View Full Version : "Nihonjin konai de" - join my team!

Mar 7, 2004, 02:08 PM
I'm now helping noobs in the team tourneys under a Japanese team name - "Nihonjin konai de". If you see this it means "Japanese don't join". I say this cause I just had to DC on a JP team doing the Mine deck with the sinow beats and a million mine brightness - got 14 DCs now and I'm not happy. So if you're a noob andf want to level in a team, and you see a JP team name, that's my team, join and I'll help.

Mar 7, 2004, 02:38 PM
that's a nice gesture shima. and welcome back. hope you're doing well.

Mar 8, 2004, 12:56 AM
Is there a sertain ship and time which you prefer to make these helpful teams?

I would like to join up, but am usually only on at nights/some afternoons. I have been somewhat dissapointed with this game because I don't know what I'm doing and tend to get tons of lame cards.

But the biggest reason is that it seems to have made some of my friends...well, I guess 'turn on me'. Like, anyone who has played TCGs before (Magic the Gathering etc.) is mysteriously good at it. I've had no experiance with TCGs ever, so it's all new to me. However, (we were good friends on Ep1+2) everyone will hardly give me the time of day now, because I'm not good at it. If I ask for help, they just go join tournys instead because helping me is not profitable to them. Or they are always busy with something else...

I had also gotten 'popular' with them for a while because my somewhat ex-aquaintences/friends/comrades knew they could get a "S Rank Grade" from fighting me, and I make a good space to clog up in a tournament with my COM partner.

Is anyone else in the same situation with friends who no longer have time for you? Maybe Shimarisus' helpful idea will get us out of the rut!

Mar 8, 2004, 10:45 AM
I'm not the greatest player but "The Droog" is always free to help people out in tournaments. Just be prepared to lose though as some of my Arkz decks still need tweaking here and there...