View Full Version : GC-Item: A weapon question for Rangers

Mar 9, 2004, 10:31 AM
I rather enjoy standing back and wooping monsters from a distance (I know... big chicken). My character (Ramar) has just crossed to level 41 (yaaay!).
However, all I ever seem to find is rifles and snipers. I think his section ID is Whitill.
So far, I've found a couple of (apparently rather un-rare) rare items - Meteor Smash and Varista (a couple of those), other than the slew of swords and partisans that I find. I've found one Laser, which I love because it has great range and is pretty powerful compared to my other weapons. But that's the only laser I've found so far! Can I expect to find more? The one and only one I've found has no %, no attributes, nothing.
I end up walking around with 4-5 different weapons. It really cuts down on mates and fluids! But it would be nice to have a weapon that not only has an attribute (like gush, or masters) but also can cut a swath through a row of monsters! I end up switching weapons an aweful lot.
Any recomendations?

Mar 9, 2004, 10:39 AM
My Ranger uses a shot, rifle & mech guns, that's it. You'll find plenty of Lasers when you get into the harder difficulties. For now, a Meteor Smash & Laser should work fine.

Mar 9, 2004, 10:39 AM
Hi Capn,
just be diligent and keep levelling. You'll eventually stumble across some really nice rifles/lasers (or whatever) with good hit % on 'em. Also, once you're at higher levels, keep checking the weapons peddler in town. I've found several high hit (around 40-55) items like slicers and guns. Those are nice for turning into Rainbow Batons or Egg Blasters.

Mar 9, 2004, 10:39 AM
i found 2 lasers on my skyly, but i still havent found a calibur for some reason. its just luck.

Mar 9, 2004, 11:57 AM
Well yeah luck i guess but like someone said before shop for a good weapon or go to a harder level.
Mr.E (my RAmar) was level 41 with a varista and kicking @$$. Just try going to the hardest difficulty and hardest level you can go to and open boxes.
lol I did that and got a Visk.
(not with ranger though)

Mar 9, 2004, 02:22 PM
Well, you'll be happy to know that once you reach ultimate and unlock Forest of sorrow, you will be able to get a Frozen Shooter. That is an unbelieably useful rifle that is pretty much guarenteed to freeze the enemy. You can also find some very good mechs in whitill.