View Full Version : question for all the girls that play..

Apr 11, 2001, 06:53 PM
How many of you have gone and played male chars just so you would not get dumb people saying nasty things to you? I have played UO and EQ and so far I would say that it seems that I have had more males be rude, say rude things and be over all jerks on here the most..
**I know that alot of you guys are sweet and nice I dont mean all**
but what do the rest of you girls do?

Apr 11, 2001, 07:37 PM
you know its funny, damn near every roleplaying game I play I choose a female character. phantasy star one stylez. and all the time I am asked for sex, and to talk dirty, and to be peoples girlfriends. thankfully since my character save file was corrupted (thankfully?!) I went with a hucast and dont get that bull anymore.

Apr 11, 2001, 07:59 PM

I play alot of female characters. I didn't really get hit on that much. ('cept by this one bastard who constantly messages me to this date. Why oh why did Sega forget to add an ignore feature?)

Oh, I met this girl online the other day named "Willsukk4free" or something. She claimed to be bisexual. She was going on about how horny she was. I asked her what she was doing on PSO and why isn't she out getting any. She said it was too late.

It was kinda eerie. We chatted for awhile and she said I wasn't a jerk and gave me her guild card.

I thought it was a pretty funny name though. :/ I commented on it and she said it wasn't entirely true . . She "doesn't suck for free, you just gotta be nice to me" is what she said. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 11, 2001, 08:28 PM
It's been interesting....

I'm male, 44, married w/ 2 kids. The whole family plays, but I happen to play a FOmarl and a HUnewearl.... I have never in my life been hit on my so many little, hard up jerks. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Of course I never give them a straight answer when they ask if I'm a girl... I usually say "Can't you tell by looking?" or some such..... Of course they keep pestering me so I get snippy with them. But I never give out my Guild card until I know this is someone I want to see again, anyway....

Apr 11, 2001, 10:30 PM
Amazingly enough, I've never had any constant aggrivation of being hit on. Even though Cienna is quite the hottie. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif The first few times I played online, I expected to be flooded with the stuff. Maybe people see me flirting with Akumi too much, and think they have, ah, no chance to get it swinging that way http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Apr 12, 2001, 03:44 AM
Yeah, I think anyone who's played a female character that looks to be...um...boinkable, has been hit on. When I first came to PSO, I had all of these little pukes that wanted to hump my lil pixelated HUnewearl, Aierylia. Fortunately, I managed to find good friends to play privately with after a while.

But even though I can't really take that kind of lewd treatment, I wouldn't go so far as to play a male character. Sure, playing as a male would definitely end it all, but then I feel as if I wouldn't be able to act like myself. I kinda -need- a female avatar to pour myself into. They just fit me better.

My solution: play online with my lvl. 100 HUnewearl Aierylia or play with my FOnewearl Vyridel. Aierylia's finally a high enough level to earn respect from the people I'd like to help. Vyridel was made as short as possible with that hat that has those two fuzzy balls on the ends, so she's too adorably childish to say those nasty things to upon first sight. Through them, I feel like I can be as much the female me as I want.

Apr 12, 2001, 04:12 AM
"I feel like I can be as much the female me as I want."

Oh my God. If you only knew how much you just scared me with that line. I'm shivering right about now. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif

Thanks alot. I was just on my way to bed too. Now I'm going to have nightmares.

Apr 12, 2001, 05:11 AM
Heh... with my FOmarl, I've never been hit on except once or twice... and I gave such confusing answers, he got scared off. ^_^;

And the other time, these two RAmars were making lewd comments and such, only for me to reverse the psychology on them, making them look REALLY bad in front of everyone else in the lobby at the time. ^_^; I won't post here, since the forums are moderated, after all... ^_^;

Um... yeah, I know I'm male and all, I'd just thought posting this might help. ^_^; Just use reverse psychology on them. Usually works for me. ^_^;

Apr 12, 2001, 07:12 AM
i've never had any problems like this.. though if i did i would tell the silly little beggars to go b*gg*r themselves..

Apr 12, 2001, 07:53 AM
?que es b*gg*r?

Apr 12, 2001, 07:58 AM
B*gg*r == Bugger

I've never had any such problems with Laluki. She never gets hit on. I get the odd comment such as 'awww how cute' because she's set to the minimum height with a funny little hat and indeed she is cute. But it's never been more than that.

