View Full Version : My 2nd day of luck

Feb 3, 2004, 04:59 PM
Today my luck continued though i didn't get anything i wanted i did find some good stuff.

El-Rappy Flowen Sword AUW3079
Govulmer Stag Cutlery 0/10/0/25
Vumler PB/Cteate
Gilchich L&K14Combat 0/10/0/30/10
Arlan Meteor Cudgel

Mil Lily Demolition Comet 0/0/20/0
Dark Gunner Red Slicer 10/0/0/10/10

Everything was on ult and in Ep1.
the only thing i didn't hv was the Demolition Comet but I still want one with %s. Good Luck to everyone.

Feb 3, 2004, 05:14 PM
Wow! You found all that in one day? Is the Meteor Cudgel not a better weapon than the Demolition Comet? Does that have percents?

Feb 3, 2004, 05:18 PM
if the stuff has no %s by it then it has none.Meteor is stronger. If there is anything else you want to ask go ahead. (I mod another site which i can't give cause it has cheats on it but i'm used to all kinds of stuff.)

Feb 3, 2004, 05:26 PM
meteor cudgel has rather varying atp. demo comet will always calculate as though it has 580 atp. meteor cudgel will calculate damage as though it has an atp in the range of ~400 to ~590 damage done varies greatly, and never does more damage then a demo comet will. its good point is that it has 4 more ata if you need ata.

Feb 3, 2004, 05:39 PM
I go by my tips&tricks mag (which is VERY old) i don't care if someone says somethings stronger its what my mag says that counts to me.

Feb 3, 2004, 06:51 PM
On 2004-02-03 14:39, TeenGohan wrote:
I go by my tips&tricks mag (which is VERY old) i don't care if someone says somethings stronger its what my mag says that counts to me.


Seriously, though. Lain isn't just saying, that has been proven. A Demo Comet does wind up stronger than a Meteor Cudgel in an average scenario. To completely ignore people who know what they're talking about and instead trust a less than reliable magazine (a "VERY old" one, as you say) is just foolish. May as well not bother coming here if all you care about is some has-been magazine. Message boards are about society and communicating and even *gasp* listening to others. Think about it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Feb 4, 2004, 08:17 AM
*steals someones Zaban and beats Teen Gohan to death with it*

Grrrrr I never get more then ONE Silence claw OR ONE rare mech gun in any run...thats it. Its always been that way.

Feb 4, 2004, 08:19 AM
I found a Yami 9000M so am really happy. Oh it was on a lv 68 Ramarls first real attempt on Temple yahoooooooo!

Feb 4, 2004, 09:26 AM
looks at his red partisan+40 no %...
ur lucky nad congrats
*needs asuka/demo comet/meteor/lavis cannon or red saber with hit* just 1 would be great god... wait im freakin out... congrats again

Feb 4, 2004, 05:21 PM
On 2004-02-04 06:26, Garm wrote:
looks at his red partisan+40 no %...
ur lucky nad congrats
*needs asuka/demo comet/meteor/lavis cannon or red saber with hit* just 1 would be great god... wait im freakin out... congrats again

I would give you Asuka, Demolition Comet, Red Saber (15%hit)... but i'm not online. I don't have Lavis Cannon... I have Double Cannon *looks at it and despises it... Huggles BKB+80!* Anyways, Demolition Comet is cooler looking and doesnt vari as much. Meteor Cudgel looks like someone stuck 2 broken Saphires at the end of a stick.

Feb 4, 2004, 08:13 PM
they both look cool, but in the end, the demo comet will almost always do better.

and yes, double cannon is one ugly freakin weapon.

Feb 4, 2004, 08:35 PM
Not to mention DC's ugly sound when you swing. and um... I JUST noticed that Demolition Comet makes a deeper photon noise than regular Twin Sabers. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif (another reason why it's so frickin cool). Demo comet is the coolest Twin Saber. (photon atleast). I do like BKB alot... cause its like... a bar... that's black... and um... is fit for a King (or Queen). OH dude! That'd be awesome. Some thingy like WHITE QUEEN BAR. ...*realizes how stupid that sounds and hides in a corner and disregards all human contact*

Feb 4, 2004, 08:39 PM
On 2004-02-04 17:35, MegamanX wrote:
Not to mention DC's ugly sound when you swing. and um... I JUST noticed that Demolition Comet makes a deeper photon noise than regular Twin Sabers. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif (another reason why it's so frickin cool). Demo comet is the coolest Twin Saber. (photon atleast). I do like BKB alot... cause its like... a bar... that's black... and um... is fit for a King (or Queen). OH dude! That'd be awesome. Some thingy like WHITE QUEEN BAR. ...*realizes how stupid that sounds and hides in a corner and disregards all human contact*

That'd be pretty cool http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif