View Full Version : The Rubbish Guide to Group-Fictions v4.0

Feb 22, 2004, 05:40 PM
22/02/04 - Guide posted
23/02/04 - Amended 'Plot', Added 'When to Start' section, amended 'joining' section, added 'Game Mechanics' section, added 'Post length' section, added 'Check Post' section
24/02/04 - Added 'What is Group-Fic' section. Added 'Writer away' section.
01/03/04 - Added section on 'Ending Group-Fics'
04/03/04 - Amended intro (added history link)
05/03/04 - Amended Joining section (character details)
07/03/04 - Amended section headings for clarity's sake
26/03/04 - Amended Creating a Character section to include note on 'immortal characters'
15/04/04 - Added 'Group-fic vs RPG' section
22/09/04 - Added 'Passage of Time' section

Mr.Rubbish's Guide to Group-Fictions

I'm probably not the most qualified person to write such as guide but I have had a HELL of a lot of experience starting and participating in such things.
For those who might like to see a list of my involvements to date go here (http://mysite.freeserve.com/mr_rubbish/group.htm).
I thought I would make a bid for relative immortality and compose this guide, at the very least to help those that wish to jump into the next one that gets started. Plus other writers could use this as a depository for their own personal rulesets.

In order to achieve Group-fiction peace, harmony and spiritual happiness I will outline the one rule and many guidelines that will help you as a thread creator or contributor.

But first... Read KaFKa's FanFic Tutorial (http://www.pso-world.com/viewtopic.php?topic=71031&forum=12&23) if you suspect that your writecraft is not up to scratch. Poor spelling / punctuation / formatting / story-telling is usually tolerated but may eventually lead to problems. Besides, it's always a good thing to improve one's art.

Note: Throughout the article I will refer to experienced Group-fiction writers are 'Regulars'. This means those who have done this sort of thing before.

***** What is the Group-Fiction? *****
No one can be told what the Group-Fic is, they must see it for themselves. Okay, seriously, a few of you reading this maybe wondering what the heck a Group-Fiction is in the first place. Here it is in a nut-shell:
A Group-Fic is like a normal story where you write a bit of it on a piece of paper then pass it to the next person who adds a bit and then they pass it on and.... So on.
Now imagine that instead of writers and a piece of paper, you have american football players and someone has just fumbled.
It's organised chaos! This guide is here to make sure that when the clock hits zero, you are the one left holding the ball...

***** Group-Fics Vs. RPG Style Stories *****
I have seen examples of RPGs played out (mainly on other sites) and so I thought I would outline the distinction between Group-Fics and RPGs. An RPG is more focused on the writer just playing out a role in a fictional world. Essentially, the characters drive the story and events only really happen in their presence. A group-fic is a story told in turn by lots of people, who just happen to have characters in it. The focus is shifted over to the story itself, so that events can happen in different places and times and also people can manipulate other people's characters. The difference is slight but it is there.

***** Have Fun! *****
This is the one rule. When doing a group-fic you should be enjoying yourself (even if it is a serious topic fiction). If it is a chore, or you feel that you are having to force yourself to take part then perhaps you need to examine your reasons / motivation for participating. But remember... Do not have fun at the expense of someone else's fun. Meaning: Do Not Ruin It For Everyone Else!

***** When to Start *****
Since there is a finite pool of writers with which to draw upon, make sure that there are not any competing group-fics around. Some will be able to jump back and forth comfortably but they consume alot of time. If you want the highest quality possible make sure that the writers will be available.

***** SPAM : Less is More *****
This should be a rule but is not (possibly because occasionally I am the worst offender!). Spam, or non-story posts occasionally become necessary when needing to convey or query information outside of an actual contributor post. Me personally, I don't mind a little spam as long as it is kept relevant. Otherwise place it in the comment sections on your next post.

