View Full Version : Is this the end...?

Mar 1, 2004, 11:44 AM
Is ep.3 really the last episode they are making for PSO?

Mar 1, 2004, 11:48 AM
This doesn't mean they won't make anymore games (even more PSes maybe) but ep3 is the final in the "series". Therefore, no ep4.

Or so I hear.

Mar 1, 2004, 08:31 PM
Well, maybe the same thing will happen like what happend with Wizard's MTG. They were supposed to stop about 4-5 times now. But they are still going...

Mar 1, 2004, 10:31 PM
Well, maybe the same thing will happen like what happend with Wizard's MTG. They were supposed to stop about 4-5 times now. But they are still going...

Yeah, there almost 25 sets now... they make one every 5 months now...

In Nintendo Power magazine theres an interview with the creator of PSO (dont remember his name, shame on me XP) He said ep3 is the last pso IN TERM OF STORY. ST ''might'' make an other pso but chances are very slim.

Mar 2, 2004, 03:21 AM
Umm, actually, they stated that there are currently no plans for a new PS game to come out. This is standard industry speak for "We don't have one in development right this second".

It is NOT a statement either way as to whether the series will be continuing or not. There's no "slim chance" or "next one not in Ragol" or "when it's done". It's truly unknown.

And yes, this is supposed to be the last in the Ragol story arc, but if they actually do so, they'll be leaving some plot holes the size of medium buses to be heaved through, so my guess is pointing towards at least an advancement on the Ep 1&2 PC game.

Mar 2, 2004, 08:07 AM
or some more quests...