View Full Version : Video Game Opinions

Feb 27, 2004, 06:05 PM
I am thinking of getting a few new games.

The first is Everquest Online: Champions of Norrath.
Can anyone confirm that it is free for online (no credit card or need to buy cards at the store)? Also, what do you think of this game (answer only if you have it please)? I do have the adapter, and can play online.

The second is Phantasy Star Online: Episode 3.
I am offline only, and was wondering how the offline mode was? Also, is there a multiplayer offline mode (either/both Co-op or Versus)? What do you think of this (again, only if you have it)?

Feb 28, 2004, 01:09 AM
Well, since I haven't got either, i'll give you what I know. Champions of Norrath is free online, but you need broadband (dirty bastards). It looks REAL promising to me. When I get the money I'm getting it. The graphics are sharp, and there are tons of weapons and stuff to do. Plus, it's kinda like the PSO for PS2, since you only can have 4 people in a party.

As for PSO:3, i'm probably not gonna get, but the card concept is pretty different and promising idea. If it involves a little bit of strategy, I may investigate it further.

Hope this helps.

Feb 28, 2004, 01:13 AM
I believe Ep 3 has offline co-op and offline co-op vrs (team vs team)