View Full Version : GC questions

Jan 14, 2004, 08:38 AM
I recently picked up a Cube, was on PSOX since release day, got it on Cube just before xmas.

I have to ask, what is with the excessive saving?
It seems to save every shop visit, every pipe, every checkroom visit, boss battles..

Is this normal? I'm not used to this at all since X doesnt do that.. well that you can see anyway.

Thanks in Advance.

Loking forward to meeting the cube community as well.

Jan 14, 2004, 08:41 AM
I'm only offline, excesive saving? I have NO idea...

Jan 14, 2004, 08:48 AM
I suppose i should have informed that I do play online exclusivly so far. you'll have to forgive me it's very early.

Jan 14, 2004, 08:56 AM
hmm another pso player from detroit haha, lol anywayz though its to prevent lag duping, and keeps your character file updated for example you trade abit then resume playing it but you get an fsod all the experience you received before that fsod you keep as if it saved normal.

Jan 14, 2004, 09:22 AM
I think all the saves are also there on XBox. You just hardly notice, as they are to a nice fast harddisk...

I'm gonna do some guessing here. Maybe some hacker knows better answers for it.
Saving upon entering an area is probably done so you only loose your progress after that in case of FSOD, power outage or other calamities.
If everything would be saved, and not resaved upon dropping something, that would leave a major hole for duping. So basicaly, anything that should not be lost should be saved, and a save is necessary every time such a something is dropped/traded.
However, saving at every pickup/drop/trade is undesirable because it slows down gameplay and puts unreasonable stress on the memory cards flash-chip.
So, to limit the number of saves, during gameplay only your character stats and equiped items are saved. (and resaved upon change of the latter) You may also have noticed that dropping/trading something that was equiped at the last save forces another save.
What is also always saved is what you have in your store. So any change to that leads to another save.
The shop save is probably to prevent infinite meseta cheats.
Another save that you may have seen is the double save upon entering an existing team. (one just before and one just after) This is done to prevent a trick called lag dupe. Although it does cut off the original version of it, a new version was soon found that is still possible.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Superguppie on 2004-01-14 06:24 ]</font>

Jan 14, 2004, 01:31 PM
The black screen saves are probably to save progress and stuff. The others are probably for dupe prevention.