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View Full Version : Will you all turn to FF11 when it comes out?

Apr 14, 2001, 11:13 PM
If you dont know now then you will when it comes out! Final Fantasy 11 is a online game just like PSO. But I think it will be alot better then PSO is and will have many more people playing it too. SO will all of you throw you DC out the window and start a new world of SquareSofts Dream game.

I know I will but will all of you?

Apr 14, 2001, 11:21 PM
It's *way* too early to even ask that question. So little is known about it, I don't think anyone can really answer it. I know that whether or not I'm still playing PSO or PSO2 I'll definately buy it =)

Apr 14, 2001, 11:22 PM
Nope sorry dude. no one will ever mimic PSO! Its just too good. Sega is the first EVER ONLINE CONSOLE so YU MUST GIVE IT PROPS!!! Anyways i dont think much ppl will play FF11 because too many ppla threw out thier PS2's already. so itll be a lonley game. LOL.........also Sony doesnt even have a modem or Eternet OR Servers.....They dont even have prototypes for thier Modem yet so by the time they do X-BOX will be out with thier Ethernet and Sony will be in the gutter. BYE!!!

Apr 14, 2001, 11:28 PM
No, PSO will still be funner to me, because turn based, online or offline, doesn't compare to real time.

Apr 14, 2001, 11:35 PM
I'll play it if I like it better.

Apr 14, 2001, 11:37 PM
Pssshhh, everyone has thrown our their PS2's already? Right. Since when? Around here everyone is still scrambling to get them. And believe me, when Final Fantasy X is released in the US, the PS2 will be close to as popular as it was at christmas.

And about the X-Box, even with the largest company in the world behind it, it's not going to sell well for quite some time. At $400 bucks a pop, I can tell you that only absolute hard-core gamers will buy one at that price.

$200 for all the previous consoles at debut is expensive.
$300 for the PS2 is exorbitent.
$400 for the X-Box is unreal.

If you think the price tag won't affect sales, just remember the $350 list price for the Sega Saturn. I don't seem remember that being a very popular console.

Apr 14, 2001, 11:53 PM
If the game is like FF1-6, Yes.

If It's like FF 7 or 8....no.

If It's like FF9....maybe.

If NeverWinter nights is as good as it sounds, then No on all counts. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 14, 2001, 11:55 PM
By the way, the X-box's price is speculated to be as low at 200$, and most likely 250$, just so you know.

Apr 15, 2001, 12:06 AM
Ack I'm making this post off topic!

I have to disagree with you Drak. I find that price to be way way too low. That price sounds like the GameCube's price tag. I'f you can let me know hwere you heard that price I'd like to know. I want to check it out.

With the hardware that's inside that thing, Microsoft would be hardpressed to break even with a price of $250. You can expect it to be well over $300.

I'm going to stop now. This could end up as a console fight.

Apr 15, 2001, 12:15 AM
I heard the same thing about it being a 250 Price Tag, and that was on planet X-box.

I buy consoles for one thing and one thing only: RPGs. So far, the PS2 hasn't showed me any decent RPGs. (And Square hasn't made a real RPG since Chrono Trigger)

Sony has already succeeded with the PS2 though. Like it was said in a certain famous online editorial on the subject, quote, "Sony could market a turd in a box and sell a million of them."

The X-box will have it's niche, high price or not. I know I'll be getting one, without a doubt. Just my two cents.

Apr 15, 2001, 12:17 AM
You might want to check dailyradar, they're usually pretty up to date. What I've gathered, is that it'll cost Microsoft around 350$-400$ per unit. Of course Microsoft is more than willing to take a huge loss, they'll suck up a good 100 or so bucks a unit if it means winning the console war, and Microsoft is big into winning. That's my take anyway. Not that this has anything to do with FF11, which may or may not be any good.

Apr 15, 2001, 01:12 AM
Well when FF10 comes out 3-4 months later FF11 will be out. And I dont think FF10 is far away!

