View Full Version : Best character class?

Apr 14, 2001, 03:51 PM
what's the best male character class to go?

i just lost my main save b/c of a faulty memory card.

Apr 14, 2001, 04:04 PM
i hear humar is nice... but seriously it depends on what u want so noone can answer that but u. my opinion is that male forces look stoopid. so take whatever... i dont care less.

Apr 14, 2001, 04:19 PM
To tell you the truth no one can answer that question for one main reason. All the character classes have strenghts and weaknesses. So there is not one main class.

rangers are great at long range but cannot survive a hard melee. Hunters are great at close range but are can be hindered in boss fights where long range is needed. Forces are weak in close range and long range weapons but can use techniques much better than all others.

You could break down the others too such are humans are good well balanced but have less than this char or that. Andriods are the strongest but cannot use techniques,but they can see traps.

You can continue on like this all day. The best advice you can recieve is find a class you like and use it otherwise your not enjoying the game to the fullest.