View Full Version : After PSO III

Feb 5, 2004, 06:31 AM
It is a fact that after PSO III a new PSO will be released, but maybe some of you know more details than me about it. As far as I know the game will be in a new enviroment other than Ragol and Pioneer. Acetually that`s all I know know. Do you have any additional info like console or enviroment???


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2004-02-05 08:46 ]</font>

Feb 5, 2004, 07:35 AM
"Fact"? I remember posting a topic on predictions, and also remember something about "Nintendo officially stating there would be no more PSOs"... or something like that.

This remains a mystery.. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Feb 5, 2004, 07:44 AM
Ep III is the last PSO in the Ragol story arc; they didn't say there won't be any more PSO games.

Feb 5, 2004, 07:45 AM
They are making a new Phantasy Star game that is online but will not follow the rico/flowen storyline. In fact sega are due to annonce a new unknown rpg later this year hopefully this will be it.

Feb 5, 2004, 07:49 AM
On 2004-02-05 04:44, LadyRedComet wrote:
Ep III is the last PSO in the Ragol story arc; they didn't say there won't be any more PSO games.

I`ve heard there will be and SonicTeam/Nintendo would be fools not to make more games.

Feb 5, 2004, 08:46 AM
the rumors so far:

next phantasy star game will be Phantasy Star 5 for PS2. classic offline singleplayer RPG.

no new episode on PSO, however that officially doesnt mean they gonna make no sequel (a real PSO2 then).

lets have a tea and wait for actual official info.

Feb 5, 2004, 11:09 AM
Are you sure this is five instead of 4?? Would be weird they`d release a new PS game instead of PSO.

Feb 5, 2004, 11:33 AM
It would have to five, because the last one that was released was 4 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Feb 5, 2004, 12:52 PM
i so i hope it isn't another card genre. i really don't like them.

Feb 5, 2004, 01:20 PM
you havn't even tried the game so dont't go putting it down till you have

Feb 5, 2004, 04:14 PM
On 2004-02-05 08:09, Travvell wrote:
Are you sure this is five instead of 4?? Would be weird they`d release a new PS game instead of PSO.

hmmm i dont mean to be rude but for an admin at a PSO site *NOTE:OBVIOUSLY NOT THIS ONE* youre kinda in the dark when it comes to PS... maybe you should read up on your history

Feb 5, 2004, 04:29 PM
Wait a second!

You might not have as much faith in Nintendo Power as I have, but they had an interview with the creator, and he said he was done with Phantasy Star Online, and that Ep. III would wrap up all the loose ends.

I realize that you're already saying it won't be rico/flowen, but no more Phantasy Star means no more Phantasy Star.

You gotta believe! (in Nintendo Power!)

Feb 5, 2004, 04:32 PM
Durn, does that mean all of our favorite characters will be long dead in the time period of the next game?

That's how it always is with Phantasy Stary... 1000 years later, everything get all screwed up again.

Feb 5, 2004, 04:38 PM
this topic is depressing me.. I can't bear to think no more pso after GC ver 1&2.. Im sorry but i don't consider ep3 anywhere near a regular pso game.. Its totally different... Why can't they throw us a bone and at least hint at something or at least crush our hopes..


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ILLI on 2004-02-05 13:39 ]</font>

Feb 5, 2004, 04:44 PM
what has been said over and over by countless mags is that "PSO3 Will tie up all loose ends regarding the rico/flowen pioneer settlement storyline. but it has not been confirmed whether or not PSO is over"

Feb 5, 2004, 06:31 PM
On 2004-02-05 13:29, SnoopyEgotist wrote:
Wait a second!

You might not have as much faith in Nintendo Power as I have, but they had an interview with the creator, and he said he was done with Phantasy Star Online, and that Ep. III would wrap up all the loose ends.

I realize that you're already saying it won't be rico/flowen, but no more Phantasy Star means no more Phantasy Star.

You gotta believe! (in Nintendo Power!)

Well, yes, Yuji Naka is no longer involved in ANYTHING produced by Sonic Team-- Episode III was the last game to be made under his authority. He was moved to a different team in Sega's reshuffle last September.

In any case, what was said, was that there would be no more games based on the Rico/Flowen story arc. Which means that any games released now, will follow a new story arc. The next game may be on Ragol, it may be on Coral, it may be in Algol, or it could be in somewhere entirely new again. We simply don't know that information.

In short, at this point we have confirmation that the current story arc is coming to a close, but we don't have confirmation of the end of the series altogether, nor do we have confirmation of any new games coming. As far as we know, there may be another thirty games, or there may be none.

