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View Full Version : Be there or be SQUARE!

Feb 19, 2001, 10:38 PM
Hey, tonight I want to play RUINS on HARD or V-HARD with a good party.

I am a hunter and can provide the close combat melee action, but we'd need at least 1 ranger and 1 force user. The forth person can be anything, but I prefer another melee fighter.

We need honest players so we don't have to worry about losing our good stuff. I'm sure there will also be a lot of trading!

Is anyone interested? We would start tonight around 8PM PST and finish whenever we damn well please. Lots of goodies to be had and tons of EXP, but most important it would be FUN!

Time: 8PM PST
Ship: Cordelia
Block: 14
Lobby: 10
Password: SONIC

PS. You will need to be AT LEAST level 20.