But the PS2 has sold! And if you think people are selling them or binning them then you must be on a far away planet! Because I know and im sure most other people know that it has just come out and they have many more game to come out. Plus SquareSoft are with Sony so that will make any RPG Fan but the PS2!

And to one of the posters who said if FF11 is like FF7-8 s/he will not buy it! FF7 was one of the best ever made RPGs to come out. And FF8 was not as good but is still a GOOD RPG.

Apr 15, 2001, 02:27 AM
Just cause PS2 has squaresoft doesn't mean it'll make any rpg fan want to buy PS2. I believe a person who actually knows what a good rpg is, would more likely follow where ever Working Design, Enix, or Sega goes. Now they make good rpg's. No offense, Square just churns out crap to make money. I have to agree with Sheograth, they haven't made a good rpg in a long long time. I also have to agree with Sheograth about Neverwinter Nights, can't wait. Of course it won't prevent me from buying the other games though. Looks awesome.

Apr 15, 2001, 02:34 AM
Yes..Yes I will.. ^_^..but sheo..
SEVEN r0cked! it was totally w00t, I don't know who twittled in your brain and made you malfunction! but cloud was hero of Hero's! and Yuffie simply r0cked!

Apr 15, 2001, 02:37 AM
Sorry, I just have to say FF8 was NOT a good rpg. The FF series is awesome, but you have to admit that FF8 blew. I enjoyed it until that (sorta spoiler)--
Whole orphanage bit was introduced. I almost quit right there. Then after the Siefer bit with a certain summon, I wished I did.

Wow, that story sucked. Come to think of it, the gameplay was mediocre too. Ah well. FF9 made up for it.

Apr 15, 2001, 03:56 AM
Hey guys, let's get back on topic. Let's leave the console wars on IGN and stick to PSO. Though I have to say that FF8 was more than a nod to a Phantasy Star-type story than classic FF, so let's not knock it, but FF9 was great. As far as online persistent worlds. If Square can create one, and if Sony can handle the server load (broadband to boot), then FFXI should be a roaring success. Look at EverQuest, and for those who aren't in the know....them's Sony's servers baby, so dont go saying they don't know didly about MORPG's (Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games). They've been doing it for awhile and do it quite well. Does that mean I'll throw away my DC..NEVER. Will I still be playing PSO or it's various incarnations, probably, but gamer's are fickle and we play what we feel like playing, and who knows. That's my 2cents.

Apr 15, 2001, 04:12 AM
Bad post for this thread. Edit. The end.

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Rotis on 2001-04-15 02:17 ]</font>

Apr 15, 2001, 05:02 AM
MAn ppl PS2 is dead and it will always be dead. they messed up in thier launch and alot of ppl woth empty wallets and pockets felt bad. ITS A SYSTEM BASED ON HYPE!! UNDERSTAND PPL!!! they will never make good games because they will always be based on HYPE!! GET OVER IT!!!X-Box might cost alot but AT LEAST THEY WILL BE GOOD GAMES!! WHY?THEY INVENTED 3D GRAPHIX AND STORY LINES!!! MAN!!! They use WINDOWS as thier game making studios. Sony uses WINDOWS!! shit DC uses WINDOWS!! IMAGINE A SYSTEM THAT WILL MAKE THE DOPEST GAMES AROUND!!! Microsoft is the BASE of everything!! PS2 is JUNK!!! yu ppl are just mad cause yur BROKE!! AND YU FUCKED UP BY BUYING THAT CRAP.....urrrrrrr......i mean PS2!!LOL LOSERS!!!! I HAVE TO ADMIT IF IT HAD GOOD GAMES ID BUY IT BUY ALL THEY DO IS REMAKE GAMES. Tekken part 10,Ridge Racer part 20 etc. man they need to get out the skills and start making real games. Even SEGA has to make games for them to keep em alive. SORNY is DEAD!!!