***** Post Length OR It's Not What You've Got, It's What You Do With It That Counts *****
Posts do not have to be very long, there is no 'minimum length' for a contribution as long as it has the necessary details and moves the plot along. A simple post that just has your characters move to a new room and wonder where everyone else is is NOT acceptable. If you aren't moving the story foward in any way, do you really need to post it? It you must post that sort of thing, pump it up with more. The more is up to you (as long as it is relevant and not just filler).

***** Check, Double-Check & Triple-Check *****
When posting, for the love of God PLEASE use the preview button and just give your post a proof-read. People should be doing this ALL THE TIME, especially when doing a fan-fic. How many people have you seen that are suprised by the fact that all their " & ' (single & double quotes) are belong to us (I mean that M$ Word will change them into '?' when you copy and paste).
Why are these people not proof-reading?

But that is not of the end of it. Oh no. In a Group-fic there is a phenomenon known (vaguely) as a 'double post'. It this instance it refers to when to authors post simultaneously about the same events. When the page comes up asking if you want to view your post or go back to the forums ALWAYS GO BACK AND CHECK YOUR POST! I really can't shout that any louder.
It's very annoying when someone posts and then walks off without realising that they've just screwed up continuity. So go back and make sure that no one got there before you did. If they did then their contribution will win over yours unless you can come to some sort of agreement. It does mean that your work is wasted, but that's part of the game and it's why we play it baby.

***** Comment Separation & Scene Change Indicators *****
I follow a system whereby Underscores '_' are used top or bottom to separate comments from the main body of the story like signatures are. A short line of hyphens '-' should be used to indicate a change of scene / perspective (sometimes) / timeframe. This will show other writers that events in your post are not running together or happening in the same place / time.
For example:

Hi guys! I'm back from my holiday!
Johnny the HUmar....
blah blah


Meanwhile, in the ruins....
blah blah
Sorry guys! Can't post for the next 15 weeks! Look after my characters ok?

It is possible that you may have your own system, that is fine as long as it is clear and consistant.

***** Indicate the Level of Seriousness Expected for the Plot *****
This one is for thread creators. You should preferrably state what kind of level of seriousness / comedy that you are expecting. I have provided a very approximate scale to help. If that is not appropriate then perhaps relate it to a popular film / series / cartoon / manga that has the same level you want.
For example: The film 'Lethal Weapon 3' would rate around a 4. The film 'Monty Python's Life of Brian' fluctuates between 6 and 10.

1. Very serious.
2. Quite serious, light comedy
3. Not so serious, with light-hearted moments.
4. A bit serious, some comedy.
5. Not serious, some comedy.
6. Comedy with a few serious bits.
7. Comedy with some slapstick comedy.
8. Frequent slapstick comedy.
9. Slapstick comedy with surreal comedy.
10. Totally surreal.

Obviously the rating will not always be accurate but it can serve as a rough guide for the overall 'mood' of the story.
Note that stories rated at 1 & 2 may scare off casual writers, they are more suited to those 'dedicated to the cause.' Conversely, stories rating a 9 or 10 risk degenerating into pure chaos (and they will, trust me on that!).

***** Plot and the Lack Thereof *****
Plot is pretty much THE most important thing in a group-fic. Essentially it is something that allows the heavily armed maniacs to move from one fight to another. Please keep in mind the kind of knowledge required for the plot that you plan on implementing. As an example I attempted an Episode Two group-fic only to discover that several Regulars don't go online and a few had only ever played PSO on the Dreamcast! It failed very quickly...

There are two ways to handle this: (1)Start with a plot premise and just see where it goes. (2) Have the basic outline of a plot in your head and just guide the others through it.
Myself, I am usually content to follow route 1. As a result I have had more than six group-fics fail due to lack of direction / interest. That way can work but it requires a sequence of fortuitous events that lead to a satisfactory ending, which is VERY hard to come by.

