View Full Version : FanFic: PSO Coffeehouse

Jan 12, 2004, 05:20 PM
PSO Coffeehouse

After a long days work, our most favorite non-playable characters take a break and enjoy a frothy cappuccino in the PSO Coffeehouse, the hottest place on Pioneer 2.

Chapter One: Red Ring Rico

"Man, remember back in the day when this place looked like it was on a huge spaceship? Dude, they've really changed the looks of this place around since the last time I've been here."
"Ash, you moron." Said Sue, "This is a spaceship. Though the brown tones do really soften up the place."
"Oh yeah."
"Just drink your coffee before you say anything else that reveals your another brainless HUmar."
"What did you say? Brainless?"
"Hush up kid, I've got connections with Black Paper." Sue said, sipping on her own coffee. "Secret organization, people missing? You know, you should be scared."
"Oh trust me, I really am." Replied Ash, rolling his eyes. "Why the hell do we sit together anyway?"
"Beats me. Opposites attract."
"Yeah, I guess."
"Oh god, its Bernie."
"What's wrong with Bernie, might I ask?"
"I don't like guns too much. Unless, they're the guns attached to your body, right Ash?"
"I'll ignore that little sexual innuendo. Hey Bernie, take a seat."
"Ok. Hey, they've changed the looks in here. It doesn't even look like we're on a spaceship anymore!"
"At least you realized we're still on one."
"Shut up Sue!"
"Black Paper, Ash."
"You're just a HUnewearl!"
"Stupid HUmar!"
"Knock it off you too!", Bernie said, pounding his hand into the table. "I'm not in the mood for this crap. You do know how many times I've had to say I guess I got the knack' today? Its sickening! Why the hell do you two sit together if all you do is bicker!"
"We're sex kittens."
"What!" gasped Sue.
"April Fools!"
"Just be glad I don't have Megid."
"Oooh, I'm frightened."
"Hey," said Bernie, "Did you guys know that Red Ring Rico is the special act tonight?"
"Really?" said Ash.
"Cool! I heard she's a really good poet." Commented Sue.
"Yeah. Alicia said she'd be here any moment, she didn't want to miss this performance. She was doing Forest of Sorrow."
"Oh look," said Ash, "There she is! I hope Alicia isn't late!"

"Testing, testing one two three. Is this mic on? Aaah....aaah..aaaaahcho!"
"Watch out, runaway darvant!" said somebody across the room.
"I guess I have a cold. They figured out how to reverse death but not cure the common cold. Anybody have a tissue?"

"In my pants baby." Whispered Ash, making sure Rico wouldn't hear.
"Hahahah, that was a good one mate!" said Bernie.
"What a bunch of losers," muttered Sue, shaking her head back and forth in disgust. "If you're going to make a sexual innuendo, at least make it a decent one!"
"I thought it was brilliant!" replied Bernie, trying to defend Ash. "I thought it was a good quip!"
"Possibly brilliant for a person who is level 150 and still haven't gathered enough mental strength to cast Ryuker."
"Shut up!"
"Oh god, why do you guys sit with each other! You three always bicker, its always Ash and Bernie against Sue!"

"Alicia, I'm glad you made it!" said Sue, "At least I can have an intelligent conversation now!"
"Hahahaha, guess what happened to me today! I was in Forest of Sorrow when a Hildetorr spit Megid at me, and it went right through and killed my buddy. Without any scapes! I played dumb and I kept on casting Barta!"
"Hahahaha, got to love those stupid humans." Replied Sue.
"Hey!" replied Ash, Bernie and Alicia, in disgust.
"You know what I mean. We're all zeros and crap, not true Newmans or Humans. Or androids."

"OK, I guess the mic is on. Thank you for the tissue bartender. It gets so cold casting Rabarta all the time, its like a permanent cold.
Anyway, the poem I have for tonight is about inner turmoil, being forced to do something that you seriously don't want to do......"

"Waiter!" said Alicia, "Please get me a hot cocoa with a big marshmallow before the poem starts?"
"Whats a hot cocoa, Alicia?" Inquired Ash.
"It's a sweet, delicious hacked hot drink that is made from cocoa and milk. Drinkable by non-androids."
"Ok, I get it."
"Thanks sir. Have a Syncesta!"
"So, you didn't revive that poor thing and took the drop!" gasped Bernie.
"Damn right, a woman has to fend for herselves nowadays! Right Sue?"
"Damn right sista. Booya!

"..... And its all about the struggle to protect the galaxy. My poem is titled, Infected With a Creature that Wants to Destroy the Universe.'"

