View Full Version : What weaps do your characters use?

Jan 19, 2004, 01:12 AM
Meh, just out of random curiosity, what weapons do your characters use, and why?

Matt, HUmar: Demolition Comet, Seize Gungnir (25% Hit), and Vulcans (40% Hit).

Shade, FOnewm: Prophets of Motav, Summit Moon. When in multimode, he also uses a Striker of Chao.

Arc, FOmar: Durandal, Red Handgun, Soul Eater

Cassandra, HUnewearl: Asuka, Red Sword, Vulcans (35% Hit)

EDIT: Added even more new items.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eihwaz on 2004-02-10 15:37 ]</font>

Jan 19, 2004, 01:25 AM
Eric:Elysion,best uber wep i have so far,soul eater sometimes use it to hit lotsa guys, club of laconium make fire spells stronger, minda mace +8 to get back tp and uh a burningrailgun to mess up stuff from long range

Matt(friends characer): Inferno Bazooka best thing he has ,Dark Cannon +2 hit multiple enimies ,stormblaser+1 hit from long range , fillrepeater+3 get back hp.

Zach L.(another friend character): G-Assassin Sabers+12 best wep so far, bloody art(demon ability duh), soul eater(hit multiple enimies).

MY BABYGURL(friends character....weird name yup)Soul Eater (hit multiple enimies),gush gladius(ok saber and get back hp)...

Jan 19, 2004, 02:07 AM
Margarita, HUnewearl: Red Sword
Kelli, Melee FOnewearl: Charge Diska and Bringer's Rifle
Mitch, HUmar: Drain Partisan, or Gigush. One of the two.
Tara, HUnewearl: Drain Gigush.
Matthew, FOmar: Brand of some sort.

EDIT: All but the Red Sword and the Bringer's Rifle have between 40 and 50% hit on them. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: anwserman on 2004-01-18 23:08 ]</font>

Jan 19, 2004, 02:18 AM
Chain Sawd

Jan 19, 2004, 04:58 AM
Delsaber Combo=much ownage

Jan 19, 2004, 07:13 AM
This is arranged by weapons used with some frequency, legit, weapons used with some frequency, non-legit, and weapons most commonly used(i.e., this is what is usually being carried)

Ian-Kun X, HUmar

Legit: Red Partisan +40, Demolition Comet +25, Red Handgun +50 15% Hit, Lavis Cannon
Illegit: Rainbow Baton 85% Hit, Black King Bar +80 300% Dark, a better Red Handgun +50, S-Rank J-Cutter with Zalure special
Common equip set: Red Partisan, Rainbow Baton, BKB and Red Handgun.

Zero, FOmar

Legit: Nothing/Red Handgun/Double Saber +15
Illegit: S-Rank Twin(Amusingly named Zero), Soul Banish(Grr goddamn it Delbiters, gimme my legit one already), Holy Ray
Common equip set: Nothing.

ERI, RAmarl

Legit: Charge Vulcan +8 50% Hit, Frozen Shooter, Spirit Arms 40% Hit
Illegit: Spread Needle +40, Guld Milla +9 200% Native 100% Hit, Bringer's Rifle 300% Native, Yasminkov 9000M 35% Hit, Yamigarasu, Rainbow Baton 85% Hit, Madam's Umbrella
Common equip set: Spread Needle, Frozen Shooter, Yasminkov 9000M

Persephone, FOnewearl

Legit: Twinkle Star
Illegit: Marina's Bag

Other chars use varying degrees of legit stuff, mostly low-level crap, except for EOS, HUcaseal(Twinked like mad, has some dupes and a hacked Mag for when I get around to the umpteen solo TTFs it'll take to get her to a semi-decent level) and Eolwyn, FOnewm(Hacked Mag and dupes for getting through the tedious boredom of Normal-Vhard and being too low a level to use even decent legit low-level crap without one, heh).

Which set of things I use depends on who's with me. Random people I don't know who are legit, legit friends who mind, and when I feel like it, I use the legit weapons. Random people I don't know who aren't, legit friends who don't mind, illegit friends who obviously don't mind, I'll use some or all of the dupes, heh.(As you can see from the common equip list, I generally mix in non-minding company.)