To that end, I have thought of a system that leads to a conclusion yet allows flexibility for the random directions. Before you balk at the idea and throw rotten tomatoes in my general direction, let me assure you that it is just a tool, merely a way to think of the story. If it does not suit your needs ignore it and choose whatever method you are most comfortable with.

I call the system: 'The Plot-Points System.'
What it means is the plot is boiled down into a series of simple points. During the course to the story the points are 'hit' in sequence with what happens in between up to the writers.

Here is an example based on the recent Gozilla film:
1. Giant reptile footprints are found.
2. Godzilla attacks city.
3. Eggs discovered.
4. Godzilla and eggs destroyed.

In the end even this can sometimes be too rigid especially if a better idea comes up so be prepared to change as necessary.
Another note is that you might want to keep the plot-points to yourself and just guide the story to them. Problems can arise if some writers are too dominant and take control.

***** Control *****
Another one for the creator. This is more of a sub-catagory of the above guideline. It always helps that there is someone 'in control' of the whole story, driving it towards the conclusion. This is usually the creator but sometimes the creator will defer to one of the contributors. As long as someone knows what is going on then it will stop the thread from unravelling, which I have a lot of experience in unfortunately.

***** Finishing the Story OR All Good Things Must Come To An End *****
If starting a Group-Fic is one of the easiest things in the world, then bringing it to a satisfactory conclusion is one of the hardest. Listed among the Plot-Points or at least in the head of one of the contributors must be a VERY definite ending. It has to be an event that once is passed, everyone will know that it is over.

Taking the exaple of a Group-Fic based on a Forest to Ruins run the Destruction of Falz is a definite end. For a Group-Fic set around an all-night party, then the light of dawn means that it is time to go home and so on.

Another thing of note is to watch for signs that your Group-Fic maybe dying. Things to look out for include:

# Writers dropping out / Failing to contribute.
# Group-Fic falls off the front page.
# No story posts in more than 3 days.
# Story dengenerate into repetitive battle.
# Story degenerates into 'silly' situations.
# Characters are 'forced' to go somewhere or do something in order to advance the story but which disrupts the flow.
# Writers are caught-out by plot-twist.

These are just a few examples and while contributing you can probably get a feel for the story's pace. But please bear in mind that sometimes creativity comes in stops and starts. Don't bury the body until you are sure it is dead.

***** Game Mechanics Vs. Story Mechanics *****
A touchy subject especially among Regulars. This is affected by the seriousness level of the story, I'll elaborate in a moment. What are 'Game Mechanics'? They are things added to a game for the sake of gameplay, objects such as item boxes, Mono/Di/Tri-Mate, Resta/Reverser, Scape Dolls and Moon Atomisers. In a game if you are hurt you need to be able to heal, especially an Action-RPG such as PSO. If you die you need a way to be resurrected (or else the game would be impossible).

In a group-fiction (or indeed in a normal fan-fic) most people like to stick a little closer to 'real-life'. This means that certain conventions are adopted to make things more suitable, but they may not necessarily apply in a more comical group-fic. If in doubt check what has been done already or PM someone.

Here are some ideas:
Healing: Resta & the Mate series. Treated as being able to heal light wounds or make serious ones less so. Cannot be used to 'Magically' make everything better, or else fights and battles would become pointlessly easy. The Mate series, I treat as Non-replicating Nanites. They repair damage before running out of power.

Resurrection: Reversa, Moon Atomisers & Scape Dolls. Frequently a bane of any decent group-fic, "If Death has lost his sting, than what would we fear?" People would carry them around and no one would die... Yawn. Therefore it would be sensible if they would only revive if used in the very short time after death and if the body is not mortally wounded (otherwise they would live for a few seconds before dying in agony again). Think of them as being like defibrillator paddles used to revive heart attack victims.

Item Boxes: Think about it for a moment. If you took a gun and shot an animal, would you really expect a floating, rotating box containing items to appear? It works in a comedy group-fic because it is an absurd event to happen, but only in a comedy group-fic. It is rather bizarre to have hunters having massively powerful weapons to kill a 'monster' and then upgrade their weapons.

