View Full Version : Offline ULT caves

Jan 26, 2004, 07:41 PM
What level should I try and attempt the ultimate caves offline? My HUcast is level 69 right now. My main weps are Shadow Gatlings with 45 hit, Yamoto, and Dragon Slayer. I don't have any hand me downs because I deleted my characters when I quit a while ago. I can get through Ulti forest pretty easily but have a little trouble at Sil Dragon.

Jan 26, 2004, 07:46 PM
just run through forest for a while, and what section ID are you? certain quests may be good for you depending on you section ID.

Jan 26, 2004, 07:48 PM
On 2004-01-26 16:46, lain2k3 wrote:
just run through forest for a while, and what section ID are you? certain quests may be good for you depending on you section ID.

I am not nesescarily looking for any good rares right now, althought it would be nice. I just want to focus on leveling. I am a skyly too.

About the quest thing...one of my buddies at IGN said if I do soul of the blacksmith, and only do the forest part, I can get about 30-50k in about 20 minutes so that seems the best for me to do right now.

Jan 26, 2004, 07:52 PM
You need better weapons; that's why your ID would be helpful.

Forest is better to level in than the Caves; due to it being shorter and easily memorized maps. Also, Forest has more enemies faster (since you can kill then faster).

Level 69 is a bit low to handle Dal Ra Lie. I say maybe level 80 or up. You could try for it sooner though if you feel you are ready.

Jan 26, 2004, 07:54 PM
the caves are nothing to be scared of. (except for that FUCKING MEGID!!!)

just make sure you have plenty of cunfuse traps, and a decent slicer weapon.

Jan 26, 2004, 08:22 PM
I think I was level 70 some when I beat it, so with a HUcast it should be easy. Just find some better weapons, and level in forest just like they said.

Jan 26, 2004, 08:28 PM
I got to level 80 with my HUneweal by doing Ult Forest runs. That dragon gives nice EXP. I wouldn't worry about trying to progress further in ult... unless your hunting for something that's farther than caves. But leveling in forest is quite easy when your below 100. The only problems with caves are Ob/Mil Lily Megid, and being gang-raped by vulmers while a Crimson Assasin freezes you (happend WAY to much to my HU's). Well, those are pretty big problems if you ask me. Forest is SO easy. And quite decent EXP. Forest is your friend. Besides, you don't want to go to mines or ruins yet. The gilchich's will shoot the F*** outa you, and the Sinows are pretty tough. And in ruins, Gran Sorcerer's are evil! Grants, Megid, and major healing! Dark Bringers... if they turn red, they shoot 3 of those beam things. And they do ALOT of damage. And Arlans/Merlans are so frickin fast. Claws bite so hard and make you fall. Delsabers are always evil... eek, stay in forest. It's your friend.

Jan 26, 2004, 08:35 PM
ya stay in forest. i did with my humar till he was lvl 90(exp wasnt enough anymore) and now im lookin for a lavis cannon with him(he redria http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif) but those god damned lilies are soo anoying b/c i dont have good guns with hit! dam them to hell!!!

Jan 26, 2004, 08:44 PM
Do you have a Shield of Delsaber? I'd put that and Attribute Plate on. And if your crazy enough, some Resist/Devils. I did it once, no megid problems then... but really low HP (had God/HP units b4). If you can sacrifice your slots for that, i'd go for it.

Jan 26, 2004, 09:06 PM
See...I don't have better weapons to hand down from another character.

After I did one forest run I decided to play caves until I died...just to see how it was. I got to the second room and got killed by megid.

Jan 26, 2004, 09:14 PM
hehe, happend to me 1st time too. (cept it was the 1st room...) I decided to stay in the peacefull forest with the Rappy's. Sil Dragon (offline) gives about 12,100 I think... And you get like 250 something from the regular enemies. I'd say you get about 25k exp per run. Unless your like my friend who sits infront of Mothvists until they run out of Mothverts. They give 210 something exp I think. That's pretty good, I just don't have the patience to do that. I can do a forest run in about 15 minutes top. Give me an hour, I can get about 100,000 EXP.

Jan 26, 2004, 09:57 PM
you wont be finding much in forest for skyly, I think that skyly has the worst dropset in forests, so just do stuff like fake in yellow. 12k exp. in 5-6 minutes is good for everybody, plus, you can get angry fist from rappies, which may be helpful.

Jan 26, 2004, 10:06 PM
Weeping, creeping Jesus, people! You're all a bunch of wimps. My HUmar got to Ult at L60 and faced Dal Ra Lie for the first time at L65. XP ...Didn't actually bother beating him until L78, but sheesh. By L108 I was merrily frolicing in bloody Ult Seabed with Dark Falz defeated. And you say "Yeah, but you had uber weapons!" BS, you know what got me through Mines? A 50% Master's Gatling. Know what I beat Vol Opt Ver.2 with? A Stag Freaking Cutlery.

Hell, my freaking FOmar beat Olga Flow on Ult offline at L103. X_x;

Want to know if you can handle an area? Go there. Sure, you may be hiding in doorways with a Raygun and finding yourself considering a Gungnir with Hit to be your best friend, but you can do it. >P

Jan 26, 2004, 10:12 PM
heh. I was in ult ruins at level 69 with my ramarl. and beating vol opt, no matter what you were using or what class you are, is not an accomplishment.

my ramarl beat olga offline at lvl 98. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

that took a long time...