Jan 19, 2004, 08:52 AM
Ayaname(HUneweral) - Double Cannon(I finally got my Syncesta! =D), Bravace + 30

Hitosi(RAcaseal) - Frozen Shooter(Which I recieved from a friend offline), Final Impact + 15

Jan 19, 2004, 09:02 AM
ARISLAN (Skyly HUmar)- Raygun 35% Hit 15% Native, Raygun 40% Dark, Buster 40% Dark

Alright, so I'm not out of Hard yet, but Im trying. Translation and Ep3, not to mention school, are taking more time than I have to devote to getting Arislan to the point that I want him at.

What I wouldn't do for some S-Beat's Blades....

Jan 19, 2004, 09:21 AM
sORRY BUT I DONT THINK oops caps lock i think using weapons in life is downrite wrong and if you do god will have no mercy

Jan 19, 2004, 09:27 AM
On 2004-01-19 06:21, L0V3J00CIE wrote:
sORRY BUT I DONT THINK oops caps lock i think using weapons in life is downrite wrong and if you do god will have no mercy

And this was inspired by...what?

Jan 19, 2004, 09:29 AM
huh im just saying if you use weapons youe going to hurt someone and thatsbad because everyone has rights even if you liuve in siscambabwe so dont fret ok jeesh take a chillpill

Jan 19, 2004, 09:36 AM
On 2004-01-19 06:29, L0V3J00CIE wrote:
huh im just saying if you use weapons youe going to hurt someone and thatsbad because everyone has rights even if you liuve in siscambabwe so dont fret ok jeesh take a chillpill

You do realize that we're talking about a game, right?

Jan 19, 2004, 09:38 AM
sorry i heardly think hurting people with wepons is a game get a reality check

Jan 19, 2004, 09:44 AM
On 2004-01-19 06:38, L0V3J00CIE wrote:
sorry i heardly think hurting people with wepons is a game get a reality check

Maybe I still haven't made myself clear enough. So, let's start slow.

We are talking about a videogame. You know, the things you play on videogame systems, like GameCube, XBOX, and PS2. This is not real, it is a videogame.

More over, examine the URL bar of your web browser. Where does it say you are? If your computer dosen't suck, it should say something along the lines of, "www.planetdreamcast.com/psoworld". Wow, what do you know! A name of a videogame system and a videogame! Who knew!

Also, to even be more blunt. Examine the name of this thread. It says something like, "What weps do your characters use?". Key words being "Your" and "Characters", implying that this is some game, which has no bearing on real life, since you must create your own characters.

Wow. That felt good.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ayaname on 2004-01-19 06:45 ]</font>

Jan 19, 2004, 09:46 AM
huh my browser what are you talking about

LOL someone put too much sugars in the coffeepot!!!

Jan 19, 2004, 09:58 AM
On 2004-01-19 06:46, L0V3J00CIE wrote:
huh my browser what are you talking about

LOL someone put too much sugars in the coffeepot!!!

You just can't accept the fact that you got BURNED.

::Throws the thread back on topic::

Jan 19, 2004, 10:19 AM
Um.... my FOnewearl used a rappy fan until she found a diska with hit on it.

Jan 19, 2004, 11:01 AM
On 2004-01-19 06:29, L0V3J00CIE wrote:
huh im just saying if you use weapons youe going to hurt someone and thatsbad because everyone has rights even if you liuve in siscambabwe so dont fret ok jeesh take a chillpill

I suggest you use punctuation in your posts,cause people can barely understand what you're saying. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

P.S.-What's a siscambabwe?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mattacon on 2004-01-19 08:02 ]</font>

Jan 19, 2004, 11:50 AM
And why the hell is his in offtopic, just to wonder

Spread needle 20 mch (Online character)
Brand (Offline character)

Jan 19, 2004, 12:09 PM
Demi (FOnewearl): Club of Laconium, Mace of Adaman, Club of Zumiuran, Caduceus, Mahu. Not particularly rare, any of them, but effective.

Sanosuke (HUmar): Zanba, Red Slicer.

Enriqueta (HUcaseal): Berdysh, Kamui, Flight Cutter.

