View Full Version : Another article on Ep.3

Feb 21, 2004, 02:17 PM
Cube IGN had an interview with the director of ST. In it somethings are discussed, including PSO's future, all while retaining a mysterious air.


Feb 21, 2004, 03:59 PM
For those who follow me around, yes, I know, I'm a cross-posting bastard, lol. These were my favorites, my comments are italicized:

IGN: Is there any particular reason why Phantasy Star Online Episode III is currently only appearing on GameCube? Is it because you like the hardware or do you think GameCube has the largest PSO fan base? Are there any plans to port it to the Xbox, PC, or PS2?

Ogawa-san: We have not announced plans to bring the PS series to other platforms, but I can't tell what will happen in the future. Certainly it is easy to create a title for GameCube, but Xbox also has the same level of hardware performance and has made it easy to create content for, too. Perhaps we should port Episode I&II to PS2 if we ever decide to do so. Not that we are planning that!

[Makes me optimistic about an Xbox version coming sometime down the line.]

IGN: Why did you decide to make this the last game in the Ragol 2/ Phantasy Star Online saga? If this is the last episode, why did you decide now was the time to change the gameplay mechanics instead of saving the card battle for its own saga? Do you plan to continue making Phantasy Star Online games?

Ogawa-san: From the viewpoint of the PSO world, I don't regard it necessary for an episode to be an action RPG in order to tell a story. The fact that the third title is out of the pattern can be thought of as the tradition of the original Phantasy Star series. (Ha, ha.)

A sequel to PSO..., we have no plan so far and I don't know about the future.

[The Phantasy Star 3 comment really got me, lol]