View Full Version : How is your controller set up?

Jan 25, 2004, 04:21 PM
How is your controller set up for PSO, and do you change it regularly? I haven't changed the position of Resta on my characters since I started them, I always have it in R + B. Do you have all of your techniques, (f you're a force) on the menu?
And, does anyone have the camera / opposite menu set up the other way, cos I don't know anyone who does. The reason for this is get some inspiration for ways to have my menu set up, just for a change. This (sometimes with a bit of change) is my current set-up on my FOmar:

B: Foie
A: Jellen
X: Gifoie
RB: Resta
RA: Gizonde
RX: Barta

If I'm doing FoS I put grants on there etc..

Jan 25, 2004, 04:45 PM

B- Special Attack
A- Hard/Power Attack
X- Weak Attack
RB- Resta
RA- Shifta
RX- Zalure

Other support techniques are located at top of quick menu.

Jan 25, 2004, 05:59 PM
I'm a dreamcast baby, so i have to set my attacks like the default setting from dc, where power attack is to the left of normal attack, i wonder why they changed it for gc....
B power attack, A weak attack, X rafoie or special attack
R-B jellen or gizonde, R-A zalure or rabarta, R-X resta

Jan 25, 2004, 06:48 PM
RAmarl :

A - Attack
B - Heavy Attack
X - Gizonde (Forest), Rabarta (Cave), Foie (Mine), Special Attack (Ruins, Gal Da Val Islands, Seabed), Rafoie (VR Temple), Barta (VR Spaceship)
L+A - Resta
L+B - Zalure
L+X - Jellen

Other stuff is via shortcut window.

HUcast :

A - Attack
B - Heavy Attack
X - Special Attack
L+A - Fire Trap
L+B - Freeze Trap
L+X - Confuse Trap

Other stuff is via shortcut window (Kefka does not carry mates).

FOnewearl :

A - Zonde
B - Foie
X - Barta
L+A - Gizonde (Forest, Cave), Razonde (Mine, Ruins, VR Spaceship, Gal Da Val Islands, Seabed), Grants (VR Temple)
L+B - Gifoie (Forest, Cave) Rafoie (Mine, Ruins, VR Spaceship, VR Spaceship, Gal Da Val Islands, Seabed)
L+X - Gibarta (Forest), Rabarta (Cave, Ruins, VR Spaceship, Gal Da Val Islands), Jellen (Mine), Megid (VR Temple, Seabed)

Other stuff is via shortcut window.


A - Attack (Forest, Cave, Mine, Ruins, VR Temple, VR Spaceship, Gal Da Val Islands), Megid (Seabed)
B - Heavy Attack (Forest, Cave, Mine, Ruins, VR Temple, VR Spaceship, Gal Da Val Islands), Foie (Seabed)
X - Jellen (Forest, Cave, Mine, VR Temple, VR Spaceship, Gal Da Val Islands, Seabed), Special Attack (Ruins)
L+A - Gizonde (Forest, Cave, Gal Da Val Islands), Zonde (Mine), Resta (Ruins), Grants (VR Temple, VR Spaceship, Seabed)
L+B - Gifoie (Forest, Cave, VR Temple, VR Spaceship, Gal Da Val Islands, Seabed), Rafoie (Mine), Zalure (Ruins)
L+X - Barta (Forest, Mine, Gal Da Val Islands), Rabarta (Cave, VR Spaceship, Seabed), Jellen (Ruins), Megid (VR Temple)

Too lazy to list how it changes online >.>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kefka on 2004-01-25 15:59 ]</font>

Jan 25, 2004, 10:30 PM
Some people prefer helping others, so they have the healing power set to a key, along with moons or the reviver technique.

As for me, I just keep a reviver and dimate thing up. I won't heal other people, but I will be kind enough to revive them when they die.

I use a Dark Flow and J-Sword (probably duped, I got them in trades) to hit enemies with. They have like 100% accuracy so I don't even bother using the weak hit, I just use the super and ultimate hits. So I bind those two, along with dimates to my keys. Then when I hold R in, I have a moon binded, and the healing thing if I run out of dimates. I also have a fire/ice/lightning attack depending on what level it is. I might bind Sol into a key if I am in caves. It depends on what my surroundings are.

Jan 25, 2004, 10:37 PM
A=Weak attack
B=Hard attack
X=Special attack
R+A=Jellen/Zalure (depends if another FO is around)
R+B=Varies by area

Jan 25, 2004, 11:46 PM

B-Heavy Attack
A-Weak Attack

Jan 26, 2004, 12:05 AM
This is for the X-Box controller now - or think how it was in the Dreamcast days.