Liger ZERO (RAcaseal): Angel Harp, Panzer Faust.

Megumi (FOmarl): Double Saber, Durandal.

Cuicatl (HUnewearl): Vjaya, or a Panic Gungnir (60% dark).

Kakashi (RAmar): Er... Don't remember. I think he's got a Panic Rifle, though...

Might as well count my friend's character I take care of for her:

Eurynome (FOnewearl): Angel Harp, Summit Moon.

Jan 19, 2004, 02:43 PM
Nexus (illegit character)- Meteor Cudgel, TJ sword, suppressed gun(found it).

HAL 9000 (legit character)- Justy, LK14's, Red Scorpio, Crush Bullet.

darwi~odrade (legit character) - nothing yet, still lvl 1.

Jan 19, 2004, 03:27 PM
Aerin (HUnewearl): Double Cannon (one day I WILL find a legit lavis cannon and make a legit one of these), Red Handgun +50

Kenshin (HUmar): Demolition Comet

Nabooru (RAmarl): Spread Needle, Snow Queen, one yasminkov or another...

Hiei (FOmar): Sigh of a God (legit! yay!)

Teyolia (HUnewearl): Photon Claw, S-Beats Blades +15 (soon)

Hikaru (HUcaseal): Double Saber

Jan 19, 2004, 03:52 PM
Arcanum: Orotiagito
Jaks: S-rank Sword

Jan 19, 2004, 04:36 PM
Squeege-Suppressed gun+9(25% hit), Angry fist+38, Arms+3, Stag Cutlery, Hell Gungnir(15%hit), H+S25 Justice, Delsabers buster(occasionally)
Chiho-Blaster, charge shot, partisan, varista, storm slicer
Alice-Pole, lockgun+mind mechguns
Lyme-second level of all basic hunter weapons+lockgun

Jan 19, 2004, 07:56 PM
I'll just list my characters I still use

Soul Banish+9, C-Bringer's Rifle+9, Gatlings(40%hit), Caduceus, Twinkle Star, Magical Piece, Dark Bridge, G-Assasin Sabers+25
Frozen Shooter+9, God Hand+30(25%hit), Twin Blaze, Yasminkov 3000H, Yasminkov 9000M, Gatlings (45%hit) Dark Meteor(just cause it looks cool)
Dark Flow, Chain Sawd+(whatever max is), Black King Bar+80, Demolition Comet (I know bkb is better, but demo comet looks cool), Yamato+50, Gatlings(45%hit), Red Handgun+50
Alex S.-Pinkal-HUneweal-54
Heart of Poumn, Dark Flow, Yamato+50, Gatlings (45%hit), Demolition Comet, Black King Bar+80, Red Handgun+50, Chain Sawd. (Shadow and Alex share the weapons)

I have a Sato that haves 150 POW, Angel Wings that have 188 DEX, and a Panzer Tail that haves 186 MIND. The other characters I don't remember nor care enough about them. The only characters I have on ultimate are Skyly-RAmarl, Bluefull-FOmar, Whitill-RAmar, Purplenum-HUcast, Pinkal-HUneweal. So I have a limited range of item findings.

Jan 19, 2004, 08:08 PM
Jackson - HUmar - Claymore(can't find the damn Red Sword!), Shadow Vulcans w/40% hit
Robo47 - RAcast - Inferno Bazooka, Red Saber

Stacy - FOnewearl - Striker

Dex - FOnewm - Game Magazine

Garet - HUmar - Kaladbolg

Grand Finale - HUcast - Gungnir(Wheres my Red Partisan?)

VIP - RAmar - Frozen Shooter, Snow Queen

HITMAN - RAmar - Suppressed Gun, Rifle(yes, a plain Rifle)

da' Pope - FOmar - Angry Fist, lv.30 Grants

Arch - FOmar - Angry Fist, lv.30 Megid

Ragnarok - HUcast - Stag Cutlery

Vash - FOmar - Varista

Rikku(FFX-2 ^_^) - HUnewearl - Bloody Art

Auron - FOmar - HACKED - Last Survivor


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2004-01-19 17:09 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2004-01-19 17:11 ]</font>

Jan 20, 2004, 05:54 PM
On 2004-01-19 17:08, Robo47 wrote:
Jackson - HUmar - Claymore(can't find the damn Red Sword!), Shadow Vulcans w/40% hit

Er, even if you can't find the Red Sword, why don't you upgrade to a Flowen's Sword, Last Survivor, or even a Dragon Slayer? Do you just like the way it looks? I mean, even a Flowen's Sword is much stronger...

