View Full Version : ok ok, wat is your most funny memory of pso?

Jan 23, 2004, 01:24 PM
tell me!

Jan 23, 2004, 03:44 PM
Off topic is for un PSO related things. Remember that.

Jan 23, 2004, 06:00 PM
Well, I was in Ult ruin... and I was using my FOmar. I was in a room with Arlans and a Merlan. I did about 6 or 7 lvl.30 Gifoies. Killed the Arlans, and Merlan was the only one left. (I had already been hurt, didn't want to waste TP, I could take 1 more blow cause I had Deband lvl.30 on... but it was on for a while already...) Well, I had Soul Banish on... then when the merlan came up to me I quickly switched to Gatlings (45%hit). I fired immediately, but the bullets did the glitch thing. Also, my Shifta/Deband just HAPPEN to quit that second. He wacked me... I died. Then he was about to run back to his spawn area... and the gatlings hit him and killed him. I saw it all through my crimson-red screen. And I lost 999999 meseta. Boo hoo,

Jan 23, 2004, 06:03 PM
When i was level 7 and somehow managed to meet an Al Rappy, and only realizing it was one at the very last peck of doom before the BRSOD (blood red)

Jan 23, 2004, 06:06 PM
On 2004-01-23 15:03, Sord wrote:
When i was level 7 and somehow managed to meet an Al Rappy, and only realizing it was one at the very last peck of doom before the BRSOD (blood red)

hehe, I hate the blood red screen of doom. But luckily for me, my 1st rare I fought was a Nar Lily, and I was a RAmar. So I didn't have to get close to it, or worry about him getting close to me to kill it. Then I researched rare enemies and learned how deadly they were.

Jan 23, 2004, 06:12 PM
On 2004-01-23 15:06, MegamanX wrote:

On 2004-01-23 15:03, Sord wrote:
When i was level 7 and somehow managed to meet an Al Rappy, and only realizing it was one at the very last peck of doom before the BRSOD (blood red)

hehe, I hate the blood red screen of doom. But luckily for me, my 1st rare I fought was a Nar Lily, and I was a RAmar. So I didn't have to get close to it, or worry about him getting close to me to kill it. Then I researched rare enemies and learned how deadly they were.

Well, i met to more at level ten. After having this game for about a year now, and one character on hard mode (keep remaking them) i had never met an Al Rappy. You can bet my head was horrifically gaga

Jan 23, 2004, 06:17 PM
heh,... hey, that reminds me... i've never seen a Mil Lily yet! And i've had the game from christmas of 2002. Hey, that's another funny pso story, I've been playing for a while now... and still no mil lily. (more like a sad story)

Jan 23, 2004, 06:21 PM
The funniest moment? Probaly when I was a lv.5 character and my friend was Lv.20 and we were in the mines. He keep saying that my character wasn't that good, but then tons of enimies surrounded him(I wasn't in the room), killed him, then I managed to kill them all and get the good items before giving him a moon atomizer. Ah, the memories...

Jan 23, 2004, 06:24 PM
On 2004-01-23 15:21, Zzzzzz wrote:
The funniest moment? Probaly when I was a lv.5 character and my friend was Lv.20 and we were in the mines. He keep saying that my character wasn't that good, but then tons of enimies surrounded him(I wasn't in the room), killed him, then I managed to kill them all and get the good items before giving him a moon atomizer. Ah, the memories...

hahaha, I do that to my friends too. They'll say "dude, your FOmar is so gay with that dress on", then they die, and I come in the room, clear it, THEN... if i'm feeling nice, I'll reverser them.

Jan 23, 2004, 07:02 PM
The time when my friend was laughing at my HUmar, becuase he said it sucked and used horrible weapons (He's a /duper, I can't even get online) adn then got frozen and died by walking into one of the Gol dragons ice craters. Very satisfying.

Jan 23, 2004, 07:16 PM
Battle mode

I was feverishly trying to track down my friend (RAcast) with my FOnewm. He always managed to peg me and run away before i could kill him. It bacame clear that a new strategy was necessary. I realised that i had a DB Saber from a recent ruins run, so i dropped it with a freeze trap. As my friend ran by, he shouted "Thanks for the rare Bitch!". Needless to say, a few Foies took care of his frozen ass http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 23, 2004, 09:44 PM
It seems like yesterday:

Back when I was known at PSOW for some fighting particularity of mine, I joined a random game. We were in the mines. I pull out my gun and start laying the smack down. Immediately, a RAmar clicks on to my habit and says "Hey, you're the Varista guy! Sweet!"

