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View Full Version : Why not post about the "new DC servers"?

Feb 17, 2004, 11:35 AM
I'm not sure I understand why not?
Since ST has decided to end service on the Dreamcast servers (with no plans for any future re-opening), I'm not sure I see the objection to finding alternative routes to continue playing a game for which someone has payed?

That's almost like saying:
since the person who invented "S'mores" doesn't mass-produce them, no one whould be allowed to distribute the recipe to make them at home.

I agree that alternative servers (GC, Xbox, or PC servers) co-existing with official ST servers is an infringement of their (Sega team's) commercial rights. However, since ST no longer supports the Dreamcast platform, I don't think I can find any moral onjection to former customers finding alternate routes.

Just my opinion.

the locked sticky which prompted this post has this topic as a title, yet makes absolutely no reference to the subject what-so-ever within the post itself. It refers to "cheating" methods. I think that, even with a stretch of the imagination, the very topic itself of alternative DreamCast servers can not be viewed as "cheating".

Feb 17, 2004, 11:43 AM
Until ST itself says public servers are allowed, posting how-to make them, where-to find them, etc is not allowed on the forums.