View Full Version : Very Lucky Weekend ^_^

Feb 15, 2004, 09:53 PM
Yes, it seemed after my absense of luck in 2 months, it finally returned!

Since on Friday, it was a day off school, I wondered what to hunt. I couldn't get online cause my brothers took my calbe again =/ So I decided to hunt some God/Powers (Viridia Caves Mil Lily) for my HUmar and my RAcast. 5 Mil Lilies, 3 God/Powers. Pretty succesful http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

The day after I found my FLight Cutter (I posted about that in another post) I had decided just to get my HUnewearl (Whitill) through Ult Temple since I hadn't already. I got the varaition I hate, but I decided not to reset (I was seriously going to ^_^;), but I decided not to. First room, Ugly (Love, ironically XD) Rappy! Electro Frame with 1 Slot! Too bad my only android isn't high enough yet.

Yesterday (Valentine's Day) I decided to go online, since I found my cable http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif. I played with my friend... of course, I'm not too fond of his stlye of play... rare appears, runs to get it, if he doesn't, I feel guilty cause he wants them XD Anyways, we did TTF, and in the room of the Baranz, we were getting owned so bad. (How? A level 139 FOmar and a 141 HUmar? *shrug*). But after 2 had been killed, he was killed by the final Baranz. Right above his head... RED BOX?!! Apparently, an earlier Baranz had left it's parts behind ^_^ I thought he was gonna take, even though I said earlier, "I want Baranz Parts (Like it'll appear)." But he didn't even see it. *ish happy*

Later that day, I just played for fun. Nothing rare, no quests, yet I had the most fun I have had with PSO in months! I guess that could be considered lucky ^_^

And today, I wanted to hunt God/Body and God/Arm for my RAcast (The final units to make him not suck completely for Ult) and I was doing Very Hard Redria TTF with a Skyly friend. Since Nar Lily wouldn't appear (God/Body), we tried once with Skyly... Nar Lily -_- God/HP... well, it's good, but I let him have it. He knew I was disappointed, and he offered it to me. But I don't think I should have taken it ^_- We returned to Redria and found God/Arm! (Pan Arms, 1/41) but no Nar.

Pretty successful week, I must say ^_^

Feb 15, 2004, 10:08 PM
Congratulations! Lucky you. I got my pso Valentines day gift a bit early. Last monday I got the Real Agit from a Tollaw (bluefull). Had 20%hit. I wish I had online.... and parts of a baranz.... and flight cutter. *jealous!*

Feb 15, 2004, 10:09 PM

I wouldn't worry too much about the God/Body, it isn't that useful of a unit.

Also your friend from the earlier part of V-Day seems like a brat...just an observation.

Feb 15, 2004, 10:12 PM
@Supah Chao: YOU SUCK!

Congrats on the find though... *mumbles something threatening to cube in hoping game will start to drop stuff*

Feb 15, 2004, 11:37 PM
Nice finds, although I hate anyone that has found Baranz parts, because I have killed literally hundreds of Baranz's only to be rewarded with that ever annoying Photon Drop. Oh well, least I have a Ruby Bullet. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Feb 16, 2004, 01:43 AM
what the heck! same on the virdia caves..i did a run and found NO god/powers...3 times!....oh well so much for me

Feb 16, 2004, 03:37 AM
Not too shabby. Congratulations! However, one thing bothers me...

On 2004-02-15 18:53, SUPAH_CHAO wrote:
And today, I wanted to hunt God/Body and God/Arm for my RAcast (The final units to make him not suck completely for Ult) and I was doing Very Hard Redria TTF with a Skyly friend. Since Nar Lily wouldn't appear (God/Body), we tried once with Skyly... Nar Lily -_- God/HP... well, it's good, but I let him have it. He knew I was disappointed, and he offered it to me. But I don't think I should have taken it ^_- We returned to Redria and found God/Arm! (Pan Arms, 1/41) but no Nar.

Why are you hunting a God/Body? Even moreso, why did you pass up the God/HP? A God/HP is far more useful than a God/Body. Consider that a God/Body is +50 DFP and only effects physical damage. That'll only protect you from about 10 damage in Ultimate (about 15 with Deband 30). Whereas a God/HP is +80 HP against all damage types. There's really no comparison.