All alone
Three pillars
Tower in field
Big evil
Forced into slavery
Soul diminished
Yet hope remains
My body intact
Closest place, to thy heaven

"Go Rico!" applauded Sue.
"Excellent!" yelled Ash.
"Way to go!" cried Alicia!
"You go girlfriend!" hollered Bernie. Sue, Ash and Alicia stare at him. "I'm comfortable with my feminine side."

"Thank you, thank you all! Ahh....ahhh.....aaaahhh choo!" Big blue bolts thunder from the sky. People are screaming, running away.

"Man I'm glad we've got a table in the middle of coffeehouse." Said sue.
"Me too.", agreed Alicia.
"Three.", said Bernie.
"Whats after three?" asked Ash. Sue rolled her eyes. "Just kidding, me four!"

"We need a force over here. Help us, we're dying!"
"That's all you Alicia." Said Sue.
"Yeah, I know I know" she muttered. "I'm always the support force. Can't people see me for who I am, a person who wants to attack with a saber?"
"It's a tough life, but your duties call." Commented Ash.
"Yeah, you're right Ash." Alicia stated, walking off. "Anyone who interferes with my duties will get Grants up their ass, and I got a 50% boost so don't think I'm kidding!"
"You go girl!", replied Bernie. Ash and Sue stare. "What!?!?!?"
"God, I don't know about you Bernie." Said Sue, getting up from the table. "I just don't know."
"Well, to disprove any doubts about me, Sue." Replied Bernie. "Wanna go, pet my Mag? Its nice and big."
"Anytime Bernie. Anytime." She said, winking at him, walking out the door
"Oh god", commented Ash. I don't even want to know.
"You can see for yourself, too Ash."
"Right after I run outside the room and throw up perhaps."
Ash runs off.

"Anybody got a tissue?" asked Rico timidly.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: anwserman on 2004-01-12 14:32 ]</font>

Jan 12, 2004, 05:25 PM
I'll come back and read it once you turn all the ?'s into the quote marks and apostrophes they're supposed to be.

Jan 12, 2004, 05:27 PM
Most of it should be fixed now.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: anwserman on 2004-01-12 14:31 ]</font>

Jan 12, 2004, 08:18 PM
that was diffrent

Jan 12, 2004, 09:31 PM
i'll give it a 2/5 on the funnyness factor, i have to suffocate to give someone a five. So i'm very picky. I just chuckled a bit with yours. Of course, it might have been made to be more then humor, but it didn't look like it.

Jan 12, 2004, 11:06 PM
Well, with the whole Rico thing, I made three homages to the boss battle with her.

The Big Blue blasts from the sky

I'm not sure if I made any other references in there. Being killed by Hildetorr megid, Alicia casting nothing but Barta (playing stupid)... I forgot honestly!

Jan 12, 2004, 11:09 PM
On 2004-01-12 20:06, anwserman wrote:
Well, with the whole Rico thing, I made three homages to the boss battle with her.

The Big Blue blasts from the sky

I'm not sure if I made any other references in there. Being killed by Hildetorr megid, Alicia casting nothing but Barta (playing stupid)... I forgot honestly!

I am conmpletely confused as to what your point is. I'm not kidding.

Jan 12, 2004, 11:14 PM
Homages to PSO gameplay.

Within the story I wrote, Rico sneezed and a darvant appeared, "Runaway darvant." She said her cold was caused by being forced to cast Rabarta all the time - which is true in any form of Falz, especially ultimate. When she sneezed again, big blue blasts came out of the sky. When Ash, Sue, Bernie and Alicia all commented that they were glad they got a table in the middle of the coffeehouse, its because on her 2nd form, the closer you are to the middle point on the ground, less of a chance of being struck by that attack - Heaven's Punishment if I'm correct.

The whole part about the Hildetorr was that Alicia was doing a quest before going to the coffeehouse, Forest of Sorrow, and the person she was with died from the Hildetorr megid. So she said she kept on playing 'dumb', didn't revive him and kept on using barta. And kept his Syncesta that the Hildetorr dropped. Sound familiar? I tried including various things I've read about PSO gameplay into the story.

Jan 12, 2004, 11:21 PM
It's all starting to make sense now...crap it just lefft my head! Have to reread.

Jan 13, 2004, 12:18 AM
I thought it was pretty funny. Clever and witty, too. Kudos points to you, answerman.

Jan 13, 2004, 12:17 PM
I wish I could use Heaven's Punisher every time I sneeze.... heh heh.

I liked it! Very funny.