Hunter Class & Weapons: In the game only Rangers can use all the guns. That's just silly in 'real-life'. Pretty much all the items would be cross class with exceptions. For example Force weapons and items. A wand could be used by a hunter, for example, to hit stuff with but there are better alternatives and they wouldn't benefit from class bonuses for that item.

There are other examples but they will not be covered here as these ones are the most noticable issues.

***** Plot Twists OR Twisting and Turning at Incredible Speeds *****
Plot twists and surprises are like fireworks, loved by all but should be handled with care. A good writer should be expected to be able to handle nearly anything that comes their way, but there are exceptions. A story has a natural 'flow' and a good plot twist will change its direction without disrupting its flow (just like an exciting waterslide).

An example of a disruptive plot twist is one taken from the ancient group-fic 'The Slums of Pioneer Two'. The heroes fought Dark Falz to a standstill and his final form, but suffered incredibly heavy losses and might not be able to beat him. A writer then took it upon himself to give Falz's final form an INPENETRABLE psychokinetic shield that none of the characters had the power to beat. That's a disruptive twist, as is transforming all the heroes into angels and introducing a 'Magic Potion' that solves a sub-plot problem. (Sadly just the one author was responsible for all 3 of those examples, happily he has not been back in over 6 months).

***** Dealing With the Passage of Time OR Tomorrow Never Comes *****
This one that is only for the serious group-fics out there, and it should serve as a warning too.
-- It is VERY hard to have large stretches of time elapse --
Now I'll explain. If you're writing a story, it's rare for all the events to take place on one day (http://www.pso-world.com/viewtopic.php?topic=90377&forum=12&56). Usually, people go to sleep at night or you skip hours or days ahead to the next event.
Unless you vet the posts for your group-fic THIS WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE. People like to have their characters always doing something, always moving on to the next fight etc. This is human nature, deal with it. If at all possible try and arrange your plot to take this into account. If not, then reach an understanding with the other writers or do a post that says "Several days later..." Or whatever time frame it is you need to jump to. But if the other writers can't do it properly then don't come crying to me saying that I didn't cover it in this guide, because I have now.

***** Character Abilities OR With Great Power Come Great Responsibility *****
Spiderman says it best. Though I have never explictly invoked this guideline I really want to...
What am I taking about?
Namely overly powerful characters. For good balance and more exciting writing, characters should not be exceeding level 40 in abilities. Maxed out mags can be used if your character really needs them... But perhaps they should do some training and boost their skills instead.
Powerful characters should be rare in a group-fic and should really be introduced only if necessary, otherwise the 'opposition' must be scaled up equally, leaving the lower levelled people at a disadvantage. The 'game' now becomes too hard for them.
A hero is defined by how he/she/it rises up to the challenges that they face, not by how easy it was to beat those challenges.

In the end I have never seen a group-fic implement such a 'power-cap' system and it may never happen. Most writers (especially the Regulars) exercise restraint when creating their characters, so it isn't necessary. But for the new guy/girls out there it is something to think about.

***** Creating A Character / Joining In OR Like What You See? Jump on in! *****
Frequently when a new group-fic pops up there is the occasional post from someone wanting to join in. The majority of group-fics are 'open-house' meaning that anyone can whip up a character and get stuck in as long as they follow the guidelines that is! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif But if in doubt... Ask!
Others are unsure of whether they will be able to fit in (if for instance they want to join in after its started). As long as the other writers were fine with it then you introduce your character(s) as a sort of sub-plot and have them interact fully with the main characters gradually over the course of several posts. This grace period will give them the opportunity to get used to you too!

When introducing your character make sure you provide all the details needed for someone else to handle them. Things to think about include name / appearence / motivation / personality etc.