Maybe it's more of a problem on the US servers?


Apr 12, 2001, 08:03 AM
Sorry to hear that ladies http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif
but I can guess how you feel, I was meeting up with some friends and this unknown kept making rude comments to one of them in the lobby, but thankfully it was when the PK tech still worked and she taught him a lesson, just enough to wake him up http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Apr 12, 2001, 08:54 AM
I know ...this sucks...i am a gal but almost every single game i joined ppl ask me " are u a gal ..?? hello..?? are u a gal..?? " ahhhhhh....this gets very annoying ..=)...in PSO , in EQ....everywhere !!!
Is there any ways i can stop this...??? btw...i hate choosing a male char just to cover it up tho...=P

Apr 12, 2001, 09:15 AM
Shurikane never got hit on.... But seriously. Look at her. You try to find an opening on an android!!

Apr 12, 2001, 10:25 AM
KodiaX, that's because of her symbol greetings! ^_^;; So scary... no wonder no-one flirts with her. ^_^;

Apr 12, 2001, 11:10 AM
I never knew so may people had the same problem. But one of you had a really good gripe. about the whole being asked if you are female. I really hate having to answer that question over and over again. Also im married so it really does not matter because Im not going to date anyone..

I will say one thing the more people that i meet that are like all of you, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 12, 2001, 11:21 AM
I get smart ass comments almost daily, and they never bother me. One snarky comment from me and they shut up usually.

If not I just wound their male ego by pointing out that a "girl" is 60-70 lvls higher than them http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

I think the thing that drives me the most insane about all of it, is when nice guys seem to baby you on PSO. For example, always using resta on you, giving you stuff that other (male) players on the team clearly need more than you do, trying to make sure no monsters HIT you.

It's all quite amusing. Must be that hunter/gatherer instinct *grin*

Apr 12, 2001, 11:24 AM
Well, I don't get hit on much online, and when I do, I just hit back harder http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif j/k. I'm too much for most of the pervs out there, most of 'em are scared of me. But if they're persistant, I just ignore them. My good friend Keith gets lots of crap though with his HUnewearl, Sazuki. So he made himself a Ramar to avoid that http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 12, 2001, 11:58 AM
My favourite answer to "R U a real girl??" is "Yes, of course... why? You're not a real boy? Have you been deceiving me all along?! You cad!!"

I'm usually not mean (or perverted) enough to take this too far, but it seems to throw people off anyway. ^^;

Apr 12, 2001, 12:11 PM
Say Cutie.... Are you a gal? and are you eye-poppingly Cute by any chance? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_eek.gif


Apr 12, 2001, 12:23 PM
*****My favourite answer to "R U a real girl??" is "Yes, of course... why? You're not a real boy? Have you been deceiving me all along?! You cad!!"*****

OMG i love it!!!!! that is the best...

Apr 12, 2001, 12:27 PM
most times I just assume the character is a girl because I try to consider how I'd feel, someone asking me that magic question for the 36th time that day. I wait and see if we're good teamates, and if we exchange guild cards, then I will mail them during game, so no one else chimes in. I just want to know sometimes. ANd I not really an aggressive guy.

Apr 12, 2001, 01:22 PM
When I'd tried playing a FOmar, I usually responded to the "r u a real girl?" question with, "Does being artificially created in a lab count?" or "I like burritos."

Apr 12, 2001, 02:32 PM
One time when I was waiting for a friend in the lobby, a humar about the same height as Ifurita came up face to face until his face is touching hers and said "*kiss*". So I played along and typed "Yuck! Your breath stinks!". http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Apr 12, 2001, 02:50 PM

One time when i was sorta a newbie i was asked if i was a girl,by some guy,i said yes then he said gimme your card,so i did.
he started hitting on me like a pervert always asking dumb questions,so i left the room he kept mailing me then i said i was a guy,he didn't stop,then he said the nastiest question no girl would ever want to be asked "Whats ur bra size?" ARG I MAILED HIM AND CUSSED AT HIM AND SAID HE WAS A GAY ASS MOTHER ****ER AND I SAID I WAS A GUY AND I WAS NOT GAY...well he stoped mailing me.

HELLO YOU NASTIE ASS GUYS (Not all guys just the nastie ones that dont want to get a real girl friend)DONT HIT ON GIRLS!!!!!