Apr 15, 2001, 05:26 AM
Is Final Fantasy XI scheduled for PlayStation2? If so, I don't see them competing for the online console title held by Phantasy Star Online.

The bottom line, I believe, is that PS2 isn't going to be an online system because it doesn't have a built in modem. Every single other add-a-modem ideas have failed. Dreamcast is the only console to have ever succeeded in the realm of online and that is basically 100% in part to it having a built in modem. Everyone in the world (especially those at Sega) know add-ons fail.

Besides, unless FFXI is a better game, this argument is pointless.

Apr 15, 2001, 07:16 AM
FF 1-4: Great
FF5: BEST ever (ignorant people never knew of this japanese title, and btw FFT's class is based on this ver.)
FF6: Great but still not as good as FF5
FF7: Blah
FF8: Threw it out my window
FF9: Still on my shelf but...

Squaresoft USED to make good games, but not anymore. Nuff said.
I used to be a hardcore fan(cos of Crono Trigger,Mana Series,Front Mission eg.) but now I turn to Enix, Sega and Namco(tales' pretty good) for RPGs.

Ps: with all those ridiculous ways to achieve "additional secrets/bonus" and useless, tedious "side quests" you have to complete to proceed with the game, dont you think that recent FF series are so "American-kid inclined" ? I wonder if you get me...

Apr 15, 2001, 11:17 AM
Well I dont agree with the "Blah" on FF7 but it seems to me that you only hate 2 of there games? So you are saying that Square cant make good games because FF8 was abit dull.

Well if thats what you think then PSO is crap becausemits got NO Soryline! But I would not say its a real RPG i would say its more of a Zelda type game.

Dont get me wrong, I do love PSO!!! I think its a game that has changed all games forever! But i just cant see FF11 doing DOWN. I payed for a DC about 2 months ago JUST so i could play PSO....

Just dont judge Square on ONE bad game (even though i thought it was a 6/10 game)

Apr 15, 2001, 11:40 AM
I probably won't get FF11 even if I did get a PS2. Its not that I don't like the FF games, not counting 8, its just that there will be better online games out there on computer and possibly other consels. I'll most likely be playing Horizons instead, which theres no way FF11 could top it (if you've been following the game you would know what I mean).

Apr 15, 2001, 11:51 AM
Yea I can see what you meen about that there are MANY Online PC games that might have better GFX, but will it have as many people who play online with them?

Remember that the Japs LOVE Final fantasy! And I know that 80% of them will buy FF11 and will be on all the time. I just think it will be a whole new world that will have downloads to keep the game going on and on (remember you can download stuff onto a hard dribe! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif)

I hope they make a FFonlineWorld! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 15, 2001, 12:47 PM
Well, I'll inject a different perspective since I DON'T play RPGs. I never played any Phantasy Star RPGs, and I never played any Final Fantasies.

I don't know anything about FF11, but I'm definitely interested in it if it's an action game like PSO. Artwork and character designs are important to me also. Frankly, I thought the Bouncer character designs were ugly, but I liked Tobal 2's designs (both Dream Factory Square games). I don't know if there are elf character races in any Final Fanatasy games, but I hope so. The FOnewearl designs were a big turn-on to PSO for me.

Apr 15, 2001, 04:48 PM
Good point, InsaneClown, I hadn't thought of that before. Add-ons have never been popular. That could very well affect the PS2's online potential. But we'll have to see how the cards are played in the next few months. I?m sure that Squaresoft will pull off Final Fantasy XI very well. It may not be as popular as PSO, but it certainly isn?t going to flop.

