View Full Version : GC: Keyboard mapping

Mar 4, 2004, 11:28 AM
I just got my keyboard adapter for GC (allows one to use a PS/2 -not "playstation2"- keyboard with the GameCube to play PSO).
But I notice that some fo the keys are mapped wierd, like the apostrophe is where the "&" should be, adn other stuff like that.
Is there any function in PSO for adjusting keyboard mapping?
It's a very minor annoyance, but it'd be nice if I didn't have to relearn my typing skills to play PSO (I'm already a 70-80 word/minute typist).

Mar 4, 2004, 05:49 PM
On 2004-03-04 08:28, Cap_Canuk wrote:
I just got my keyboard adapter for GC (allows one to use a PS/2 -not "playstation2"- keyboard with the GameCube to play PSO).
But I notice that some fo the keys are mapped wierd, like the apostrophe is where the "&" should be, adn other stuff like that.
Is there any function in PSO for adjusting keyboard mapping?
It's a very minor annoyance, but it'd be nice if I didn't have to relearn my typing skills to play PSO (I'm already a 70-80 word/minute typist).

I see what you mean.They all do that.Look on google to see if you can find one.

Mar 5, 2004, 08:59 PM
As far as i know it can't be changed. However, they're not the fastest things available, typing at 80 wpm online with one of these things would end up with tonnes of missed letters, at least it would with mine. You just have to have a rough idea of where they are, like
& = '
* = (
( = )
= = :
# =
~ = |
you probably won't use all of those anyway. Trust me, if you can type at 80wpm on a normal keyboard, even with these few differences you will be able to speak about 30X faster than those using the on-screen one.

Mar 6, 2004, 08:20 AM
I must be the only person in the world with a keyboard adapter that(usually) actually produces a standard US QWERTY layout. Except for the ~, which for some reason known only to whatever gods there may be, only works in Ep3. Sometimes it randomly switches itself to the other symbol layout people complain about, but that's fixed by pulling it out of the controller port and plugging it back in. O_o;

Sheesh, pondering the mystery of keyboard adapter layouts is more difficult than getting my BBA working was(Which fortunately for me consists of 'Turn off gamecube. Unplug cable modem. Make sure cable is connected to to GC. Plug modem in. Turn GC on. Wait for game to load. Go online.')

...I still don't even know which one I have, lol. A friend gave it to me, so I don't know. It's a black box with a beige cord with a female PS/2 connector on one end and an indigo GC controller cable on the other end with the helpfully generic labe 'PC to Gamecube Keyboard Adapter' on the 'bottom' of the box and a nice friendly warning to always unplug it from the GC before unplugging the KB. *shrug*