Oh and Ocean also gets hit on..some guy walked up to me and said nice ass...i hate it so much..and most of em are newbies.

Apr 12, 2001, 03:18 PM

Apr 12, 2001, 04:03 PM
One time in band camp....

Apr 12, 2001, 08:47 PM
On 2001-04-12 14:03, Barbarella wrote:
One time in band camp....[addsig]

That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. LOL

Apr 12, 2001, 10:24 PM
lol when i had my character lucy fur i'd get hit on all the time in the lobbies by perverted guys until i explained to them that i am really a guy....*sigh*

Apr 13, 2001, 12:15 AM
I don't believe it! >_< I was in a game with Astra, using my FOmarl Lyric and someone came in, and after a while, started asking me if I was a girl, using that question... "R U girl iRL?"
Kept on repeating it too. ^_^;;

Honestly... plus, he met 'IceBlink in the lobby too and traced me to find me...

So, we decided to keep him in the dark. ^_^ If he doesn't know, he can't try anything. ^_^;;

Lyric: The pervert! >_< *slaps*

IceBlink: *sweatdrops and hands the frying pan to Lyric, who takes it and runs after the pervert, eager to give him a taste of her kind of Heaven's Punisher..*

Apr 13, 2001, 04:43 AM
I love staring at sexy pixels in the morning! ::shutters:: STUPID PEOPLE WHO CAN'T FIND REAL DATES!

Apr 13, 2001, 11:19 AM
I been hit on alot I even got a stalker at one point and yes I was thinking of
making a male character but then I thought I'm not gonna let some jerks ruined the fun of playing a female character.

But I must say there are lost of guys in PSO who are really nice. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 13, 2001, 08:37 PM
On 2001-04-13 09:19, Mei-Lin wrote:
But I must say there are lost of guys in PSO who are really nice. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Thanks for the compliment Mei-lin. I really appreciate it. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Apr 14, 2001, 04:00 AM
I was gonna go make this topic if it wasn't here, so thanks, whoever created this. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

I HATE THAT!!! Guys always going 'R U A Girl?' if you step into an open game, FIRST THING when you get there...'Let's make a room' in the lobby....guys acting like they are some kind of PSO pimp there as well...Funny tho how the most obnoxious ones in the lobby are usually lvl 1-10. Little bakas barely know how to kill a Booma, they would have NO IDEA how to handle me. ^_^

Ironically, guys who have played female charas have alot more respect for you 'cause they've experienced it. I have respect for them 'cause they wanna play the grrrls, and won't let being a grrrl stop them from playing THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME (HUnewearl, DUH. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif )

I've also had some of the best experiences with younger players...When I was still relatively new and coulda been rather easily duped (even though I didn't have anything good,) I played with someone I barely knew who apologized for having to kill all the monsters in the room before reversering me rather than stealing my weapon and running. He was 11.

I usually don't think of many flashy comebacks. I just sit back and think how if I met them IRL, they would prolly be hard-pressed to string together a full sentence around me 'cause I'm more woman than they could handle. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Apr 14, 2001, 11:27 AM
Anytime SaitoH ... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 14, 2001, 03:21 PM
Never been online period. I play my Fomarl but I don't play her all the time. I just picked a girl cause I've never played a Force. I would've pick the guy but,well...look at him.

Apr 14, 2001, 03:40 PM
have any of you fems or femchars, ever been hit on by other fems tho?
oooo just the thought of it.... ahhh... oo....
(just kidding)

Apr 14, 2001, 06:39 PM
Heh.. I don't think I've ever had any of mine seriously hit on by another female character. Well, excepting Akumi. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif I think I've done some hitting on to others though.. wonder what they thought..

Apr 14, 2001, 07:40 PM
I've been hit on by a buncha weird perverted freaks...but most of the hits are because I'm soo short (Yer the perfect size to....) EEeew! The rather rational or mentally stablish guys comment on either just how short I am (and nothing more) or how kute n' funny I look. (Compliment?) Anyhoo, never once did I think of playin' a guy character to smite or spite them. That'd b sinkin' to their lvl of no brainish, childish, revengish stuffiez. I'll jus' go about my business n' play with the nice sweet gentlemen of the PSO world out there.

Apr 14, 2001, 08:17 PM
I do have a Male character, HUcast, but i didnt do it to avoid ASSHOLES ASKING ME DAMN ANNOYING QUESTIONS!! ARGGGHHHHH!!!