The reasoning behind not including a modem was that Sony felt that they should give the option of analog or broadband modems. ?Cuz having the World's fastest analog modem is like being the world's tallest midget. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

Oh and serial_toon, three suggestions for you:
1.) Please proofread what you type before you post. No matter what it is you have to say, no one takes a post seriously when it's wrought with grammar errors and typos. You'd be surprised at the wonders that rereading your post can do.
2.) Try to post intelligent opinions. Most of what you typed was junk filled with erroneous statements. I find it interesting that you say "Yeah, the X-Box is expensive, but you should still get it" but then you turn around a yell at everyone because they "r mad because ur broke from buying ur ps2". ?I HAVE TO ADMIT IF IT HAD GOOD GAMES ID BUY IT BUY ALL THEY DO IS REMAKE GAMES?. Have you looked at the confirmed games for the X-Box? Most of them are just ports from other systems.
3.) Stop swearing so much. Constant swearing doesn?t make your point get across any easier.

Apr 15, 2001, 07:34 PM
Heyas. FFXI is still far away from PSO ver.2, and maybe PSO2. I have both a Dreamcast and PS2. (For those who say that the PS2 is dead, here's four words to slap you with: METAL - GEAR - SOLID - 2) Gamecube and Xbox both look strong, but it all comes down to the games they churn out. Depending on how good FFXI is, PSO2 won't last long. It would certainly have more anti-cheating measures. It might have a greater popularity than Everquest! Also, about the best FF, I agree that FFV is the best, but FFVII is a close second. Those who said blah to it definitely doesn't know what they're talking about. That was the game that got me hooked to console RPGs. I used to play Neverwinter Nights (NWN) when it was a 2D game on AOL. I can't wait till they release the new version. Of course, this is just my opinion. I could be right http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Apr 15, 2001, 07:48 PM
One thing is certain-- you'll see countless Clouds and Sephiroths on FFXI, more than on PSO http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

And yes, every FF after 6 is crap. Well, 7 is decent. Whoopee.

Turn based online battles will be so damned boring, and PSO already holds the crown of Console Online RPGs... I bet they hold it also with PSO 2. >=P

Apr 15, 2001, 08:03 PM
I still don't think FFXI will be able to get many people on it unless they create a PC version of it. Maybe the people in Japan will buy the modem, but I don't know if that'll fly here in the U.S. were Final Fantasymania isn't quite as big. With Phantasy Star Online, all you need to do is buy the game and your set 'cause the modem came with your system. People don't seem to like buying games knowing that they have to still go and buy yet ANOTHER part to play it.

As far as Sony leaving open the option of a broadband by not including a normal 56K modem, that's a load of crock. With Dreamcast you can still go out and buy a seperate Broadband adapter while having the 56k modem in the meantime. Sony just thought it would be more important for it to play DVD movies than to play games online. (I think this was a mistake, but that's just me...)

Apr 15, 2001, 08:09 PM
Acel and that last guy who said "everything after FF6 was crap" hit the nail on the head. I do find it mildly amusing that most of the fans of the "Modern" FF games are all teenage and lack any real social, verbal, or writing skills whatsoever, but thats just a stereotype, right?

I'm sorry, but I can't resist any longer. These games are not RPGs. Heck, even PSO isn't an RPG. An RPG is something that requires more then mindless button mashing and memorization of "Equipment Comnbinations". (Materia, Espers, Guardian Forces ect..)

This is why I have always been a PC Gamer first and foremost. Not only because your Average PC RPG requires more intelligence to play, but because many of the uncultured RPG Newbies that jumped into my hobby during the mainstream intrusion they called "Final Fantasy 7" are unable to convince mommy and daddy to purchase a 3,000 Dollar PC so they can join the PC side of the genre.

I've noticed a great deal of the population of PSO are foul-mouthed teens who have an IQ equivalent to their shoe size. This is the reason I normally stay away from websites, message boards, or any form of interactivity based on a console RPG. Heck, I would have tossed PSO in the garbage if it wasn't for the people that I've met here. God forbid you try to meet intelligent homosapiens outside of Puck-9. they exist, but the rarity of such people is truly depressing.

However, I digress. Real RPG fans know what the "real" RPG companies are. Working Designs, Enix, SEGA, Contrail, Atlus, Bioware, Black Isle, SSI, Bethesda, and Blizzard...these are real RPG companies.