Jan 20, 2004, 06:21 PM
Outrider - HUmar - Yamato for single enemies, Dragon Slayer for multiple, and uh... a Varista for distance. Yeah, I need a better gun.

Gregory - FOmar - Geez. I don't even know. He's like level 12. I think a Saber +2 or something.

Jan 20, 2004, 06:29 PM
I only have one wepon .. a big ass hacked tj sword..

Along with my green sato mag..

im so cool..

Jan 21, 2004, 08:14 AM
Ninja Vince HUmar : Red Sword, red handgun 40% hit http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif
And a double cannon(might be unlegit, i dunno, got it in a trade with a legit guy, lost about 3/4 of my bank http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif. But i will get one by my sleff some day!

CeRaLkiLLeR RAmar, my bro's Ra, SOOO UNLEGIT!!!! : all the yasminkovs, a frozen shooter, baranz launcher, spread needle and a heaven something, dont remember the name...

Arcanis FOmar : holy ray, Double saber and Chao striker.

Jan 21, 2004, 10:49 AM
"Shadow " HUmar - Grass Assassin's Sabers, Monkey King Bar.

"Enya" RAmarl - Frozen Shooter, Geist Vulcans 30% hit

"Ayla" HUnewearl - Holy Ray

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firocket1690 on 2004-01-21 15:33 ]</font>

Jan 21, 2004, 05:46 PM
pff, come on people, you all know the ultimate weapon is Cane... gosh, you people... so unaware of the obvious...

Jan 21, 2004, 06:48 PM
mind brand
sword + 3
hand gun + 3
Why? I'm level 16(I think)

Then there's my non-ligit character. I don't even remember what weapons it has.

Jan 22, 2004, 06:30 PM
On 2004-01-21 05:14, Mustashi2278 wrote:
Ninja Vince HUmar : Red Sword, red handgun 40% hit http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif
And a double cannon(might be unlegit, i dunno, got it in a trade with a legit guy, lost about 3/4 of my bank http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif. But i will get one by my sleff some day!

CeRaLkiLLeR RAmar, my bro's Ra, SOOO UNLEGIT!!!! : all the yasminkovs, a frozen shooter, baranz launcher, spread needle and a heaven something, dont remember the name...
Arcanis FOmar : holy ray, Double saber and Chao striker.

Heaven Punisher

Jan 23, 2004, 09:31 PM
My lvl 91 RAmar
I use a lot of weapons, and sometimes I have to switch through acccessories to use different ones. Fun, though.

Oh, and 99% chance my stuff is not legit. I got it all in trades, but I know that's no excuse...

Melee weapons - Red Blade, Twin Blaze, Sonic Knuckle (on ocasion, only for fun though) I used to use a stag cutlery before I got the Twin Blaze

Guns - Frozen Shooter, Guld Millas, Gi Gue Bazooka, Suppressed gun sometimes, Spread Needle, and on a rare occasion Suppressed Gun, because it's so cool looking

Jan 24, 2004, 10:46 PM
My sole support weapon: Psycho Wand (legit)
When I go all tech, this thing provides the RA boost needed to make up for my mst being maxed at 1284. Plus, I can get a lot more resta out of it than I would if I normally used Madam's Parasol.

My melee kit: Used when I am with 2 or more FOs or in an area (spaceship!) where my techs just plain suck. These are all legit: Soul Banish, Inferno Bazooka, Double Saber (just replaced the duped one) H/S 25 Justice or L/K 14 Combats, Morning Glory, Bringer's Rifle or Holy Ray, Rainbow Baton. Sometimes I throw in a Red Saber for fun, or I use Elysion. I should be more picky though, as carrying this many weps on me will be disastrous should I FSOD in game. (And it's essential never to forget to bank them all before leaving a game too)

Jan 24, 2004, 11:18 PM
This topic should be moved.. Anyway...

poya pop: HUcaseal
BKB, Red Sword, Red Partisan, Rainbow Baton, Srank Slicer (with zalure), Charge Vulcan (50H), sometimes I'll toss in Lavis Cannon, and last, but not least... Grass Assasin's Sabers. Those things are great for paralyzing...