Jan 23, 2004, 10:02 PM
My friend had gold text for a name soon after Version 2 came out. A V1 player came up to him and said, "YOU HAVE VER@ IS IT GOD". I still use that when I need to point out what n00bs are. ^_^

Jan 24, 2004, 04:35 AM
um when I first got PSO, my brother had the great idea of playing it without reading how to play at all. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif He also started us on multi mode. We had no idea what was going on and kept dieing. Then we came to think the b button was magical somehow. We didn't know about monomates. It took us awhile to figure out tp too. We didn't go online for like 2 monthes so we still didn't know much. It was horrible then, but thinking back on it now that I know so much... It was really funny! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wet-trout.gif

Jan 24, 2004, 12:47 PM

Last night, in order to create friends, I went into Celestite 1 and created a game labeled "Legit" so I could meet new people.

People with duped items and that were jerks. And I was with my level 61 HUmar.

"Man, your items suck! Want some xxxxxxx items?"
"No thank you."
"But you are doing crappy damage!"
"I'm doing over 200 damage with shifta and deband, so?"
"Well, are you sure you don't want any items?"
"Yes, I prefer to play this way since this is the third of five characters I have."
"Oh. I have a level 150 character."
"I have a level 138 and a level 113 character."
"But no level 150 character!"

*sigh* So, we go to the dragon. The third person that was in the game, not the one who started the conversation dies, and I'm on the other side of the dome. They start begging me to come revive her.

"Considering that you're a HUmar thats pretty careless not to bring any moons."
"Shut the fuck up and revive him asshole!" (He was already revived at this time. I brought up a point when I was running over and I did use a moon)
"Just be quiet now!"

So I was quiet then, and I turned off the volume on my headset and typed in something like, "Sad when a 150lv. character forgets moons." (This wasn't his character though)

And I logged off and joined a new game.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: anwserman on 2004-01-24 09:48 ]</font>

Jan 24, 2004, 01:00 PM
My funniest memory was when we were fighting darkfalz and he had my freinds soul and i killed him, killing my freind, he was so mad http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif .

Jan 24, 2004, 02:57 PM
On 2004-01-23 12:44, polishedweasel wrote:
Off topic is for un PSO related things. Remember that.

oh, I'm sorry for that

Jan 24, 2004, 06:06 PM
On 2004-01-23 16:16, Bradicus wrote:
Battle mode

I was feverishly trying to track down my friend (RAcast) with my FOnewm. He always managed to peg me and run away before i could kill him. It bacame clear that a new strategy was necessary. I realised that i had a DB Saber from a recent ruins run, so i dropped it with a freeze trap. As my friend ran by, he shouted "Thanks for the rare Bitch!". Needless to say, a few Foies took care of his frozen ass http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

heheh, your friend must be pretty dumb. If he was a RAcast, he should have saw your trap. AND seeing that he should have had a gun, he could have gotten it. And man, watta wus. Shoots you in the leg and runs. That's a CRM. Cheap Ranger Manuvuer. You should use a Grants or Megid on him. By what I know from what you've told me, he probably doesn't think to put Resist/slots on or armor/shields that boost resistence to elements.

Jan 25, 2004, 11:19 AM
well, prolly when a friend of mine was bugging me all the time to play battle mode with him, but I didn't want to cause I don't like it very much, kinda waste of time for me. He bugged me so much, I went on to play with him and another friend, on b-mode for the first time.

Oh, need I say I killed them both? =P Tasted awesomely good

Jan 25, 2004, 12:20 PM
well i had an ice shooter and you know how it freezes you at any time well here my story
me and my friend were going up agnist vol opt and i froze at the begging of the cinmetic unfroze and could walk anround in the area for the rest of the cinemetic
twas' very funny http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

EDIT: 100th post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: metermore on 2004-01-25 09:20 ]</font>

Jan 25, 2004, 03:53 PM
If you beat a boss, and use a Photon Blast RIGHT before the animation of the death of the boss, you can walk around after the PB animation... while the boss death animation is in play.

Jan 25, 2004, 08:56 PM
Someone once did that and then Vol Opt proceeded to explode forever...