Feb 16, 2004, 07:28 AM
On 2004-02-16 00:37, VulpesMundi wrote:
Why are you hunting a God/Body? Even moreso, why did you pass up the God/HP? A God/HP is far more useful than a God/Body. Consider that a God/Body is +50 DFP and only effects physical damage. That'll only protect you from about 10 damage in Ultimate (about 15 with Deband 30). Whereas a God/HP is +80 HP against all damage types. There's really no comparison.

Well, I guess I assumed that God/Body would actually have helped me. But if God/HP will help me more, I guess I'll just have a Skyly rfiend help me get it ^_^

Last night, I wanted to take a snapshot of my new Baranz Launcher, and I entered the Temple. (Yes, same variation I hate, but I should start to love it o-o

The beat the first room of Rappies and Arlans from the top thing, then in the next room BAM! Mil Lily! So now I have a screenshot of Monaco fighting the all powerful Lily with this huge launcher ^_^;

I haven't gone to the drop charts to see what Redria Mil Lily would have dropped. I KNOW it's Windmill. Why? Because it didn't drop ^_^;

Feb 16, 2004, 07:33 AM
God arm is great

Ok thats all i gotta say

Oh and grats on your finds

Feb 16, 2004, 02:56 PM
congrats on the finds http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
the game was the only one wich gave me a valentine present though >_< (friday to sunday: 4 pals, 1 torr, 3 mils, 1 FS, 2 sacred cloth, grennill db's sword, 1 red handgun, 8 justys, 3 luck mats, 1 red handgun and 4 l&k's)

Feb 16, 2004, 02:57 PM
Congrats! I still have to go get a God/Hp and a God/Power for my RAcast... plus I'm still looking for a freaking Baranz Launcher!!!! >_<

Feb 16, 2004, 07:21 PM
Here is the snapshot I mentioned before:


That was Mil Lily #8 (Of various section IDs) That didn't drop Windmill.

It's a good thing I did Pinkal Temple in Offline Multimode with my friend! ^-^ Mil #9, finally dropped my Windmill! I can't wait to try it out!

Feb 16, 2004, 07:30 PM
On 2004-02-15 20:37, blue-hawk wrote:
Nice finds, although I hate anyone that has found Baranz parts, because I have killed literally hundreds of Baranz's only to be rewarded with that ever annoying Photon Drop. Oh well, least I have a Ruby Bullet. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

blargh. baranz launcher sucks butt. I want ruby bullet!

and screw you, getting a flight cutter.


Feb 16, 2004, 07:36 PM
On 2004-02-16 16:30, lain2k3 wrote:
and screw you, getting a flight cutter.

XD, actually I did read somewhere... you went through.... 8 Hildetorrs did you say? I actually replied to that post and said how I got it, but5 nobody read it I suppose. I hope you find one soon http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

blargh. baranz launcher sucks butt. I want ruby bullet!
Doowaaaaaaaaaaaa? I lub my Baranz Launcher ;_; It's only because 1) Shots are underrated, and one of my favourite weapon types in the game, and 2) ST made so many Shot rares that are the loser one bullet shot rares >_> That annoys me...

Give me more Shot rares! (And not Spread Needle, yes I realise it's a great weapon, but to cheap for me ^_^;)

Feb 16, 2004, 07:51 PM
Thanks for the temple torr symapthyt, but jeebus baranz launcher is awful. Its sooo slow that enemies can walk out of the way of the bullets. Bartles can DODGE the projectiles from it! >< I've found 2 and I hate them.

spread needle>every other weapon in the game, and the only reason why shots are underrated.

Feb 16, 2004, 08:07 PM
On 2004-02-16 16:51, lain2k3 wrote:
Its sooo slow that enemies can walk out of the way of the bullets.

I think you're just shooting at the wrong times though ^_^; Hehe.

Shots are nice, they have decent accuracy, they have decent range, with a RAcast then can be pretty powerful (And once I get some mean spare meseta, charge charge charge!). If only ST made more Shot rares/shot rares with interesting specials like TJ Special (By interesting I just mean different, like the one's basic weapons can't get). And maybe get some very cool all photony ones... *thinking of Yamigarusu*

spread needle>every other weapon in the game, and the only reason why shots are underrated.

Thanks a lot ST. Making the best weapon in the game a stupid Rifle. They didn't need to give it an SRank -_- Or so easy to find... (Comparitively! *is shot a bajillion times*)