Blah Blah Blah
The Hunters looked on as Khan entered brandishing a deadly weapon. They gasped.
Hi guys, meet my character!
Now what does that tell you?
Here it is again....

Blah Blah Blah
The Hunters looked on as Khan, the sexy-yet-sophisticated HUnewearl entered brandishing a deadly Diska of Assassin as a weapon. They gasped.
Hi guys, meet my character!
An improvement, its not perfect but its a start. I should hope that no one out there would think of doing it an intro like that though!

NOTE: If you are already an author then you may well be tempted to use an established character from you own Fan-Fics. That's fine but there are a couple of points to remember:

1. Do not become upset if other writers fail to know every single detail of your character or their history. You should realise that it should not be necessary for other writers to have read your work in order to handle your character. Additional work means that other writers will 'write around' your character... An unpleasant proposition for anyone.

2. If the character in the Fan-Fic has non-standard powers (i.e. mystical in origin) you may wish to consider turning them off / down. Nothing can spoil a Group-Fic quite like one of the characters suddenly revealing that they have aquired god-like abilities or magic powers that just happen to save the day. If it will spoil the flow... Then out it goes!

NOTE: Another thing I have observed is people who have characters that cannot die. This would seem to be a strange thing to say especially as people do not kill off their primary characters / essential plot characters as a rule. But what people do not realise is there is a big distinction between a character that is capable of dying should the story ever call for it (which it won't) and a character that will not be allowed to die. If your character has no need to fear death then it sucks the fun out of it. No matter what the situation, the character WILL triumph because they cannot fail.

You have to remember in the end that Group-Fics are separate realities from each other and everything else. Death in one Group-Fic does not bar that character entry into another (EXCEPT if it is a sequel!).

***** Other People's Characters *****
Regulars making handling other people's characters look easy. It isn't! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif It takes a while (or several group-fics) to build up a dynamic where you can anticipate what they have in mind. There are also three types of characters:

1. Background characters. These are PSO characters (Tyrell, Montague etc) or just generally nameless people to populate the enviornment.
e.g. "Am I a background character?" Asked a HUmar from the back of the audience.

These types of characters are controllable by anybody and are usually used as plot devices. Expendable. Though in some cases the PSO cast can get promoted to one of the other types.

2. Mid-ground characters. Also plot devices usually, they have identities / history / purpose. Not necessarily expendable because of the ties to the plot (unless the plot calls for it). They can be a writer's secondary character or just someone created to fulfil a need for that point in the plot.

3. Primary characters / Avatars. These are a writers presence in the fictional world. Their means of interacting with other characters. These should not be killed under any circumstances! Unless of course you get their permission. You should also not make them act out of character. Imagine if someone takes control of your character and makes them do something or behave in a way that is not normal. You'd be pretty annoyed, wouldn't you?

That is why... If in doubt the PM is your best friend. Tell the writer responsible what your plans are. You might be suprised with what they will let you get away with, as long as it makes for a good story.

***** Handling your own Character(s) *****
Probably not what you think. As you are all no doubt aware, there is an evil monster known as 'Real-Life' that gets in the way of doing stuff that you like. Unlike a regular fan-fic where you can afford to post whenever is convenient, Group-fics are time constrained. If they are left abandon for anymore that two or three days then it's time to call the next of kin, this one is deceased.
People have school, work, exams, holidays and a tonne of other reasons that will prevent them from posting. If you think that your schedule is going to be seriously erratic then perhaps you should not take part until you can guarantee a certain level of participation.
There is nothing worse than waiting on an author who is pivotal to the plot!

The best solution is to make sure you can be covered by a 'buddy writer', someone (like a Regular) who can cover your writing duties should you become inconvenienced. Get their permission first and make sure you provide enough information to allow them to get the job done (including any ideas you might have had for plot direction). Most Regulars will just move your characters on in any case if needs be but insurance always helps.


Thats all I can think of for the moment. Any further information will be amended into this post.