(X) - Light Attack
(A) - Hard Attack
(B) - Resta
(RX) - Jellen
(RA) - Dimate
(RB) - Zalure

For boss battles, replace the above with:
(RX) - Difluid
(RB) - Moon/Reverser

This is pretty much universal for all of my 6 characters. Oh, the reason why I switched Light and Hard around is that I start a 3-attack combo by using Light, and I don't have to worry about going through a telepipe, picking up an item, etc.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: anwserman on 2004-01-25 21:07 ]</font>

Jan 26, 2004, 12:40 AM

B- dimate
A- normal attack
X- heavy attack
RB- star atomizer
RA- trimate
RX- moon atomizer

I do ply online...

Jan 26, 2004, 05:44 AM
Oh, the reason why I switched Light and Hard around is that I start a 3-attack combo by using Light, and I don't have to worry about going through a telepipe, picking up an item, etc.

I had that trouble when I was doing Fake in Yellow. The move I was using to tag them was Gizonde, which was set to A, but there was so many items on the ground I was just picking up the items and the rappies got away http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif so I changed it.

Jan 26, 2004, 06:04 AM
B- weak
A- Hard
X- Attack tech
RB- Resta
RA- Fluid
RX- Zalure

B- weak
A- Hard
X- Jellen
RB- Resta
RA- Fluid
RX- Zalure

It's pretty similar with my HUcast. My Fo has a variety of setups, depending on location, equipment, etc.

Jan 26, 2004, 07:50 AM
I dunno about most of you, but your quick tech menu is JUST as important as your hotkeys.

My FOmar setup:


RB=Rafoi (boxes, dimenian stylers, traps)
RA=Rabarta (E2 Lilies, Canane Rings, Enemy Control)
RX=Razonde (Claws, Gibbons, Most Machines)

Quick Menu Tech Setup:


The brackets indicate techs i use frequently; you'll notice they are at the endpoints of the list as to make them easier to access.

That's my setuo, and it works VERY nicely for me http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cool.gif

Jan 26, 2004, 07:57 AM
Standard set up which in my opinion is just the best one. I never tried out the others but I`m fine with the one I`m using now.

Jan 26, 2004, 08:03 AM
i have only 2 chars which im playing HUnewearl and HUcast, with

HUnewearl: A = normal attack
B = Strong attack
X = Gizonde http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif (i can leech exp with it)
RA = Resta
RB = Shifta
RX = deband

HUcast: A = normal attack
B = strong attack
X = monomate
RA = damage trap
RB = cpnfuse trap
RX = freeze trap

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: eNvious on 2004-01-26 05:08 ]</font>

Jan 26, 2004, 12:30 PM
I dunno about most of you, but your quick tech menu is JUST as important as your hotkeys.
So true. I keep ryker where it starts, right at the bottom, and put shifta, deband and other support and healing techniques at the top and bottom. Took me ages to figure out how to change the order lol

Jan 26, 2004, 01:24 PM
RA-jellen(i think)
RX-(honetly i dont know) i barely ever use R exept whne i have a PB

Jan 26, 2004, 08:56 PM
A-norm att
X-hard att
RA-special att
RB-freeze trp
RX-confuse trp

it pwnz, but i think soon i need to put in trimates instead of dimates lol

Jan 26, 2004, 09:31 PM
Matt, HUmar:
B: Resta
A: Weak Attack
X: Strong Attack
R+B: Zalure
R+A: Anti
R+X: Jellen

Shade, FOnewm:
B: Resta
A: Weak Attack (for boxes http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif)/Gizonde
X: Jellen/Gifoie
R+B: Razonde
R+A: Rabarta
R+X: Rafoie

Arc, FOmar:
[see HUmar]

Cassandra, HUnewearl:
[See HUmar]

Real predictable, eh? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jan 26, 2004, 09:57 PM

B: Resta
A: Normal Attack
X: Heavy Attack
R+B: Anti
R+A: Jellen
R+X: Zalure


B: Dimate
A: Normal Attack
B: Heavy Attack
R+B: Confuse Trap
R+A: Freeze Trap
R+X: Damage Trap


B: Resta
A: Heavy Attack
X: Special Attack
R+B: Anti
R+A: Jellen
R+X: Zalure


B: Resta
A: Jellen
X: Zalure
R+B: Anti
R+A: Reverser/Moons
R+X: Usually Rabarta

FOnewm: See HUmar.