Feb 5, 2004, 07:09 PM
I'd say PSO's future will go as Sega's console future goes. Which is pretty much up in the air at this point. If Sega ends up not doing much with console games anymore due to the Sammy takeover (as has been rumored), then they should sell franchised like PSO to companies like SquareEnix that might do something with them. But it's not 100% certain that Sega will pull out of console games to a great extent. We just don't know.

It would be a shame if these were the last versions of PSO, since they really haven't gotten one right yet. This one has by far the best set-up and gameplay, but it could still be better and more cheat-free. Well, cheat free at all.

Feb 5, 2004, 07:31 PM

Feb 5, 2004, 08:16 PM
I hope to see another PSO Game after Episode III, but we don't know for sure.

I would love it to be some new fancy PSO with all new upgrades, new battle system, new story, new everything, but, we just dont know.

Time does tell all...

Feb 6, 2004, 03:02 AM
On 2004-02-05 13:14, ThatOneGuy wrote:

On 2004-02-05 08:09, Travvell wrote:
Are you sure this is five instead of 4?? Would be weird they`d release a new PS game instead of PSO.

hmmm i dont mean to be rude but for an admin at a PSO site *NOTE:OBVIOUSLY NOT THIS ONE* youre kinda in the dark when it comes to PS... maybe you should read up on your history

I`m not sure if I`m getting your point on this, but I`m more into PSO than PS. Besides that PS5 still is a rumour we don`t know much about.

Feb 6, 2004, 06:42 AM
mmmm... Maybe even a PSO with all the planets/solar systems... How cool, maybe even choosing which planet your from to alter how the storyline goes, maybe even several dark forces?

A new story is definantly in need.

Feb 6, 2004, 11:34 AM
I could see them making a Phantasy Star Zero Mission or something, or maybe even a Pioneer 1 story (that would be cool)... but I don't see a PSO ep. IV coming out ever...

Feb 6, 2004, 12:01 PM
On 2004-02-05 16:09, Kurosawa wrote:
I'd say PSO's future will go as Sega's console future goes. Which is pretty much up in the air at this point. If Sega ends up not doing much with console games anymore due to the Sammy takeover (as has been rumored), then they should sell franchised like PSO to companies like SquareEnix that might do something with them. But it's not 100% certain that Sega will pull out of console games to a great extent. We just don't know.

It would be a shame if these were the last versions of PSO, since they really haven't gotten one right yet. This one has by far the best set-up and gameplay, but it could still be better and more cheat-free. Well, cheat free at all.

There are three reasons why Sammy is having Sega slow down on console games, and concentrate on arcade games.

1, Arcade machines have *always* been Sega's strong suit. It's what they do best.

2, By concentrating on arcade games, they can create a number of new popular franchises without relying on other companies' consoles, which ties into...

3, Sammy wants Sega to come up with a new console of their own. By strengthening the arcade side of the business, they'll have a number of popular franchises exclusive to their own console, as well as something sturdy to fall back on if the console fails.

That's why Sammy is having Sega cut back on console games.

Feb 6, 2004, 07:36 PM
On 2004-02-05 16:31, metermore wrote:

thats what i was thinking they would do b4 i reached that post...if they make a new phantasy star w/ a new story later,they should hav more attacks.not 2 mention jumping and other ways 2 interact w/ the environment...that would make it really fun...

Feb 7, 2004, 12:25 PM
Am I the only other one here who has read that there will be another PSO down the road, just not along the same arc as what we have now?

Feb 7, 2004, 02:34 PM
I doubt PSO Ep3 will be the last. Afterall the Japanese never stop working! Remember when the creator of MGS said after two it was over? He worked on 3 anyway!

Feb 8, 2004, 01:12 AM
well,i've been a suscriber to Nintendo Power for years now,and they have a habit of getting facts wrong about games from time to time,and misquoting people,so i don't always believe Nintendo Power,but that's my own choice.And even though that issue said there would be no more PSO,i thought i saw the original quote on a PSO website awhile back(I forget if it was this site or another,i may be wrong)that PSO 3 would finish the Rico/Flowen arc,but that it would not be the end of PSO,or even Phantasy Star in general.Also,a new Phantasy Star game with a number on it would be Phantasy Star 5,due to the fact that the last one was Phantasy Star 4-End of the Millenium for Sega Genesis,i have it in my collection.But i agree,i'd like PSO and Phantasy Star to keep going for qutie awhile yet,it's a great series.