FFking should try to track down a rom for Infocom's old PC game Lurking Horror, or better still, buy (or download) Interplay's hard-to-find Archives collection and play the old D&D Goldbox Games. Theres some REAL RPG'ing for you.

This is sure to get me flamed into oblivion, and that doesn't bother me, since I don't intend to respond. I simply cannot fathom how any self-respecting RPG lover would sully their hands with the likes of FF7 or 8.

Can someone tell me where Aeris/Aerith was buried? I need to take a leak...

Apr 15, 2001, 08:39 PM
You tell them Sheo. And for the poster who is going to play Horizons-- I hope to see you in the summer of 2002! But I still cannot decide... Orc, Goblin, or Vampire? lol =D

And to FFking. Saying there will be more people to play with on FFXI isn't correct, not to mention there is NO information on the damned game yet. Horizons, for example, already has an insane following, considering all it is going to do for Electronic Role Playing (the counterpart of real RPGs: paper). Just hop on over to www.artifact-entertainment.com/horizons to see what all the fuss is about.

And this was not intended to be a flame to you FFking

Apr 15, 2001, 08:39 PM
You tell them Sheo. And for the poster who is going to play Horizons-- I hope to see you in the summer of 2002! But I still cannot decide... Orc, Goblin, or Vampire? lol =D

And to FFking. Saying there will be more people to play with on FFXI isn't correct, not to mention there is NO information on the damned game yet. Horizons, for example, already has an insane following, considering all it is going to do for Electronic Role Playing (the counterpart of real RPGs: paper). Just hop on over to www.artifact-entertainment.com/horizons to see what all the fuss is about.

And this was not intended to be a flame to you FFking, so please don't take it offensively. =(

Apr 15, 2001, 08:42 PM
I'm sure its gonna rock. I'm definetly getting it.

Apr 15, 2001, 10:03 PM
gawd, i dunno how u people stand that crap. Fainal Fantasies are the worst games i think ive ever played. If they are "final" why are there multiple? ......just a lil input

Never was an old school fan of the PS saga but PSO rox.

Apr 15, 2001, 10:30 PM
On 2001-04-15 20:03, alpha wrote:
gawd, i dunno how u people stand that crap. Fainal Fantasies are the worst games i think ive ever played. If they are "final" why are there multiple? ......just a lil input

Never was an old school fan of the PS saga but PSO rox.[addsig]

The reason why they are called , Final Fantasy, is (I think) because Square was thinking about quitting making games, and decided that the the one game would be called Final Fantasy, as it was their last chance. And well, it worked. (Obviously).
And for you people who said that Final Fantasy's storyline sucks, here's what you do: You go to your room, and make up a 40 hour story, and see if you can compare to any of them.

And to those who said that the PS2 bombed: What the hell have you been smoking? The system's doing perfectly fine! And yes, it didn't have many strong launch titles, but they all didn't suck either! The one that really stood out was SSX, which is a damn awesome game.

As for the actual question: Will I stop playing PSO when FFXI comes out? No. I'll play both. At the same time. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 15, 2001, 11:13 PM
On 2001-04-15 20:30, SerGe-007 wrote:

On 2001-04-15 20:03, alpha wrote:
gawd, i dunno how u people stand that crap. Fainal Fantasies are the worst games i think ive ever played. If they are "final" why are there multiple? ......just a lil input

Never was an old school fan of the PS saga but PSO rox.[addsig]

The reason why they are called , Final Fantasy, is (I think) because Square was thinking about quitting making games, and decided that the the one game would be called Final Fantasy, as it was their last chance. And well, it worked. (Obviously).
And for you people who said that Final Fantasy's storyline sucks, here's what you do: You go to your room, and make up a 40 hour story, and see if you can compare to any of them.

And to those who said that the PS2 bombed: What the hell have you been smoking? The system's doing perfectly fine! And yes, it didn't have many strong launch titles, but they all didn't suck either! The one that really stood out was SSX, which is a damn awesome game.

