View Full Version : Is it possible to...

Mar 2, 2004, 12:05 AM
See how long people have played? Because I've got assholes online harassing me about how my characters aren't legit.

1.) ROBO 47 is a character I have two of I was originally using a backup card and now I am using the original, a legit level 200.

2.) Robert and Jackson are completely legit, so what if Robert uses Kasami Bracer and Jackson has a Red Sword? I spent MY time looking for those, time I would have spent fixing my fuckin Camero.

It would be nice to know if people could check how long I played, I don't need people thinking I'm not legit because I us back up characters.


Mar 2, 2004, 12:19 AM
Nope, nothing you can do about any idiots online.

Best thing to do is to just stay away from them and stick to safer lobbies.

It's either a bunch of ultra tight-assed legits or some young punks trying their luck out.
Or could be something else altogether. ^_^

Stick to antares or deneb. If all else fails, find a bunch of pals on PSOW and just play
exclusively with them.

Oh well, hope it improves.

Mar 2, 2004, 07:20 AM
No, theres no way to let anyone know how long you've actually spent playing the game but, if these guys are such jerks why do you feel the need to prove anything to them anyway?

Mar 2, 2004, 10:59 AM
well, your play style & general know-how in a game should reflect how long you've been playing..
a newb is usually inexperience, confused & curious..
a vet player knows the way, the how to handle foes, battle, etc..
let your action speaks for itself..
if those who are too ignorant to see then it's time to find a different game.. right?

Mar 2, 2004, 12:39 PM
Actions speak louder than words to me. Who cares what the equipment is, so long as you play well. I've seen people level 100+ that play like idiots, charging into a room full of enemies only to be whomped on 5 seconds later expecting Yuki to heal them when they have been trash talking her the whole time. Or those fun people who when in the Caves don't know why its important to prioritize Ob Lillies. Oh and my personal fav... a HUmar I saw the other day, Lvl. 80 with Rikka's claw, complaining that Ult was too hard and he needed better HU weapons.

Sorry I'm rambling... anyways let people say what they say about your character. I think your approach on enemies and how you take on bosses and such truly reflect on experience, rather than equipment. Since we can't check peoples play times anyways....

Mar 2, 2004, 08:51 PM
On 2004-03-02 09:39, Naagata_Clan wrote:
Oh and my personal fav... a HUmar I saw the other day, Lvl. 80 with Rikka's claw, complaining that Ult was too hard and he needed better HU weapons.

I find that humorous.