Feb 8, 2004, 03:26 AM
Meira: I know Sega has had more success with their arcade line than anything else, but from what I understand, Sammy mostly wants them to make pachinko type games for them, along with some arcade deluxe machines. I don't think Sammy has Sega's best interests in maind, nor do I believe they have any interest in getting into the console business. I expect Sega to become a non-company much like Atari has become-just a label really. Some of their sucessful series will continued to be released under the Sega name, like the Sonic games, but other series-like Phantasy Star and Shenmue-will most likely flounder. That's why, since I have all ideas Sega is basically dead as their own company anyway, I think it would be best for Sega to sell of some of their franchises that don't fit the arcade market to companies that focus more on the home market.

Basicially when the Dreamcast came out, Sega was trying to carve themselves a place with games of high art. That's why, despite it's brief existance, Dreamcast has to have been the most innovative system ever. Sega was breaking new ground with it, and made several games that fully displayed the videogame's place as art. When the Playstation 2 came out, the competetion between the two systems was basically the competetion of art versus product. And sadly enough, product won.

So unless there is a severe change of heart from Sammy, or unless the Phantasy Star franchise is sold off, I don't hold much hope for any more Phantasy Star games of any kind. But I really hope I'm wrong.

Feb 8, 2004, 11:04 AM
C'mon, a dicussion like this can't end on a sour tone like that. We need predictions people! I think there will surely be another PSO as it's an extremely successful game, not to mention very lucrative. I'm thinking the next PSO will be a cross between Crimson Sea for xbox (combos, fast/strategical combat) and PSO Ep I&II for GC (communication, team work, upgrading). So here's hoping that Sonic Team will make another classic.

Feb 8, 2004, 10:17 PM
...you know what i'm sick of this refreshing, move PSOworld to a new server that doesnt have this annoying feature.

now then, Zero Misson = Metroid. not Phantasy Star

As for a future story idea, I'm playing off what could be done with what we have from the end of Phantasy Star IV. We all know the monster Prophallus from the Edge correct? Well lets say that one of them escaped while Chaz and the others were fighting Profound Darkness. Now lets say that that Prophallus went into hiding and in 1000 years, it had built up enough power to become a Dark Force. The story writes itself from there as the people of Algo are completely unprepared because they thought it was over when Profound Darkness died.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jonathan_F on 2004-02-08 19:28 ]</font>

Feb 9, 2004, 01:09 AM
My god, u ppl need to be more optomistic...beleive me i am not making this up, i think it was on IGN or something i forget where, but i remember reading just what others were saying. This was back when Ep III had just been announced as a card game, and they said that Ep III would end the current PSO Storyline, so all the crap on Ragol will be done and over with, However it was NOT the end of PSO and in fact antother one is already in the works.

Im looking for that article right now.

Feb 9, 2004, 03:40 AM
If you could find it that would be great. I just hope the next PSO`s will stick with the idea of PSO1+2 or maybe 3 and not that they`ll try something completely new... AGAIN!!

Feb 9, 2004, 05:24 AM
if they pretty much just got the episode 1 & 2 engine, mainly just the character building, item system, item drop system, mags etc then improved to a really good battle system, and made a world to explore (not just doungens) it would be one really nice game and c'mon, who could resist that? even all the anti PSOers would love it.

Feb 9, 2004, 05:44 AM
IMO the battlesystem is fine, the only thing I`d love in PSO I+II would be a shield to block so you don`t get hit all the time. Now it is like you hit, enemie hit, you hit twice, enemie again... Except if you use God Battles (Mwoehahaha).

A new open enviroment would be great, kind of like in Linage, but it would be hard to create on a console. Why no PSO MMORPG on PC, SWG-style?? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Feb 9, 2004, 10:34 AM
I want another PSO.

But not like Episode 3.

I want another RT Combat game with some new features.

Make combat a bit more interesting. Like Wind Waker.

Make it so Force users can combine spells like in Phantasy Star IV.

Make a new engine that has a much better draw distance.

Feb 9, 2004, 12:04 PM
On 2004-02-08 00:26, Kurosawa wrote:
Meira: I know Sega has had more success with their arcade line than anything else, but from what I understand, Sammy mostly wants them to make pachinko type games for them, along with some arcade deluxe machines. I don't think Sammy has Sega's best interests in maind, nor do I believe they have any interest in getting into the console business. I expect Sega to become a non-company much like Atari has become-just a label really. Some of their sucessful series will continued to be released under the Sega name, like the Sonic games, but other series-like Phantasy Star and Shenmue-will most likely flounder. That's why, since I have all ideas Sega is basically dead as their own company anyway, I think it would be best for Sega to sell of some of their franchises that don't fit the arcade market to companies that focus more on the home market.