I guess wer're dicussing what level he could finish the level in under 3 hours at.

Jan 26, 2004, 10:12 PM
i'll say if u r crazy enough go pipe 4 a hildatorr with a few scapes. U would get a decent red saber but probably end up dying on it either on its strong punch or megid. If u decide to look 4 one and find it get a gun shoot it run, shoot it run,etc.

Jan 26, 2004, 10:22 PM
On 2004-01-26 19:12, lain2k3 wrote:
heh. I was in ult ruins at level 69 with my ramarl. and beating vol opt, no matter what you were using or what class you are, is not an accomplishment.

my ramarl beat olga offline at lvl 98. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

that took a long time...

I guess wer're dicussing what level he could finish the level in under 3 hours at.

Olga took a long time? How? O_o; *spamspamspamspamsplatok,what'sheweaktonow,grants, ok,spam,spam,spam,spam, hmm,hechanged,nowwhat,oh,zonde,spam,spam,spam,ow,s capedoll,spam,spam,spamsplat*

Under 3 hours? Ruins, I suppose. Caves, though, since he can't get there yet.

...I just move quickly and have a high threshold of 'GRARGH!' tolerance, I guess. XP

Yeah, Vol Opt is a wimp. My point is that whee, I motherfucking got there and could have done it earlier, and peope are whining about staying in FOrest until L90. X_x;

Jan 26, 2004, 10:26 PM
On 2004-01-26 19:06, Ian-KunX wrote:

Hell, my freaking FOmar beat Olga Flow on Ult offline at L103. X_x;

It was the Rati wasn't it?

Jan 26, 2004, 10:30 PM
On 2004-01-26 19:26, _Ted_ wrote:

On 2004-01-26 19:06, Ian-KunX wrote:

Hell, my freaking FOmar beat Olga Flow on Ult offline at L103. X_x;

It was the Rati wasn't it?

It's actually a "light blue"(Read: Lavender) Sato, which did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING the entire fight. Piece of crap. Rati at least would have given me Resta and S/D. Lazy damn Sato. XP

Jan 26, 2004, 10:55 PM
On 2004-01-26 19:30, Ian-KunX wrote:
It's actually a "light blue"(Read: Lavender) Sato, which did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING the entire fight. Piece of crap. Rati at least would have given me Resta and S/D. Lazy damn Sato. XP


Jan 26, 2004, 11:14 PM
I beat Ult Olga offline at Lv 53 with my FOmarl he he

I disagree that you should stay in Forest, Skyly Ult Forest drops suck except the two rare monsters, stick to cave, you do not have to beat boss, just do some quests like it was already suggested.

Jan 27, 2004, 07:10 AM
On 2004-01-26 19:22, Ian-KunX wrote:

On 2004-01-26 19:12, lain2k3 wrote:
heh. I was in ult ruins at level 69 with my ramarl. and beating vol opt, no matter what you were using or what class you are, is not an accomplishment.

my ramarl beat olga offline at lvl 98. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

that took a long time...

I guess wer're dicussing what level he could finish the level in under 3 hours at.

Olga took a long time? How? O_o; *spamspamspamspamsplatok,what'sheweaktonow,grants, ok,spam,spam,spam,spam, hmm,hechanged,nowwhat,oh,zonde,spam,spam,spam,ow,s capedoll,spam,spam,spamsplat*

Under 3 hours? Ruins, I suppose. Caves, though, since he can't get there yet.

...I just move quickly and have a high threshold of 'GRARGH!' tolerance, I guess. XP

Yeah, Vol Opt is a wimp. My point is that whee, I motherfucking got there and could have done it earlier, and peope are whining about staying in FOrest until L90. X_x;

Olga took a long time because my atp at the time was below 700 base. I was doing about 100-170 damage a hit. using a justy.

Jan 27, 2004, 06:32 PM
Was that suppose to be a bad thing when you said you beat caves with 50%hit Master Gatlings? I have 50%hit Shadow Repeaters, i'd love to have those Gatlings. My Repeaters get my through Ult Ruins... Mechguns can't be labeled as bad weapons because it's all about YOUR ATP. I'd rather have mechguns that give 0 ATP, and over 50 ATA than any other mechguns I have. And Stag Cuttlery is a pretty good weapon, again, it's whatever your ATP is. I could beat Vol Opt with stag cuttlery. And doing forest runs make you level faster than any other runs. As long as you keep doing forest runs. They are fast and easy and you fight the boss faster than any other place. Sure you get more EXP in every other area, but it takes alot longer than forest. I can do about 2 or 3 forest runs while your in caves 3 about to fight Dal Rol Lie.

Jan 27, 2004, 07:14 PM
I tried going through the caves again and I got to the boss only dieing once from megid. I just got close enough to the lilies so that they wouldn't spit megid or far enough away that megid couldn't reach while I killed other enemies. I got pwned by De Ra lei though. It is really fast and I barely have any time to attack while he is onboard because he keeps shooting his tentacles at me. I was using a Drain Cutter with 40 hit.

Yes I agree with the mechs thing. My 45 hit Shadow Gatlings got me all the way through the caves. My HUcast has about 780 ATP at level 72.