody reads it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif.

Apr 11, 2001, 10:51 PM
That's some pretty good stuff there, Danger. You sure you don't want the title of Pioneer 2's Most Mood Swings? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif But seriously, I like the story. Not to dog on anyone else's stuff, but it's pretty cool to see some more serious writing.

Apr 12, 2001, 12:10 AM
lol, nobody is replying to it at all... dunno if thats a good or bad thinggie tho

Apr 12, 2001, 12:52 AM
I thought it was very good. I like the flow of it. It sounds like well-written novel.

Though near the end it sounded like it was heading in the direction of one of those softporn romance novels. Heh.

It was good though. There someone replied, that's a good thing http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 12, 2001, 03:44 AM
Yay! It's up!

Softporn *giggle* I don't think she'll head in that direction. She's so shy on those things. I want to see the fight scenes to compare it with my writing. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing. ;P

Keep it up Danger Girl! (your comedy-relief girl still needs a job! *giggle*)

Apr 12, 2001, 03:49 AM
I'll reply only cause danger girl got that phat a$$

Apr 12, 2001, 04:14 AM
My..that was..interesting..Very GooD! but..iteresting..

Apr 12, 2001, 04:59 AM
Wow Danger, I think that was very good. Although yes, it did seem to head in the direction of the usual softporn novel. And if it wasn't 2 girls, I would've stopped reading but I finished it. Bring on Ch.3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-kenshin/folken/ken thinks that 2 womens
together is a beautiful thing......wheres my camera? j/k

Apr 12, 2001, 05:45 AM
Well, DG, you know my comments. ^_^; I did say it was gonna break PG-13, or whatever rating system you use in America... ^_^;

Still, it was interesting. And I still bet that Spy is gonna be in it! ^_^

Seriously though, continue it. ^_^ I'm working on some more serious fics off the board, concerning PSO. We do need a fanfic and fanart forum too, don't we? Maybe then, I might post up some of my new anime PSO fanart... ^_^

Apr 12, 2001, 06:10 AM
begin wakka-wakka 70s porn guitar

It's "Danger Girl does Ragol", hot and sweaty sequel to "Danger Girl does Pioneer", buy it on DVD now!

end wakka-wakka 70s porn guitar


Well written though.

Apr 12, 2001, 06:17 AM

Apr 12, 2001, 10:30 AM
I don't know if I would go as far as saying it's soft porn. I was just a little kisshttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif. Besides Eli is so cute how could I resist!

Well a few people read it anyway. I suspected it might have only limited viewing. Its so long! I alright though. Writing it is the fun part.


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Danger_Girl on 2001-04-12 08:57 ]</font>

Apr 12, 2001, 01:16 PM
Ugh Iceblink, I hope your wrong. I'm not into romance, just kicking ass and damnit, I can't say "blow stuff up; shoot stuff up; spank monkeys around" without it being turned into some perverted sexual act.

But seriously, romanticism sucks...

Apr 12, 2001, 03:46 PM
As I said for ch. 1, very good. Well thought out and put together, cain't wait for ch. 3

Apr 12, 2001, 05:51 PM
That was a tad... alarming...! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_eek.gif

Excellent story, though. I'm looking forward to seeing chapter 3 <g>

Apr 12, 2001, 09:14 PM
Hey Spy cool new sig!!! Actually if I do include you in the story Spy, it will be as RAcast Spy. That is, after all, how I first met you. Androids just don't do nothin for me...even when I'm in heathttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif. So fear not Spy, your safe.

Apr 12, 2001, 09:44 PM
Ah, thx fer noticing http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_cool.gif

RAcast Spy kicks ass, and as long as he ain't around any electrical outlets http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 12, 2001, 11:55 PM
On 2001-04-12 11:16, Spy wrote:
Ugh Iceblink, I hope your wrong. I'm not into romance, just kicking ass and damnit, I can't say "blow stuff up; shoot stuff up; spank monkeys around" without it being turned into some perverted sexual act.

But seriously, romanticism sucks...

Wrong about which part? ^_^ Serious fics I'm writing? Heh... anyone who knows me in the Ranma 1/2 fanfic world will know that I tend to lean towards angst fics... ^_^;

IceBlink actually has a very angsty past, which probably has no room for love. Heh. Unfortunately everything got turned into a mockery of that in my Weird Life fic... ^_^;;

Well, you've revealed a huge weakness on your part. Now if DG will exploit it... ^_^;

Apr 13, 2001, 03:12 AM
I hope you were wrong that I would show up as some play-thing for Danger_Girl, which I think I read from your subtle insistency that I "show up soon."

Thank god it will be my RAcast! But Androids can't fall in love. Hell, they don't even have genetailia(sp), or at least my model doesn't, and he's far from the deluxe edition, so I'm safe there, no offense to the lovable Danger Girl of course, but I'm not into the wild, bloodshed type of sex out there.

Apr 13, 2001, 01:11 PM
LOL This story reminded me of when I joined one of her games and she goes to me "I'm in heat" *lick lips* I was like "uh huh" http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif~~ *laugh* It was kinda funny. Good writing though. I'm curious as to how it will end. ;>

Apr 14, 2001, 01:34 AM
On 2001-04-12 08:30, Danger_Girl wrote:
I suspected it might have only limited viewing. Its so long! I alright though. Writing it is the fun part.
<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Danger_Girl on 2001-04-12 08:57 ]</font>

Don't worry about that limited viewing... can't be worst then my too-unreadable-to-have-post fanfiq ( "Ok, here goes, 7 hours of fanfiction..." lost somewhere in the archives... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif )

I had 4 replies... and 2 were from a guy I that got lost in it, the twoi others... from me [sigh]