As for the actual question: Will I stop playing PSO when FFXI comes out? No. I'll play both. At the same time. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif[addsig]

YUPhttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif (BUT I DIDN'T LIKE SSX. THE CONTROLS STANK.http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif)

(BTW: THE ONLY REASON I HAVE A DC IS BECAUSE OF PSO.)http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Apr 15, 2001, 11:39 PM
Thanks Omni.

See, I am not biased. I am one of those adult gamers who buy every system that comes down the pike just so that he can be the envy of all his game-playing friends. Well, that and there is always that "One Game" for a system that you must own no matter what, and it ends up being so good that it was worth it to pay the 250 Dollars for the system hardware itself. (Example: Perfect Dark for the N64, Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Saturn)

You see, The above poster proves my theory about the PS and PS2: 90% of it's user base happen to be teenage Pot-smoking Rif Raff who speak 2nd grade english and type with their CAPS LOCK ON. no matter how many boards I've been to, the Sony Loyalists are always like this. Spouting ill-informed rhetoric about a system that although it's sales are great, it's games gather dust on EB shelfs everywhere.

Gee, but thats another stereotype, isn't it?

If it is, then how come it's true?

I worked as a manager in a software Ect. for a year, I saw the type of "kids" the first PS machine attracted, and let me tell you, if any of those kids ever bathed, touched a real woman, or stopped smoking pot, I'd be shocked out of my mind. My assistant manager used to walk around the store front with a can of LYsol and would spray the area when each sutomer left because the smell of under-arms and Pot was so strong.

Whereas the Saturn owners who came in would engage me in deep, meaningful conversations, and many I have continued friendships with to this day.

They say a person's pet often reveals a lot about their personality. You know the old wives tale about how a dog/cat often looks like it's owner?

I say a person's favorite system can tell you what type of gamer they are....

Apr 16, 2001, 12:12 AM
On 2001-04-15 20:03, alpha wrote:
gawd, i dunno how u people stand that crap. Fainal Fantasies are the worst games i think ive ever played.

I don't understand why cheap sports games sell so well. Obviously they entertain a lot of people. It's just a difference in taste. Apparantly I'm the only one here who liked FF8 the best, and thought FF9 was mediocre at best. (I don't want any comments from anybody why I'm wrong and you're right, because I don't care. That's what I think of 'em). All of the Final Fantasy games have sold quite well, so they are obviously good games. Some may like them, some may not. But enough people like them that Squaresoft makes booku bucks from the series.

LOL Sheo. I work at a music store and I get the exact same kind of pond scum. They usually come in thinking they're the best guitar players in the world, when they sound like crap, and don't know the first thing about music theory. I usually have to pick out the guitars they played on and clean them off. I've had people come in so stoned they jump when the telephone rings.

Apr 16, 2001, 01:29 AM
Okay, first of all, I'm not about to decide if a game is good or not before I've played it, and you guys shoudn't either.

As for the PS2, I must say that I'm incredibly disapointed in it. That system is less a leap over the Dreamcast, than the SNES was to the Genesis. It boggles my mind that people would pay three times as much for a system that is virtually the same as far as graphics go, with a software library that is truly pathetic in comparison. I don't have a PS2, because I cannot think of a single game that I'd like to own on it. There is one game that I really like (played at a friends house), and that was Onimusha. Too bad it was over in four hours. That's a rental.

Keep in mind that consoles by themselves are nothing. They're merely tools to play games on. If you don't enjoy the games, you won't enjoy the system. Debating over which system is better is a waste of time. It's all in the games.

One last thing. How well something sells is a terrible way to discern quality. I can think of a number of popular games which are terrible (*cough*Legend of Dragoon*cough*), as well as games that didn't sell that are truly incredible (any game by Treasure, Damn they rock).