Please do keep spam to the barest minimum. This is not really a discussion thread. However, other writers should feel free to add rules/guidelines/suggests as they see fit.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mr_rubbish on 2004-09-22 11:15 ]</font>

Feb 22, 2004, 05:44 PM

Feb 22, 2004, 06:04 PM
On 2004-02-22 14:44, KaFKa wrote:

Well that completely ignores the last couple lines of that.

Great guide Rubbish. I hope it becomes a sticky so that it might educate newbies to Fan Works, although newbs never look at the stickies.

I wrote the exact same thing as Kafka. How amusing..

Feb 22, 2004, 06:05 PM
its about time someone wrote on of these ^_^

good job on doing so as well! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Feb 22, 2004, 06:20 PM
An example of a disruptive plot twist is one taken from the ancient group-fic 'The Slums of Pioneer Two'. The heroes fought Dark Falz to a standstill and his final form, but suffered incredibly heavy losses and might not be able to beat him. A writer then took it upon himself to give Falz's final form an INPENETRABLE psychokinetic shield that none of the characters had the power to beat. That's a disruptive twist, as is transforming all the heroes into angels and introducing a 'Magic Potion' that solves a sub-plot problem. (Sadly just the one author was responsible for all 3 of those examples, happily he has not been back in over 6 months).

Was that the same guy who took it upon himself to turn my angelic Madhu and my gun into a new ultra-powerful arm?

I got myself killed because it was a wee bit too uber. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Great guide Rubbish. PM Hikosaka and see if she can make this a sticky. It deserves it.

Feb 22, 2004, 08:06 PM
An extremely well made guide ^_^ !! I am tempted to give you an award for it ^_^ !! I agree with everyone, this should be made a sticky.

Feb 22, 2004, 09:30 PM
that's a great guide! maybe if more people read this maybe we can have more sucessful group-fics!

this should be made sticky!!!

Feb 22, 2004, 09:45 PM
Yeah, it's a great guide alright! I can't even think of something to add (yet).

But are you sure we can't have just one (or two or THREE!) magic potions in a group fic? My favorite part is whipping out one of those green blue glowy things at the worst possible time and continuing the tradion! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I am the potion man sabotuer! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif hehehe, not really, but you never know...

Feb 23, 2004, 12:49 AM
I have something to add.

***Explain Why There Here(Newbs)***
If you join a groupfic, don't just add you're character by making him appear all of a sudden. If you want you're character's motivation to remain hidden to the other characters, add a flashback or something. Why? So that, when people take control of your character, they know his motivation and have a hint of what he would do or say.

Character is from the new from military and helps Mr Rubbish's character.
Mr Rubbish posts now.

Character attacks enemy with gun due to the fact that military uses them.

***Expect The Unexpective***
What do I mean by that?
Let's say your character fights Delsaber with friend.
In your post the friend backs you up, while you fight the Delsaber.
Someone posts about something else in the fic, so you can post now.
You spend 5 to 10 minutes writing it down and hit "submit." Your post have you kill the Delsaber.
You look again and realise that your friend posted before you and he has you get knocked out, and together they make no scense. Two options:
1.(This the most commonly used) Who ever posted last has to edit/delete his/her post so that it makes scense.
2. If your friend is still active shortly after you posted, PM him and tell him about it and figure out who's going to edit his/her post.

You can add this if you wish or not.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zzzzzz on 2004-02-22 21:53 ]</font>

Feb 23, 2004, 10:58 AM
I'm gonna go even further than that. In the groupfics I've done, when the setting was serious, we said "Let's not control each other's characters." We post our own actions and what we say, and it's up to the others to respond. The only universal characters were the villains.

Feb 23, 2004, 11:05 AM
Obviously for your own group-fics that would be fine but for the more general purpose ones they would grind to a halt rapidly. A better way would be only allow writers in that you know you could trust to do it properly.

Zzzzzz. I'll integrate your suggestions where necessary.

