View Full Version : MAG Questions

Jan 18, 2004, 09:56 PM
Time for some MAG-related questions.

Okay, my HUnewearl's Sato is almost fully complete. Stats are at (5/90/80/0). I don't want to put any more points into DEF or MIND, so how should the final stats look like? Should I put the rest into POW? Or DEX? Or maybe some in each?

My FOmar's Melee Rati is in the 120-ish range. Stats are something like (5/76/50/0). How much POW/DEX should I put into it? (No more MIND of DEF, of course.)

Jan 18, 2004, 10:03 PM
For the HUnewearl's mag, that amount of DEX you have should be fine. For the FOmar's mag, it depends on what level he is. If he's in the higher levels, that'll probably be enough DEX, otherwise, give it some more. I usually put around 70 on my mags for characters that use weapons until the higher levels when they're natural ATA has gotten fairly high.

Jan 18, 2004, 10:20 PM
On 2004-01-18 19:03, Sounomi wrote:
For the HUnewearl's mag, that amount of DEX you have should be fine. For the FOmar's mag, it depends on what level he is. If he's in the higher levels, that'll probably be enough DEX, otherwise, give it some more. I usually put around 70 on my mags for characters that use weapons until the higher levels when they're natural ATA has gotten fairly high.

Hmm, okay then. So final stats for Cassandra's Sato should be (5/115/80/0), right? That sounds good.

And Arc's Rati, I think (5/135/60/0) should do fairly well for now. I duped a copy of the mag when it was at (5/70/60/0), so if I need the extra power later on, I'll just raise the backup.

A new problem has arisen though: raising Rati's DEX sounds very tricky; Antidotes raise DEX and POW and lowers MIND, Antiparlysis raise DEX and MIND and lowers POW. This is going to require some precision feeding...