Now keep in mind that these are my opinions, and many of yours may conflict with mine. That doesn't mean that one of us is wrong, we just have different tastes. This reminds me of an english test I had in 11th grade that asked my opinion on some aspect of The Lord of the Flies (don't remember the exact question) that I somehow got wrong. I spent over an hour arguing with my teacher that I had indeed put down my opinion, and not something that I didn't believe. He'd have none of it. I never did get those points, and that's the sort of thing I can't tolerate.

Apr 16, 2001, 01:49 AM
I could take my time expressing all my views and I could be a lazy SOB...hehe no contest:

Ditto w/ all Sheo's said ^_^

Apr 16, 2001, 02:38 AM
Yeah you're right Drahktar, I should've worded it differently. Just because a game sells well doesn't mean it's good. Alas I am a poor owner of Legend of Dragoon and it's a steaming pile of ... you get the idea.

Apr 16, 2001, 09:29 AM
Did you know that Final Fantasys ARE the best known games in JAPAN?

Did you know that moe poeple have a Final Fantasy 7 and 8 and 9 game then a PSO game?

Did you know that more people have a PS2 now then a DC?

Im not bashing the DC or PSO because I love PSO and I only got a DC because of PSO. But I just cant see why you think PSO is the TOP Online RPG and no other RPG will ever take over? Its the only BIG online game to come out (apart from PC games).

And I know Final Fantasys are not everyones cup of tea! But i cant see how you can even say PSO is like a Final Fantasy game...because Its not even a real RPG!!! Where is the story line?? I have read every part of the game and found NO story at all.

Im not sure who said this: But you said that there was not a good FF game since FF6.....Well how many FF games are there since that??? Oh yea 3! And you even said that 7 was good...So that makes 2! And now you are saying that ALL Final Fantasy Games are crap! because they made "2" Bad games! Well maybe if you think that thenPSO is crap...No story line, too many BUGS, too easy to hack, and too easy to play.

I like this game and I like most other RPGS and I have played FF1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9 and they all seem very good games.

Oh and FINAL in Final Fantasy meens "the FINAL of that game" Like the Final Fantasy Story of 7 and the FINAL of Fantasy 8..Get it?

Im not flaming any of you! I just like to try and get my point across. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 16, 2001, 10:20 AM
i'll just become a everquest junkie after this.

Apr 16, 2001, 11:00 AM
Im not bashing the DC or PSO because I love PSO and I only got a DC because of PSO. But I just cant see why you think PSO is the TOP Online RPG and no other RPG will ever take over? Its the only BIG online game to come out (apart from PC games).

Whoa now, let me get one thing straight. PSO will be taken over eventually, maybe by it's succesors, maybe by something else. FFXI may or may not do the taking over, but I'm not about to decide right now.

And I know Final Fantasys are not everyones cup of tea! But i cant see how you can even say PSO is like a Final Fantasy game...because Its not even a real RPG!!! Where is the story line?? I have read every part of the game and found NO story at all.

PSO is more an RPG than the FF series ever was. In the FF series, you take command of a character. With this character you wade through a storyline, having no effect whatsoever on the outcome of the game, doing just what is required to advance. Nothing you do affects how the character interacts with the world around him/her. PSO on the other hand, your character is created by you. How your character acts is based only on your input. How other characters in the world act torwards you, also depend on how you "play" your character. This is a role playing game. The best example of a true RPG would be Fallout. In that game, every town behaves differently torward you, solely based on your previous interactions with them. As you advance in level, you choose what areas your character becomes better at. You have influence as to who your character becomes. This is an RPG. In an RPG you role play a character, not control a vessel that extracts text from the other "people" in the world you play in.