Basicially when the Dreamcast came out, Sega was trying to carve themselves a place with games of high art. That's why, despite it's brief existance, Dreamcast has to have been the most innovative system ever. Sega was breaking new ground with it, and made several games that fully displayed the videogame's place as art. When the Playstation 2 came out, the competetion between the two systems was basically the competetion of art versus product. And sadly enough, product won.

So unless there is a severe change of heart from Sammy, or unless the Phantasy Star franchise is sold off, I don't hold much hope for any more Phantasy Star games of any kind. But I really hope I'm wrong.

First of all: Sammy does not own a full controlling interest in Sega. They own something like 31%. The only thing of note, is that they own more than any other single stock holder. That's the only reason why they have any influence.

Next, Sammy has already announced their interest in having Sega produce another console. HuBBsDoctor posted a link to the article containing that announcement several weeks ago. I search for it.

And finally, in support of said announcement, it only makes sense that they would pull back on producing console games in that situation-- Why continue to heavily support the competition's machines, when you're getting ready to produce your own?

Don't worry about Sammy screwing up Sega. Sammy wants money, and they know that Sega is known for producing extremely high quality games-- And Sammy will do everything they can to capitalize on that.

Feb 9, 2004, 12:26 PM
On 2004-02-05 04:35, Nazo wrote:
"Fact"? I remember posting a topic on predictions, and also remember something about "Nintendo officially stating there would be no more PSOs"... or something like that.

This remains a mystery.. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

No more PSO`s? noooooooooooooo!!!

Feb 9, 2004, 12:38 PM
Well, it`s not like I dislike Sammy (they gave me Guilty Gear) but...get your hands off PSO Sammy....

Feb 9, 2004, 01:32 PM
Uh! I posted some information as i thought it'd clear up alot of things, as it had some cool news on EP3, sonic team and such.

I didn't see this topic. I'm sorry. But anyway from what i've read here, i think this will clear alot up.


and sorry again for making new post, without checking http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VenusGravity on 2004-02-09 10:33 ]</font>

Feb 9, 2004, 01:42 PM
That's quite informative there, VenusGravity. Thanks for the news!

Feb 9, 2004, 01:46 PM
Ogawa: Well, that is a secret! The next project is in progress now. However, I will be associated with Episode III and its operation for a time. There will be various gimmicks available, so I will be busy with them, I suppose.•

PSO III's director tackles our questions about collectible cards, online gaming, and closing the Ragol trilogy.
By Christian "ferricide" Nutt | Feb. 6, 2004

UMM.. Its a secret everyone!!!..

I take this as be ready for the next pso enstallment http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Feb 9, 2004, 01:50 PM
Yeah... Hopefully, since Yuji Naka's not involved anymore, they'll choose a format with a larger world to explore, and with any luck, they'll go with a classic PS setting in Algol, instead of coming up with something completely new, again.

Of course, I can't speak for people who stepped into Phantasy Star with Phantasy Star Online, but I can certainly speak for all of the old school PS Phanatics when I say that what we really want is something set on Motavia.

As I've commented before... Motavia around AW 2280 or so would be quite nice.

Feb 9, 2004, 08:14 PM
On 2004-02-09 10:50, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:
Yeah... Hopefully, since Yuji Naka's not involved anymore, they'll choose a format with a larger world to explore, and with any luck, they'll go with a classic PS setting in Algol, instead of coming up with something completely new, again.

Of course, I can't speak for people who stepped into Phantasy Star with Phantasy Star Online, but I can certainly speak for all of the old school PS Phanatics when I say that what we really want is something set on Motavia.

As I've commented before... Motavia around AW 2280 or so would be quite nice.

yes that would rule.
I want a phantasy star game on Motavia

Feb 9, 2004, 09:10 PM
I'm a fan of the original Phantasy Star series and PSO,i'd love another PSO game after PSO3.The idea about a PSO where you can combine spells like in PStar 4 would be sweet.I'd like PSO and Phantasy Star to stay around for quite awhile yet.

Feb 10, 2004, 12:34 AM
I've been waiting for Phantasy Star 5. As far as this PSO discussion, I remember when Ep III was first announced, there were rumors about what was going to happen with PSO. I believe, at that time, ST already said that epIII was to wrap up PSO1 storyline (as some of you already stated). They also added, that the next PSO installment (it was a big if, at the time) would be a different game, meaning they would revamped the game from the past episodes; changing the gameplay and the storyline would be different.

