View Full Version : exp down

Feb 5, 2004, 05:08 AM
can anyone pls explain me why i am sometimes losing exp when i get disconnected and sometimes not. i am always playing on B ships.
i played yesterday about 4 hours, started with lv63 8/100 and finished with lv63 58/100. i got 2 times in final disconnected and lost then each time 40 exp.
it starts pi**ing me a lot.

Feb 5, 2004, 06:43 AM
If you lose a battle, you lose experience on a Battle Ship. A DC is counted as a loss, hence your experience loss.

Feb 5, 2004, 12:49 PM
Yesterday something weird happened to me.
I had joined a tourney and I went out of team a bit late. Then when warping to lobby there is an instant where you see an empty lobby screen. In that moment the emssage screen saying the tourney was going to start in few seconds appeared. And I got stuck there for some minutes until I disconnected in purpose. Luckily it didn't count as Disconnection

Feb 5, 2004, 01:27 PM
i cant wiat till march so i can finally play the game