View Full Version : Where are the low levels?

Apr 12, 2001, 05:20 PM
I'm pretty much assuming 99% of the people who post here are lv50+..so it makes me wonder who the heck a lower level character is supposed to play with? I'm looking for some lower levels (under 40) to hook up with who aren't thieving bastards, because, like the rest of you, my stuff gets jacked on a regular basis. SOoOoOo if you are lower level or feel like helping a lower level out, post back or e-mail me.

Apr 12, 2001, 05:33 PM
nice to meet you...

i have a level 12 FOnewm that I've been playing very little lately. If ever you want to hang, drop me some mail at [email protected] or just look for a pimped out FOnewm on Puck 9.

Apr 12, 2001, 05:42 PM
Hey Ashitaka,

I have a level 20 Hunewearl that I am trying to level. Don't know if you still have my card, if not, I think I still have yours.

Don't know if you remember me, I was around lvl 80 something the time I played with you.


Apr 12, 2001, 05:52 PM
Hey...I had a total VMU fallout so my card list is in shambles. Give me a time and I'll try and meet you. Also, I'm thinking of making a new HUnewearl so if anyone isn't busy, I'd appreciate some help transferring a few of my items. Thanks!

Apr 12, 2001, 06:26 PM
I am usually on around 9 pm to 12 pm EST.

I will try to find you online tonight. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif


Apr 12, 2001, 06:40 PM
No low levels? Look at my list below. I'm usually on about 12 am EST until about 4 am EST. See ya tonight.

Apr 12, 2001, 07:43 PM
Im usually on about 8pm EST.. I got a lvl8 FOnewm im working on, since i got tired with my lvl 35 android (no techniques = not much fun by yourself), so im going to start playing with him online tonight for more exp.

Look for "Tolwyn X" in 9,9 heh

Apr 12, 2001, 09:08 PM
A lot of the regulars here have at least one (or two, or three..) other characters. And a lot of them are lower levels. Myself, I've got Cienna (100), MRY-H96(50), Malesie(5), and L'oren(4). If you see any of them around, just ask, I'd be glad to get some low level action on.

Apr 12, 2001, 09:20 PM
I have 4 characters. My lowest level is SaiToH. He is a level 20 HUmar. Let me know if ya need a hand.

Apr 13, 2001, 08:24 PM
I've got plenty of low level characters. Sometimes, just for the heck of it I'll start a new character and just play offline till level 6 or so (and eventually overwrite over that character). But I'm funny that way--I'm used to arcade style games where you start over from scratch every time anyway. It's simply not as stressful playing a "disposable" character than a "for keeps" character! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Since I got a new Dreamcast for myself to play on while my fiancee plays on my old DC, I've had to start over with new characters. The only character I "transfered" over was Tinuviel, a FOnewearl. By that, I mean I created a new Tinuviel and transfered over the old Tinuviel's items. The new one's a lowly level 6 or so, currently.

My new main character is ikuo, a RAmar. He's around level 27 right now.

My HUcast and FOnewm have hardly been touched--maybe level 4 so far. They're mostly for completeness. Someday, if I find a Spread Needle...then I'll give it to my fiancee's HUnewearl. But if I find a second one, then I'll give the HUcast a go. The FOnewm, OTOH--big butt! Can't avoid the big butt! Aaauughhh! FOnewearl is soooo much cuter. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 13, 2001, 09:52 PM
Heh. One of my characters, Lyric the FOmarl, is level 25. Armed with a dinkle hat with little bells and a Frying Pan, she wanders the ruins, delivering the dimenians her own form of Heaven's Punishment... ^_^;

Um, anyway, if I ever catch you on, sure. We'll have a blast in the ruins or something. ^_^

Apr 14, 2001, 07:28 PM
I think if you check in on this website regularly youll notice that almost all of us high leveled players are starting new "baby" characters.This in a way "regenerates" the game and lets new players hang with same leveled characters that in fact have a good understanding on the ins and outs of the game.Its definately easier to be a "newbie" out there today, thats for sure.

Apr 14, 2001, 08:13 PM
Y'know, I was just creating a new character as I was reading this. Anyways, he is born! Shadow, a level 1 RAmar, all black with silvery hair, looks like an assassin.