On 2004-02-23 07:58, KodiaX987 wrote:
I'm gonna go even further than that. In the groupfics I've done, when the setting was serious, we said "Let's not control each other's characters." We post our own actions and what we say, and it's up to the others to respond. The only universal characters were the villains.

Feb 23, 2004, 01:50 PM
I think one thing that should also be mentioned is that the Fics creator should act like a DM (dungeon master). His job is to keep the fic going. If the fic gets to a point where no one is posting, or cant post, the Fic Creator should jump in and at least give the fic some direction. This alos means the creator should have atleast some idea where the fic is going, not anything in depth, but they should plan a few steps ahead.

Also to try and avoid something that reminds me of old martial arts movies, the sudden appearence of an enemy! When the fic seems to be going no where, a new, uber powerful enemy suddenly drops out of no where for the group to defeat and live happily ever after. This is just cheesy, and kinda ruins things. If theres going to be a main badguy, he should make a couple of appearences before hand. Maybe a character mentions a mysterious figure, or someone else talks to an unknown assailent/master. Or even better, a twist wher eone of the actual group is the enemy, just toying with the group from within...

Thats alot better then random super/magical guy.

Not constent action. Another thing ive started to notice about recent group fics is the sudden reliance on fighting, fighting and more fighting. Fight scenes are cool, but some dont necessarily move a plot along. Some of the people participating should take the time to write some more dialogue into the fic. Maybe the group decide to take a rest, and a conversation about their own pasts/how they got certain weapons/their Mags takes place. This just helps pacing, and can also set up plot points for use later on.

The death of characters. In PSO, if a character dies a moon atomizer can be used to bring them back to life. Fine in a game, but for a group fic the sudden use of such an item deosnt seem to meld with the world. If a character dies, maybe they should be left dead. If somone wrote that there character dies im sure they did it for a reason, so having a following post saying 'Cecil used a Moon Atomizer to bring Bob back to life' just throws thigns off. This actually happened during 'Do Hucast 2' when i was forced to kill 2 characters off as the writers had left and their character not used for most of the fic. I killed them off to create some drama, only to have someone Moon Atomizer them in the next post. Luckily someone else caught on to what i was tryign to do and managed to right the continuity. So bringing back dead characters is a no-no.

Except with the case of Scape Dolls. Scape Dolls loose their lives rather then the owner, so aslong as a character doesnt suddenly have a large collection of them, there ok to write into a fic. (check the use of the scape doll in DH2, um, cant remembe rwho wrote it, but it was a good little section)

Well, thats it for my little area of ideas. Say if you dont agree with them or anything, just my personal view on some of the things in group fics.

Feb 23, 2004, 02:47 PM
And to add on, for those of you posting in a Group fic... Make sure not to get left behind.

Yes, that was aimed at you, Mr. Rubbish. Good advice, yes, but it was pointed at you. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Feb 23, 2004, 06:27 PM
Hmmm still not sticky...

Thanks for all the words of encouragement.
Suggestions (such as DeathScytheAlpha's) have been added or integrated where possible.

Crap! Forgot to add section on character handling...
tommorow then... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_sleep.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mr_rubbish on 2004-02-23 15:29 ]</font>

Feb 23, 2004, 10:45 PM
On 2004-02-23 10:50, Deathscythealpha wrote:

The death of characters. In PSO, if a character dies a moon atomizer can be used to bring them back to life. Fine in a game, but for a group fic the sudden use of such an item deosnt seem to meld with the world. If a character dies, maybe they should be left dead.

Not so much a response on group-fics specifically, but one which applies generally to gaming fiction. "Raising from the dead" is a recurrent and convenient function in most RPGs, but horrible to storylines. It's incredibly disruptive even to the game's own story when the inevitable tragic death comes along and there's no way to resurrect the character. As the RPG Cliche List put it, "Mommy, why didn't they use a Phoenix Down on Aerith?"