That's pretty much it, considering I never use my HUcast and my FOnewm always goes unequipped.

Jan 24, 2004, 11:39 PM
Nial: lvl 106 HUmar
lum field
god arm
master ability X3
Those yellow mechs (Volopt ver. 2, yellowboze)
chain sawd
yamato (native 30% a.beast 25% machine 20%)
Dragon's Claw (just for giggles)
Secret gear

The Sneak: lvl 50 RAcaseal
regualar armour
god arm X4 (took a while)
Frozen shooter
Guilty light (gotta replace this :/)

Poe: lvl 113 HUcaseal
lum field
mechs that RAcaseal has in SMM (20% hit)
Chain sawd (same% as yamato)
Angry Fist (50% to dark)
Secret gear

Boots: lvl 85 FOnewearl
Nothing grand... uses a Hilde's head...

Jan 25, 2004, 04:07 AM
Garm (HUmar):30 or 40 hit vulcans (can't remember) and dragon slayer
Garm II (FOnewm):hilde cane and caduceus
D.I.E. (HUcaseal):double saber
T.a.n.k (RAcaseal):gush arms, 30 hit justy, devil's vulcans

Jan 25, 2004, 07:07 AM
SiLVeR-X using charge vulcans 50% hit
Idelle using spread needle and red mechs.

Jan 25, 2004, 08:26 AM
Chaos RAcast: Yasminkov 9000M, Guld Milla, Spread Needle And Frozen Shooter

Furio FOnewearl: Summit Moon, Sorcerers Cane, And Other Random Weapons the ones i feel like really

Jan 25, 2004, 01:31 PM
Astuarlen (RAmarl): Red Mechs, NUMINOUS TWIN, or for bosses, Ano Rifle
Shadanjar (HUnewearl): BKB (+ 78 XD) or Heart of Poumn
Eylfrith (HUnewearl): Demo Comet (20 hit) or NUMINOUS PARTISAN
Hathor (FOmarl): Striker of Chao or Geist Vulc (45 hit)
3.141592653 (FOmar): Barehanded
HAMiLTON (HUcaseal): Twin Brand

Jan 25, 2004, 04:30 PM
Lunis (HUnewearl)128, ligit: Heart of Poumn, purely because I like claws and know how to use them.; Holy Ray, Good to carry a fire arm. Plus the range on this is very nice.; Dragon Slayer, Used with groups... Plus it looks cool.

Kamiim (RAcaseal)33, illigit: Justy 23ST, Nice rifle, health cut helps alot.; Red Scorpio, I like photon cannons. Just got this one about an hour or two ago.; Crush Bullet, two words, Life Steal.; And coming soon, Nug-2000 Bazooka. Because more things should explode when I shoot them.

Jan 25, 2004, 05:28 PM
D. Knight: Standard- Delsaber combo. Hacked-Dark Flow, maybe a TJ sword if I feel like it. Friend of mine went through all the...."trouble" of getting them for me I might as well use them.

Sara: Wands, canes whatever boosts techs. Occationaly I go nuts with either the Elysion or Durandal.

The rest of the harem: What ever looks good or I feel will fit the character of the day....oddly enough Nei (one of my permenent harem) just runs around with mechguns all the time despite how much I hate them.

Jan 25, 2004, 09:58 PM
um...I had to reset my character cause my memory card got corupted(damnit)but my old hunter used almost al the best sword and knives. (cheap merchandice)

Jan 26, 2004, 05:36 AM
I use diff weopons depending on mood

Mainly - Master Vulcans 45hit
For multi Foes - Red Sword,chainsawb or 50hit last suvivor
For 1on1 fun - Demo comet,meteor cud or Asuka
For those Box smashs - Flight Cutter

All this stuff is Legit and endorsed by the legit ferderation of PSO. All copyright is involving this stuff is rubbish and made up on the spot.

