View Full Version : Item: Normal special and rare weapons which is better?

Jan 29, 2004, 09:32 PM
Reading up on things I have seen that rares are really good. But I have also seen that some normal special type weapons have the same type of effects. But to a normal less frequency or equal at times. I do not know which is better? I have seen and studied that rares are supeior in attack power but in special not all the time are they as great in some areas. A monkey King bar has the same effect as a Devil type weapon. But the Devil type weapon is at a lower degree of success in working. But some types are near their worth in power which is better is rare but to see if they are equal is yet undecided.

Jan 29, 2004, 10:49 PM
Um...rares are so much better. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Once I get a rare, I never use normal weapons again. But that's just my opinion.

Jan 29, 2004, 10:49 PM
It depends on the weapon. Some special weps(rares) have greater special attacks than normal, and much higher attack. It depends on what you want, alot of people use vulcans for hit, but they are less powerful. Some special weps have a lower type of special I think(dire instead of heck). Its really up to you to make the decision, I usually go with rares for their strength and sometimes for special(frozen shooter and guld milla have good specials). Rare weapons will also have unique specials such as heaven punisher and ones that steal mesta. Sorry if I'm wrong, I'm not the smartest person on the boards...

Jan 29, 2004, 11:23 PM
...I like my 60% Hit Spirit Calibur. Yes I do.

Jan 30, 2004, 08:18 AM
On 2004-01-29 19:49, Lucas2k4 wrote:
Um...rares are so much better. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Once I get a rare, I never use normal weapons again. But that's just my opinion.

Me too. I'm a big ATP-fan and I like my Angry Fist =)

Jan 30, 2004, 10:23 AM
I also love my ATP, but another way i judge what weapon i want to use is how many monsters it hits or how many times does it hit in a combo. There are 3 weapons i use. Demo comet, red sword, and red handgun which are all maxed out on grinds. I almost never look at what a weapons speical is, it usually does me no good (unless its hell) so i figure screw the spiecal bring on the power.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Draco113 on 2004-01-30 07:24 ]</font>

Jan 30, 2004, 10:38 AM
Sometimes normal weapons can be a lot more powerful than even the rarest of weapons although.

Take charge special anything with hit %. I have a Charge Calibur with 50hit, and I also have a Red Sword with 35hit, and whilst the Red Sword is ATP wise my most powerful weapon for my HUnter, the Charge Calibur simply blows the Red Sword away!

With merely Shifta, I'm usually pulling off 1000+ on ultimate enemies with the special, and jebus, have you ever seen a 4 way Photon Blast Uber Shifta/Deband with Zalure on a HUcast? Cripes my criticals were hitting over 2500~ dmg!

Anyhow, I think what you were really asking was whether the specials on rare weapons worked better than normal ones? Well I think it's probably the exact same rate of effectiveness, but you most likely see people using normal weapons and the specials on them, because it's a heck of a lot easier to find a normal weapon with a decent special and high hit, than it is to find a rare weapon with high hit and a good special.

In most cases, the high hit weapons are usually store bought, and once you surpass lv 150, you can buy the highest class normal weapons (calibur/vulcans/raygun as opposed to sword/mechgun/handgun) from the shop. So yeah, just about everyone runs around with normal type mechguns because they are really easy to come across with high hit %, despite the fact they are weak, they can deal out large damage because of the number of times they hit, so even if you are an ATP whore, you'll realise the value of mechguns with some nice hit %.

And heh, some high hit mechs with the charge special can get nice and crazy too, a friend of mine got a hold of a pair, did a 4 way PB chain, and was pulling off over 1000 hits with his criticals (or maybe just normal hits? I forget now, beena while) on the sil dragon heh, took him down so fast it wasn't funny!

Anyhow I think I've rambled enough and I hope I answered your Q's!

Jan 30, 2004, 12:03 PM
hm, waiting for vulpes & his analysis on this..

Jan 30, 2004, 12:11 PM
Oh, and when I said that the special of normal weapons is most likely equal to that of rare weapons, I mean that the highest form of special is most likely equal to rare weapons ones. Excluding Srank Specials although.

Since normal weapons' specials can vary in strength and effect, ie with the HP drain special, 2 of the varying levels I can think of are gush and drain. But assuming you get the highest level of HP drain, which is gush I think, and it was on a sword say, then lets say it drains 50HP per hit, compare that to the Chain Sawd, and I'm sure that too would drain 50HP a hit aswell. I'm pretty sure that rare weapons by default have the highest level of special.

However, the Chain Sawd would deal more damage to the enemy than the normal calibur, as it has more ATP, but just in regard to the special, then it would be the same. Although on that same note, the specials that make attacks more powerful, like beserk and charge, would probably be more powerful on a rare weapon than a normal one, as more atp = more power, and typically rare weapons are more powerful than normal weapons. But then again, I dont think that beserk or spirit or charge have varying levels like most other specials. (paralasis, confusions etc) But then again, normal weapons, in regard to ease of finding them with high hit % to make them effective, could easily still make normal weapons superior.

Though I couldn't confirm this unless I tried it. And the reason I excluded Sranks is because the specials you can add to them are much more powerful than that or rare or normal weapon. ie the Kings special steals more exp on an srank, than on say a rare like the God Hand, or as just a Kings special on a normal weapon.

Hope that clears things up somewhat.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lillith-Nyo on 2004-01-30 09:51 ]</font>

Jan 30, 2004, 12:26 PM
I agree about the earlier said things about specials on normal weapons being good. Most rare weapons do have greater atp, but usually lack in the special department. Charge weapons are hella powerful. Any weapon with percents over 50 are pure destructive forces, but with a hit% they can be the only weapon you need. I personally haven't been lucky enough to find to many nice charge weapons, but remember that sometimes the only thing you can do is attack. Power over tactics is just as important as a good special, hence why frozen shooters are so damn popular their special pwnz all, but it's also the same reason why double cannons and j swords are everywhere, pure power. Try out multiple tactics til you find your liking, I've been a big fan of paralyzing lately. Well good luck on your liking.

Jan 30, 2004, 12:50 PM
I use a 50 hit last suvivor online as its very useful

Its not wat I consider a rare though