View Full Version : GC: Think I find too many rares...

Feb 19, 2004, 09:02 PM
I did a couple spaceship runs with my whitill and yellowboze. Yellowboze run. Two PD's and a Dragon Slayer. Both PD's off of Delsabers and the DS off the Gol Dragon. Well....I got kinda pissed at it for dropping such a crap rare. I took Zel...my level 152 FOmar in. A PD off a delsaber. Secure Feet off a delsaber....and Asuka's off the Gold Dragon. I told my friends and gave some of the items I found away...as I often do. Course I kept the Asuka's for myself. I think they hate me cause they never find anything really decent.

Feb 20, 2004, 11:20 AM
Well done mate, it's always good when you find some sweet stuff. Nice one


Feb 20, 2004, 11:23 AM
Yeah. And with the equipment I give my friends they all owe me thier first born kid lol. Did a Pinkal and bluefull run. Nothing of interest found....

Feb 20, 2004, 11:25 AM
man, sorting your friends out with some good shit you found is almost as fulfilling as finding it in the first place imo, it was nice of you to share man.


Feb 20, 2004, 11:29 AM
If your at that high of a level and is not looking for a specific item. I suggest you go to ruins or seabad because I always find lotsa rare weps there on ult.

Feb 20, 2004, 11:39 AM
Eh I basically do runs depending on how I feel. I've done tons of ruin runs and I have plenty of stuff to show for it. I've done mines runs. I have a couple parts of baranz to show. Though...seabed still pisses me off. I've yet to defeat Olga flow. Stupid insta kill attack. Yeah I gave up searching for specific rares awhile ago. It gets too tedious doing that. That and the fact that most enemies there are like hey look it's Zel. Lalala lets cloak. Or megid him. Or charge and knock him over. Being a FO in seabed is kinda scary considering that enemies still hurt. I've grown used to them hitting my shield cause of my def.

Feb 20, 2004, 11:45 AM
yeah I know what you mean. When i first played the gamecube version i didn't know they had changed the material consumption from the way it was on dreamcast. I ate so many evade materials I maxed out and now enemies in ultimate ruins have trouble hitting me sometimes (at level 169 mind you). I can go through forest and most of caves without getting barely scratched lol. But then again my character seriously lacks attack power due to feeding her about 5 power mats in total as result.


Feb 20, 2004, 11:47 AM
yes, I will have to agree that olga flow is indeed VERY annoying, lol. I normally go fight him in teams of 4. So that may make your life easier. *shrug* But I think seabed gives the MOST amount of rares and best rare. Or was that ruins, don't remember

Feb 20, 2004, 11:50 AM
On 2004-02-20 08:47, carolsdegga wrote:
yes, I will have to agree that olga flow is indeed VERY annoying, lol. I normally go fight him in teams of 4. So that may make your life easier. *shrug* But I think seabed gives the MOST amount of rares and best rare. Or was that ruins, don't remember

Depends on ID Skyly Ruins is Rubbish

Feb 20, 2004, 11:51 AM
I once found 2 (yes 2) magic rock moolas in one run of v.hard spaceship.

Feb 20, 2004, 11:51 AM
Very true on the section ID part. But What if you are in a team of four and all four of you have different section IDs??? Does that mean you will get into each possiblity of the four IDs?

Feb 20, 2004, 11:53 AM
Whitill ruins are the best. The enemies drop nothing bad. Though ignore box drops. They're usually Diska's of.

Feb 20, 2004, 11:56 AM
WHAT?! 2 moolas?! Thats crazy!!! I had to go to ruin and made countless runs just to get one! (because everyone know the only wep you can make out of that is the strongest slicer: rainbow baton!) *grrr, so angry*

Feb 20, 2004, 11:58 AM
Whitill Ruins is the bomb. I found 2 Meteor Cudgels in 2 runs. Oh and redrias really good too well for me anyway.

Feb 20, 2004, 11:58 AM
skyly ruins is only rubbish for rangers.

Feb 20, 2004, 11:59 AM
grrr. I'm so jealous now. Why DO I have to be Oran or Skyly. LOL

Feb 20, 2004, 12:10 PM
Skylys Rubbish In my opin

My skyly is lv 152 right and has more hrs than the rest of my chars combined.
1 Red sword
6 chainsawbs
1 Sting tip
1 Demo Comet
2 red daggers
1 red slicer
1 Twin Brand
1 sacred guard
1 god hand

My Redria is lv 120 and has found
2 Red Swords
1 Red Slicer
2 God Battle
1 DF Field
1 Spread Needle
6 Sacred Cloth

My Whitill is lv 114 and has found
2 Meteor Cudgel
1 Asuka
1 Red handgun
1 Red Partisan

My Purpleum is lv 90 and has found
1 Yamicov 9000M
1 Red Handgun
1 Sacred Cloth
1 Twin Psycho Gun

Feb 20, 2004, 12:14 PM
shit man, looks your skyly character is your unlucky one dude, you got some nice stuff with your others, but I had much better gear with my skyly at that level man, different strokes and all that......

Feb 20, 2004, 12:17 PM
Whats the best section I.D for getting good hunter weapons?

Feb 20, 2004, 12:19 PM
hmmmm ironically it's skyly mate


Feb 20, 2004, 12:20 PM
Skyly has the best swords drops

but dont be fooled play as redria they attually tend to find things.

Feb 20, 2004, 12:24 PM
I don't really like swords because obviously they tend to miss a lot and after you do all your combos, some other teammate comes and saber one hit. BAM they take all exp and you get nothing. So I would recommend hunting for normal sabers or twin sabers

Feb 21, 2004, 07:44 AM
Im gonna create a skyly Ranger I think.

Feb 23, 2004, 11:17 AM
Pinkal is teh davil....I've done about 15-20 addicting food runs...and I have about 30+ Storm Wand Indra's to show for it. Even a Nano dragon decided to go here. Have a red box. Flipped out. Got it teched. Guilty Light. *notes to self never ever do Pinkal Addicting foods.* Even a Mil lilly decided to grace me with its presence. Again...I sew few rare monsters outside of the Pal rappys. So I flip. WOndering what Pinkal get from one. Well I run up to it smack it 5 times and it peels over.....right as 3 megid go through Gawl killing him upon the death of the Mil Lilly.