Jan 26, 2004, 09:15 AM
Well i've been using a fully ground Ruby Bullet, and its great- saved me on many an occasion.

Feb 8, 2004, 07:58 PM
FOmar-Elysion and Grass Assassian Sabers

RAmar-Inferno Bazooka and Varista

HUmar-Last Survior and Cross Scar

HUcast-Brionac and Blade Dance

Feb 8, 2004, 08:43 PM
spellz (FOneweral) -
[Psycho Wand] (not sure if legit, got in a trade when i was online a long time ago). I use this for spell casting.
[Mahu+5] I use this to get back TP (legit)
[Sigh of a God] I use this on normal for a quick run.. lol (legit)

dexusxl (HUmar) -
[Yamotao+5] Use to do Good Damage ^.^ . (legit)
[couple others, forget names tho.. heh]

Feb 8, 2004, 08:56 PM
I only play with my RAmarl now.

With her, I use her S-Rank Mechguns(no special yet http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif) a lot of the time. I also use Final Impact(Spread Needle...*drool*). And every once in awhile, I'll use her Angel Harp, just because it is so cool http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif.

Feb 8, 2004, 09:07 PM
I would first like to add the Yasminkov 2000H for my Ranger, Kamiim.

Panther (HUmar) Mostly-ligit: Stag Cutlery, mostly irony for using this one. Custom Ray Ver.00, I needed a gun. Last Survivor, it is a big sword with which to attack a large number of enemies...

Feb 8, 2004, 10:10 PM
lain iwakura, hunewearl -
Flowens sword 3084+85(need one with hit!)
charge gatlings+9(45 hit, no vulcans with hit at store, ever)
Demo Comet+25
Holy Ray+40

Rei Nakizawa, RAmarl -
Spread Needle+40 (lost the first 3,one of which had hit><)
Red Mechguns (need these with hit, too)
Frozen Shooter+9

tSFo.saKuRa, HUcaseal -
Red Sword+52 (ruins, caves, temple)
Red Partisan+40 (forest, mines, spaceship)
TSFO SLICER (s rank with jellen, not grinded) **extremely pissed that s rank jellen is only level 17**
Demo Comet+25 (30/0/0/50)
Red Handgun+50
Charge vulcans+9 (40 hit, found)

0-2-1, FOmarl -
Doublesaber+35 (20 hit)
Heart Vulcans (50 hit)
Holy Ray+40
Madame's Umbrella (need hit)
Charge Sawcer (50 hit)

Neo-Ranga, FOnewm -
Casting -
Yellow merge
Rafoie merge (yes, these are weapons)
Mace of adaman (nano dragons only)
Support -
Striker of Chao
Resta merge
level 30 jellen and zalure (also weapons)

Feb 8, 2004, 10:52 PM
Hah! Jolly ol Fun...

Bobble-Humar: G Arm Sabers, Musashi

Usada-Ramarl: Justy-2ST, Delsaber Combo (LOTS OF FUN! xx;; ), Gush Vulcan

Tingle - Foneweal: Rabbit Wand! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif, G Arm Sabers, Durandal

Twinkle - Mind Stick +7! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Glass Pipe Pictures (http://glasspipes.net/)

Feb 9, 2004, 12:33 AM
Posts by banned user: o_O


K'Tani - HUnewearl Lv 157 - S-Rank Twin w/ Spirit, Charge Vulcan (50% hit), Charge Diska (45% hit), Charge Gungnir (50% hit I think, I forgot). Has a ton of other nifty things, such as Heart of Poumn, Flowen's Sword (3084), Demolition Comet, Meteor Cudgel, Holy Ray, and Red Sword, that I use when I feel like it. Depends on where I'm going ^.^

ForceKTani - FOmarl Lv 130 - Teching: Sorcerer's Cane, Twinkle Star, The Sigh of a God, Summit Moon.
Melee: Charge Vulcan (45% hit), Charge Diska (45% hit), Plantain Huge Fan (more for laughs than damage http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif ), Elysion, Inferno Bazooka (really funny, but does nice distance damage also. And besides, it makes things blow up, which is always funny. BOOM!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif ), Crazy Tune (Duped, I only wanted it for laughs, and to use when alone/offline since it hits multiple enemies)
Always on hand: Striker of Chao, for Shifta/Deband boost and MST boost.