So I've always believed and have been optimistic that PSO2 would be released, and that it would be based on the continuation of the Ragol storyline; i.e. the aftermath of the previous storylines. I'm thinking that it will be more of an mmorpg. This could be a strong choice, as we've already been paying to play PSO; just like ppl pay to play mmorpgs. I also think that it would still be on Ragol, still with the same areas we've seen (but more expanded), and there would be more areas. Ragol is a planet afterall. I highly doubt, that all the areas we went through, is the entire planet. (then again, I could be wrong on some accounts as I haven't played epIII) But again, this is just my thoughts.

Feb 10, 2004, 02:02 AM
Well, that article doesn't slam the door shut on future PS games, but it doesn't say there will be more either. I guess we can hope for the best.

I don't think Sega needs to get back into the console business. The market's too crowded already. 4 systems would be too much. If they get back into consoles, it'll just fail and this time it might wipe the company out. I wish they had merged with Nintendo when that rumor was going around. A merged Nintendo-Sega company could compete strongly with MS and Sony. I want Sega to be profitable enough so they can make games like Daytona that make major $$$ and use that to fund art games like Shenmue and Rez. That's the ideal sitituation. Also, if Sega was more finanically solvent, they would be able to provide better security for their online games.

Feb 10, 2004, 04:33 AM
They might join in after the NGC2 + PS3 + XBOX2 - Clash. They`d make a good chance.

Feb 10, 2004, 08:10 AM
Just a quick note, Nintendo is banking on the Gamecube for another 4 years before it releases another console.

Feb 10, 2004, 08:15 AM
No way, they`ll be the first to release their console in the next consolewar. They`ve said this literary...

Feb 10, 2004, 02:50 PM
no they didn't, they went gonna start developing 1 until after the xbox2 and ps3. the DS is not nintendos way of competing with the xbox2 or ps3, and they are indeed planing on supporting the gamecube.

Feb 10, 2004, 02:59 PM
On 2004-02-05 04:45, Armok wrote:
They are making a new Phantasy Star game that is online but will not follow the rico/flowen storyline. In fact sega are due to annonce a new unknown rpg later this year hopefully this will be it.

A new PSO story will be made for the future game. And it is a def creation from ST. Yuji Naka stated somewhere that PSO was their best bet. But hopefully... it isn't a card game. More stages and action is needed. Preferably MMORPG

Feb 10, 2004, 08:51 PM
On 2004-02-09 02:44, Travvell wrote:
IMO the battlesystem is fine, the only thing I`d love in PSO I+II would be a shield to block so you don`t get hit all the time. Now it is like you hit, enemie hit, you hit twice, enemie again... Except if you use God Battles (Mwoehahaha).

A new open enviroment would be great, kind of like in Linage, but it would be hard to create on a console. Why no PSO MMORPG on PC, SWG-style?? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I have nothing against the battle system, but everyone I try to get into PSO pretty much says its too repetative. and well, if you only play for a bit and dont get into the game, it would seem that way. I'd like to see a new fully customable action rpg battle engine, like PSO but with different attack styles for weapons, moving while attacking, you know, and perhaps even some automatic weapons to strafe along with wiping out all those oncoming sharks with

Feb 10, 2004, 10:53 PM
Hmmm...a new character class would cool...maybe a character type that could invite and use monsters for attack like the Mediator class from Final Fantasy tactics?That'd be cool to have a pet Booma or Dimenian to unleash on enemies....lol

Feb 11, 2004, 02:51 AM
Spider, I thought the same when I first saw the game, but if you get more into it you`ll see it`s beauty. It`s the same like with all the Asians playing Diablo all night, it`s repetetive aswell!!

I`d wish my job wasn`t so repetitive...

Feb 11, 2004, 04:08 AM
On 2004-02-10 23:51, Travvell wrote:
Spider, I thought the same when I first saw the game, but if you get more into it you`ll see it`s beauty. It`s the same like with all the Asians playing Diablo all night, it`s repetetive aswell!!

I`d wish my job wasn`t so repetitive...

Lol, I know, I love PSO, I been in it since the V1 days http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif. Just everyone I show the game to dislikes it, and due to my offliness, that kinda sucks http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Feb 11, 2004, 06:44 AM
Most of my friends see it as very boring when they join me in a game. They say it`s repetitive while they play Diablo II all day :|

Feb 11, 2004, 11:50 PM
Oh good god. PSO destroys Diablo.

Feb 12, 2004, 12:42 AM
I hear that....lol...while I like Diablo,i enjoy PSO a whole lot more.