Probably the best response to this problem is one suggested by normally moronic antiviolence censoring. Most RPGs, especially old-school ones, try to avoid using the word "dead"--they say things like "Player Character can no longer fight!" Likewise, the description of a Moon Atomizer reads, "Revives a fallen teammate." Therefore, it can at least be argued that so-called dead characters aren't actually dead, merely incapacitated. If nothing else it explains why they can still talk (presumably subvocalizing into their communications gear that they share with the rest of the team, explaining why they can be heard even when part of the team's on P2 and part on Ragol...) Reverser, Moon Atomizers, or whatever the healing doo-dad is for the game system in question doesn't so much as raise the dead as snatch them back from the brink. There's a difference between "down" and "dead" and stories should use that.

Plus, if you write that the Delsaber knocked your character cold and left you bleeding out your life on the floor, the next author knows it's time to make with the Moon Atomizer. If the character's actually dead...let them stay dead.

Feb 24, 2004, 03:24 AM
Hey, it's stickied!
I might add to this later (If I can think of something).

Feb 24, 2004, 02:46 PM
Updates posted.

DezoPenguin - Resurrection items/techniques already covered in 'game mechanics' section.

Mar 8, 2004, 04:43 PM
Here we go, something I've heard before but mixes Items, Twists and Characters.

Unconceivable character mechanics:

I've noticed before that many people often do something completely insane with there characters.

(I'll use an example, 'Teh Uber Dark Techniques' of a not to be named Author. Or possibly Logical2u's eyes.)

If this twist is not properly explained to other authors (either in Posts giving some backstory or in PMs), they will either give that character Too much/Too little power and mess the flow. Or it won't be believable. Which it often isn't...

Now, I admit, it takes some research to fully understand a character, but don't just out of no where give them some uber power without some idea of WHY.

For example: I've so far explained, through seperate stories and seperated little posts here and there, the ideas behind Logical2u's eyes. (For lazy people who don't want to look it up, I'll give you a minor time line. Defeat's Finest Hour Chapter 7 said Logical2u's eyes got ripped out. The Slums of P2 explained abit of the abilities. The Rise of the Machines gave a bit of idea into the type of people after the technology and the latest Defeat's Fines Hour explains that the eyes were mechanically inset by the Military.) If you can get your main character ideas into the story through little bits of history, please do so, because it confuses people if you don't.

Or at least go...

Blah blah blah...
(Some character idea)
Yep, thats right, that's (some character idea). I'll explain blah blah blah

BUT please, don't throw some guy with Telekinetic and Psychokinetic powers into the middle of the story and have it explode all the monsters the Ficcers are fighting, and then have them warp to Falz and beat the game, saving the world!

Mr. Rubbish, sorry if you already have this, and if I stole it from you.

Mar 8, 2004, 05:13 PM
Yeah, I covered that at the end of the creating a character/ joining in section.

I may still tweak that in light of what I suspect will happen with certain authors, but currently it's a 'wait and see' sort of situation.

Jul 3, 2004, 09:19 AM
you have to ask people pemission if you want to use them, don't forget!

Jul 3, 2004, 09:28 AM
On 2004-07-03 07:19, mechgun_mike wrote:
you have to ask people pemission if you want to use them, don't forget!

3. Primary characters / Avatars. These are a writers presence in the fictional world. Their means of interacting with other characters. These should not be killed under any circumstances! Unless of course you get their permission. You should also not make them act out of character. Imagine if someone takes control of your character and makes them do something or behave in a way that is not normal. You'd be pretty annoyed, wouldn't you?

Sep 22, 2004, 01:20 PM
FINALLY! The big Four-Point-Oh!

It's taken many months (in which I personally broke many of the rules guidelines that I've written about) but I've finally reached a point where I can say that it's pretty much complete.

Section on the 'Passage of Time' added (especially for you logical http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif)

Any other suggestions?