MiniDar - RAcast - Lv 105 - More Charges with hit: Gatling, Berdys, Diska, and Arms. Frozen Shooter, Bringer's Rifle, Egg Blaster (50% hit, made it from a Charge Raygun), Stag Cutlery just because I find it oddly humorous http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Foxunei - HUcaseal Lv 65 - Chainsawd (gotta love the chainsaw! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif ), Charge Diska (45% hit), some kind of Vulcan with hit (forgot), Demolition Comet.

All legit, except for the Crazy Tune, as mentioned. There are so many charges because whenever a person in my clan finds a good Charge weapon in their shop, they usually buy a bunch of them and distribute them out http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif The other day I was hoping for a Charge Diska, but none of my characters are a high enough level to find them easily. But one of my friends was with me using a lv 170 something character, he checked his shop, and had Diskas! I dropped some meseta and asked him to buy me 5 of em http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

And to show of--err, I mean, for the heck of it, here's their armor and mags ^.^

K'Tani - Aura Feild usually, but it hurts my eyes so sometimes I use Lafuteria or Love Heart instead. Not a great deal of difference between them http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif
Rico's Earring
Her EVP is usually over 1000 with all this http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif With her own Lv 20 Deband and Jellen, only Ruins monsters and some Ep2 critters can hit her. She often gets caught by the Sinow Blues/Red in TTF, and doesnt take any damage at all http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif
Mag: Turquoise (rare) Sato, 15/105/80/0 I think, can't remember exactly. PBs Estlla, Pilla, Mylla & Youlla.

ForceKTani - Guard Wave
last one varies, don't have any other god units *heh*
Melee Mag: Same as Hunter Tani, but stats are a little different: 10/120/50/20 I think. Mind mag: Preta, don't remember exact stats (don't use it much) except 131 mind. Little of everything mag: Chao, 35/70/60/35 Something like that. *heh*

MiniDar - D-Parts 1.01 which he stole from Foxunei because her DFP/EVP is better and she's not in ult. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
-Metal/Body x3
Gets run over everywhere o_O

I forgot Fox's equipment...I don't use her much right now. I do know that she has a God/Power, and a Panzer's Tail. Only problem is the mag has like 20 mind o_O I still use it because it looks cool on her http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

OK I'll shutup now.

Feb 9, 2004, 04:26 AM
I used to use (<---Correct spell?) a frozen shooter before I corrupted but with my new made force I use a Mace of Adaman mainly, it`s all about techniques with forces and not about weapons.

Feb 9, 2004, 05:09 AM
Spider (HUmar)
Gae Bolg, team00 pistol, Asuka

Dalektonator (RAcast)
Guilty Light, Kings Arms, Crush Bullet

Razel (FOnewearl)
all out magic, got lots of magic weps (my main character is Pinkal) its most powerful (mst raising) weapon is storm wand indra, dont have enough mst yet, but soon hopefully I'll use the elysion.

Draco (FOmar)
Soul Eater, Slicer (dunno what type ecatly, high hit%) and booma claw.

Varla (RAmarl)
highest level none rare partisan, high hit% charge blue mech guns (cant remember name), Meteor Smash, Wals MK2

Feb 9, 2004, 07:41 AM
PatserGOUKI (RAmar)
- Spread Needle
- Guldmilla
- Frozen Shooter

Rogue Ver2 (FOmarl)
- Psycho Wand

Shinji (FOmar)
- Psycho Wand

Magneto (HUmar)
- L&K 14 Combats (loads of hit)


Feb 9, 2004, 12:27 PM
my HUmar uses a musashi. They r well powerful or at least 4 me they r

Feb 9, 2004, 12:46 PM
Chain sawd
Demolition comet
Combat mechguns from time to time

Feb 10, 2004, 11:48 AM
Musashi!! rar!!!!!