Apr 16, 2001, 01:54 PM
I really don't see how people can bash the PS2 so endlessly, and praise the other systems. Especially systems that haven't been released yet. I know that I (as well as all my friends and family) purchased a PS2 because it's a great purchase: We all wanted a new gaming system, and a DVD player. We saved money by getting them in one neat little black console http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif The games out there now are not the greatest in the world, but there are some exceptional ones. The Bouncer, which has great replay value, and is an RPG AND a fighting game. Tekken Tag, is also a great game. It's extremely popular here in the US, and is skyrocketing in Japan (finally). And I know that when Sonic Adventure 2 comes out, it will most likely be for PS2, as well as Space Channel 5 2, and the much anticipated and prolonged Buffy the Vampire Slayer game. Not to mention Tekken 4 http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 16, 2001, 02:30 PM
Well I dont think PSO is a true RPG!

1) No story line (well maybe a SMALL one)

2) There is not much too setting your player up. They could have made the Magic part abit more harder to use and maybe the MAG part could have been more..... . .better?

3) More Items!

I know these are not all needed to make a RPG but they could have made the GAME much more harder and made it better for more experienced RPG players! These is just not much to the game for me.

I dont know if all of you have played many RPGs (And NO Zelda is not a RPG) but this just cant be a TRUE one.

Apr 16, 2001, 09:29 PM
On 2001-04-16 12:30, FFKing wrote:
Well I dont think PSO is a true RPG!

You're right, it's not. In fact, there isn't a single console game that is a true RPG.

1) No story line (well maybe a SMALL one)

Sorry, a story is not required for a game to be an RPG, though they greatly benefit from one.

2) There is not much too setting your player up. They could have made the Magic part abit more harder to use and maybe the MAG part could have been more..... . .better?

Agreed, there could be more to setting up your character. At least you can, unlike the FF series.

3) More Items!

Uh.. Sure. Nothing to do with being an RPG or not...

I know these are not all needed to make a RPG but they could have made the GAME much more harder and made it better for more experienced RPG players! These is just not much to the game for me.

I dont know if all of you have played many RPGs (And NO Zelda is not a RPG) but this just cant be a TRUE one.[addsig]

All these games (FF series and the like) have been inaccurately labeled RPGs for a long time. There really should be another term for them, but that isn't going to happen. So RPG it is. Now since the term itself is already incorrect, trying to decide whether or not a computer game is an RPG or not, can't really be done. I suppose you could decide as to how incorrect the term is, but that's just a waste of time.

I hope that clears some things up.

Apr 16, 2001, 10:12 PM
On 2001-04-15 21:39, Sheogorath wrote:
Thanks Omni.

See, I am not biased. I am one of those adult gamers who buy every system that comes down the pike just so that he can be the envy of all his game-playing friends. Well, that and there is always that "One Game" for a system that you must own no matter what, and it ends up being so good that it was worth it to pay the 250 Dollars for the system hardware itself. (Example: Perfect Dark for the N64, Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Saturn)

You see, The above poster proves my theory about the PS and PS2: 90% of it's user base happen to be teenage Pot-smoking Rif Raff who speak 2nd grade english and type with their CAPS LOCK ON. no matter how many boards I've been to, the Sony Loyalists are always like this. Spouting ill-informed rhetoric about a system that although it's sales are great, it's games gather dust on EB shelfs everywhere.

Gee, but thats another stereotype, isn't it?

If it is, then how come it's true?

I worked as a manager in a software Ect. for a year, I saw the type of "kids" the first PS machine attracted, and let me tell you, if any of those kids ever bathed, touched a real woman, or stopped smoking pot, I'd be shocked out of my mind. My assistant manager used to walk around the store front with a can of LYsol and would spray the area when each sutomer left because the smell of under-arms and Pot was so strong.

Whereas the Saturn owners who came in would engage me in deep, meaningful conversations, and many I have continued friendships with to this day.

They say a person's pet often reveals a lot about their personality. You know the old wives tale about how a dog/cat often looks like it's owner?

I say a person's favorite system can tell you what type of gamer they are....


BTW:"caps lock"
(Like I said before, I dont type this way to offend people. If you were to just ask politely
instead of mocking me then I would have apologized and changed it.)