Jan 26, 2004, 11:41 PM

B - Resta

A - Light Attack

X - Rafoie

RB - Zalure (alone/no FO)/Rabarta (lily freezing)/Difluid

RA - Heavy Attack

RX - Jellen (alone/no FO)/Moons (ET/WT/Boss)


B - Resta

A/X/RA - Varies

RB - Zalure (unless boss)

RX - Jellen (unless boss)

As far as organizing my tech list goes, I've kinda developed a feel for where the techs are by default so it's not too hard to get to them fairly easily at this point.

Jan 27, 2004, 12:18 AM
I have 3 setups for my FOmarl: Ep1 all tech, Ep2 all tech, and Melee kit, which I use for both.
(These are GC)

Ep1 tech:
B: Rafoie
A: Zalure
X: Jellen
R/B: Resta
R/A: Rabarta
R/X: Razonde/Grants

Ep2 tech (CCA and Seabed):
B: Megid
A: Zalure
X: Jellen
R/B: Resta
R/A: Rabarta
R/X: Rafoie

Melee Kit (especially for VR areas):
B: Standard
A: Strong
X: Rabarta
R/B: Resta
R/A: Zalure
R/X: Jellen

It stays relatively the same as I always have Resta, Jellen and Zalure ready to go. For revival, I carry moons for use in intense combat but prefer reverser if possible. S/D is done from the R+Y menu.

Jan 27, 2004, 12:48 AM
Lutz, FOmar:
Melee setup:
A-Weak attack
B-Strong attack
R+B-Gizonde, Anti in Mines, Spaceship and CCA

Magic setup:
B-Megid, Foie in Episode I

I Jellen and Zalure off the quick menu. I'm used to doing it that way.

Hitomi, RAcaseal:
A-Weak attack
B-Strong attack
R+A-Special attack
R+B-Moons, Stars or Sols
R+X-Freeze traps or Dimate

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kurosawa on 2004-01-26 21:49 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kurosawa on 2004-01-26 21:51 ]</font>

Jan 27, 2004, 11:04 AM

B-Weak Attack
A-Strong Attack
X-Special attack or Magic (Razonda)

I also set Shifta/Deband at the top of the quick menu.

Jan 28, 2004, 03:00 AM
I use a hucast and i dont set any attack buttons on the R-trigger because i hold it down when i run thru the trap rooms.

if you time it right you can make it chime and then sidestep during battles.

"hard attack" "weak attack" "special attack"
"dimate" "confuse trap" "freeze trap"

i also make sure that the second wep in the quick menu is always a handgun so i can shoot the trap to set it off faster.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: squeak on 2004-01-28 00:02 ]</font>

Jan 28, 2004, 04:59 AM
a= attack
b= strong
x= Resta (unless its a droid, then is a mate)
Ra= Rafoie/Gizondi (or Freze trap if droid)
Rb= jelen (fire trap if droid)
Rx= zalure (sol atomizer if droid)

and as for my quick tech menu i just move Anti to the top of the list, and keep everything else the same

cant be bothered with healing being on the R swithch because i never fails that ill get a mag charge and try to heal and waste it =p

Jan 28, 2004, 08:39 AM
With Zone and Butoden
A-Weak attack
X-Strong attack
R+X-Special Attack

A-Weak attack
X-Strong Attack
R+A-Foie / Zonde / Barta , sometimes GI or RA...
R+B-Fluid (usually Difluid)
R+X-Special Attack

Jan 28, 2004, 07:13 PM
A- weak attack
B- special attack
X- Hard attack
R+A- Resta
R+B- Rafoie
R+X- Rabarta
other is in quick menu

A- weak attack
B- special attack
X- Hard attack
R+A- Rafoie
R+B- Gizonde
R+X- Rabarta
Other is in quick menu, resta, anti, jelen, zalure, shifta and deband are has quick to select has possible, im a support FO.

Jan 28, 2004, 07:22 PM

X-Hard Hit
A-Normal Hit
XR-Fire Trap
XA-Freeze Trap
XB-Confuse Trap

(HU)Carbon Based lifeforms:

X-Hard Hit
A-Normal Hit
B-Special(or Rabarta)

FO I just change alot Jellen, Zalure, and Resta are always present though.

Jan 29, 2004, 11:04 PM
On 2004-01-28 16:22, Auracom wrote:

X-Hard Hit
A-Normal Hit
XR-Fire Trap
XA-Freeze Trap
XB-Confuse Trap

(HU)Carbon Based lifeforms:

X-Hard Hit
A-Normal Hit
B-Special(or Rabarta)

FO I just change alot Jellen, Zalure, and Resta are always present though.

That seemly sublte request for a a reply, just screamed out to my (RABblerouser), so here goes:

My set up-


A: hard hit
B: weak hit
X: special

R+A: rabarta
R+B: gizonde
R+X: resta

I use the quick tech menu for basically all the techs i dont have shortcutted (duh), anyways, i'm used to using the quick tech menu for SDJZ, and the anti gifoie and resta if i get a full PB bar...sort of covers all the bases i suppose.


A: hard hit
B: weak hit
X: special

The R+ menu is sort of messed up, as i use traps sometimes, sometimes mates, and other items...i'm more comfortable using the quick tech/item menu, so it's sort of useless to shortcut traps.. i dunno


A: barta
B: foie
X: resta

R+A: rabarta
R+B: rafoie
R+X: gizonde

Yeah... i have a lot of characters ^-^... I think my setup seems bizarre to some people, but i really cant stand pressing the x button over and over, as most of my attacks seem to become hard attacks... so i sort of put my "combo" in a straight line- basically up the controller, b-a-a is just a regular soft hard hard combo, and then if i want to use a special, what usually works best is either soft-hard-special or soft-soft-special...it even doubles over for my RAmarl who is getting to a point where she can do hard-hard-hard or even hard-hard-special :]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arinoma on 2004-01-29 20:05 ]</font>

Jan 29, 2004, 11:11 PM
>_> Hasn't there been a topic like this already?

Attack - A
Hard Attack - X
Extra Attack - B
Foie - X or R+A
Barta - B
Zonde - A or B or R+A
Gifoie - B
Gibarta - B
Gizonde - X or B
Rafoie - R+A
Rabarta - R+B
Razonde - A
Grants - R+A
Megid - B
Resta - R+X (never changes)
Anti - None,I always use Quick Menu
Reverser - B
Shifta - None,I always use Quick Menu
Deband - None,I always use Quick Menu
Jellen - B or R+A
Zalure - B or R+A
Ryuker - None,I always use Quick Menu
Dimate - B
Moon Atomizer - R+B

That should do it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SpyroDi on 2004-01-29 20:11 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SpyroDi on 2004-01-29 20:12 ]</font>

Feb 8, 2004, 07:47 PM

A-normal attack
X-Hard Attack

Feb 8, 2004, 08:08 PM
On all my characters, including my Force:

B - weak attack
A - strong attack
X - Resta
RB - Shifta
RA - Deband
RX - Anti

Feb 8, 2004, 08:18 PM
B - Zalure/Special Attack
A - Normal Attack
X - Hard Attack
RB - Resta
RA - Jellen
RX - Mate

[EDIT] This is for my RAmarl

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ezellaur on 2004-02-08 17:19 ]</font>

Feb 8, 2004, 09:37 PM
Ranger/Hunter humans and newmen:
X:Heavy Attack
R/A: Special Attack
R/X: Attack technique, varies
R/B: Shifta for all but HUmar, HUmar does Zalure
All items are from shortcut menu.
X:Heavy Attack
B:Special Attack
R/A-X-B: Traps, no certain order
All items are from shortcut menu.
A: Attack
X: Zonde
B: Foie
R/A: Resta
R/X: Barta
R/B: Fluid
Tech types (basic, gi-, ra-) vary, items used from shortcut menu.

Feb 9, 2004, 12:25 PM
b-normal attack
a-special attack

Feb 9, 2004, 01:04 PM
B- special
A- normal
x - special
R+b - FreeZe trap (Jellen)
R+a - damage trap (resta)
R+x - confuse trap (zalure)

Feb 9, 2004, 03:40 PM


a - weak
b - hard
x - resta
ra - jellen
rb - rafoie
rx - zalure


a - weak
b - hard
x - resta
ra - gizonde
rb - rafoie
rx - rabarta


nuke mode

a - rafoie
b - gizonde
x - rabarta
ra - resta
rb - deband
rx - jellen

lazy support mode

a - zalure
b - jellen
x - resta
ra - deband
rb - shifta
rx - anti

other charas:

a, b and x same as humar
others always variating(sp?) like traps ans mates