Apr 14, 2001, 08:21 PM
man..., this stuff sickens me.....http://tomeeboy.com/pso/images/phpbb/subject/icon27.gif
.....pathetic loser who cant find a girl IRL...tch

btw...it may just be me, but whenever i spot a girl being hit, its by some gay RAmar, with crappy costume......

Apr 15, 2001, 04:33 AM
On 2001-04-14 13:40, MsFortune wrote:
have any of you fems or femchars, ever been hit on by other fems tho?

I have, but it's mostly by my doppelganger, Xian...'she' is also a purple-costumed white bun-haired HUnewearl, so we were both kinda shocked to see eachother in the lobby (I have an eyepatch and 'she' doesn't) I've since played alot with him (the player is actually a guy,) and we've become friends. Our other characters are also similar levels, so we play with the other ones as well, and I often hit on his as well...especially when I have Briareos and all of his other characters are also female. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Man, I am tired, and that was a silly post...

Apr 15, 2001, 04:57 AM
Both of my primary characters are female, a level 92 Hunewearl and a (currently) level 17 Fonewearl. When I first made my Hunewearl, Solstrys, some months ago, I was getting hit on all the time in the lobby. Some people just don'r realize or care that the "female" they're hitting on may actually be a guy. I've found the best way to get back at these idiots is to pretend you're a homosexual man, often scares the bejuses outa them. At the very least, shuts em up. I got the idea from a rather eccentric female friend, she plays EQ, and has a ligh level male character, she goes around hitting on all the guy characters who act immature. It's such comedy to watch the replies she gets... I made my latest character look like a little girl, and anyone who tries to hit on her instantly gets the reply: So you have a thing for little girls eh pervy? What can I say? Keyboard shortcuts are great fun.


Apr 15, 2001, 07:31 AM
"man..., this stuff sickens me.....
.....pathetic loser who cant find a girl IRL...tch"

Hey Hey HeY! I don't hit on woman in PSO but I can't get a girl... dont be calling me pathetic uuuu hear? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif LoL

-goes and sobs in a corner-

Apr 15, 2001, 02:23 PM
I, unfortunately, have to agree with most of the people here. I play both male and female characters in RPGs. In UO, my RP characters tend to be more female. For some reason, most people in the RP community of UO take me more seriously. The male characters tend to be warriors, and my female characters tend to be mages. Go figure http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif It insults me when people say "guys are jerks", not so much because its so broad of a statement, but because a good portion of it is true. Ironically, the second you don't want to cyber with some 12 yr old kid, he starts calling you a "fag" and other such derogatory things. I bet this kind of crap doesn't happen in Japan http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 15, 2001, 06:27 PM
On 2001-04-15 12:23, ArtemisX wrote:
Ironically, the second you don't want to cyber with some 12 yr old kid, he starts calling you a "fag" and other such derogatory things. I bet this kind of crap doesn't happen in Japan http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Well, I suppose what you could do is say "I already have a significant other" or something... or say "I'm waiting for a man, not a boy." ^_^;;

Apr 16, 2001, 08:37 AM
I too, am really sick of stupid jerks hitting on me all the time...Sure, I appreciate the 'nice ass' remark once in a while, but sometimes the comments just get riduculously dirty.

I did once meet a guy who even asked me for my picture, but after playing with him for 6 hours straight (hehe), he turned out to be a nice guy, and I sent him my pic on the condition that he wouldn't go posting it everywhere, and in return, he sent his.

Apr 16, 2001, 09:49 AM
<font color=7fffd4>Well, while I havent really had a big problem with men saying bad things to me, thats because I fight back. I can be just as bad and crude as any male, so instead of running away or complaining, I dog on them and beat them at thier own game until they leave, or leave me alone, of course I do this if any asshole comes into a lobby and starts picking on people. I put thier immature asses in thier place, I dont put up with it.</font color>

Apr 16, 2001, 11:00 AM
Well girls sounds like we need our own ship block that way we can play without having to worry about guys hitting on us.. what do you think???

Apr 16, 2001, 11:51 AM
Hehe.. good luck finding a block like that. From what I hear Puck/9 isn't near as bad as some of the others. I play there almost exclusively, and get lewd things done to me rarely. Well, excluding by people I know, an don't mind it. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif