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View Full Version : Psycho Wand Question...

Mar 9, 2004, 11:54 AM
Good day!

I just got a Psycho Wand from a trade. Now, the gentleman thought it was legit, but wasn't sure. It doesn't have any percents on it (0/0/0/0/0).

I'm toying around with it in the Ultimate Forest, and I noticed that my techs are now doing about 25% more damage than with my Striker of Chao. Now, the Striker adds 55 MST, which I know adds to damage. The Psycho Wand, however, has no MST bonus to it. The item guide on PSOW claims that the Psycho Wand just decreases TP cost. It doesn't mention any boost to techs.

So, my question -- does the Psycho Wand have some innate damage increasing ability that isn't listed on PSOW?

If there is a bonus that just isn't listed, then I should be fine. If there isn't a bonus of some sort, then should I assume that this thing is hacked in some way?

Thanks for your time.

Aular of the Light

Rafoie on a Bartle --
With Pwand -- 411 damage
With Striker of Chao -- 325 damage
With bare hands -- 316 damage

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Aular on 2004-03-09 09:01 ]</font>

Mar 9, 2004, 11:57 AM
psycho wand boosts ra spells, by 30% i think

Mar 9, 2004, 12:07 PM
Actually it does mention a boost to techs.

Hard class tech power 30% increase & TP cost decreases

That is taken from this PAGE (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=472)

Mar 9, 2004, 12:14 PM
On 2004-03-09 09:07, VioletSkye wrote:
Actually it does mention a boost to techs.

Hard class tech power 30% increase & TP cost decreases

That is taken from this PAGE (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=472)

Ah! Thanks. The Items Database doesn't contain that tidbit for the Psycho Wand. It does for other weapons, though, like the Club of Zumiuran, so I just assumed it'd have all the info about the weapon.

Aular of the Light

Mar 9, 2004, 12:47 PM
It decreases tp cost by half but the ammount of tp u would have used for that tech u loose hp

Mar 9, 2004, 12:53 PM
No one would trade a legit PWand.

Mar 9, 2004, 02:09 PM
On 2004-03-09 09:53, heyf00L wrote:
No one would trade a legit PWand.

Yeah, it's a dupe. No question. But, if they traded something of equal value that they found, they shouldn't feel too bad.

Mar 9, 2004, 05:16 PM
No, they should feel worse for being scammed and trading something of great value for something of no value. Just because you payed full price for a copy doesn't make the copy any more valuable.

Mar 9, 2004, 07:21 PM
well i certainly wouldn't be willing to trade anyting for my laivis blades...since i can either get the item myself with a real lot of effort...and the fact that there's no telling whether or not the item that's up for grabs is a dupe http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Mar 9, 2004, 08:27 PM
Might be offtopic but, what level and class are you Aular? Just curious.

Mar 10, 2004, 12:09 PM
On 2004-03-09 17:27, -LoneSniper- wrote:
Might be offtopic but, what level and class are you Aular? Just curious.

97th Level FOMarl, Purplenum section ID.

Why do you ask?

Aular of the Light

Mar 10, 2004, 12:25 PM
On 2004-03-09 11:09, PaleKid15 wrote:

On 2004-03-09 09:53, heyf00L wrote:
No one would trade a legit PWand.

Yeah, it's a dupe. No question. But, if they traded something of equal value that they found, they shouldn't feel too bad.

Pardon me, but isn't this how an economy works? You have something I want and you don't want, I have something you want but I don't want. We exchange. Now, supply and demand dictate how valuable something is. If what I want from you is really hard to get, and what you want from me is really easy to get, then you'll opt to not trade with me. This works if you're talking cash you spend on video games to item trading in PSO. If you make $20 in a month, are you going to purchase a $50 video game? It might not be worth it to you. But to someone who makes $20 in an hour, it might be.

Let's say someone only plays Forces, for whatever reason: they can't stand guns, they don't like the look of hunters, etc. People can be fickle creatures, after all. So, said person only plays Forces. How much good to them is the best gun in the game? How much good to them is the best Sword in the game? They are a Force - they can't use either.

Or, perhaps they already had a Psycho Wand. Can you use two of them at once?

To simple say "No one would trade a Legit Psycho Wand" isn't acurate. If I found one tonight (which could happen -- it's been pointed out numerous times on this forum that this game is completely and utterly random), I'd certainly trade it. I only have one Force. I only need one Psycho Wand. And the item I'd want in return would depend on whatever whim I happened to have at the time. If my goal at that moment was to take a new character and max all its stats -- I'd trade it for the materials needed to do so. Time finding all those Materials might be worth the random Psycho Wand that I don't want.

It's all give and take between people. And people's priorities shift with the day.

Whether it is legit or not -- I don't know for certain. They said they thought it was. Beyond finding it myself, there's no way to tell. That's another facet in an economy -- trust. You trust that the cash the bank gives you isn't fake. You trust that cash they DO give you has some kind of power to it. Without trust, we have no economy. Phantasy Star Online, world-market economy or otherwise.

Aular of the Light

Mar 11, 2004, 03:04 AM
Anything you trade for is a dupe.
I see it that way, and that's why I do not trade.

Mar 11, 2004, 06:06 AM
Psycho wand is SO difficult to find it would take 10,000 runs in most ids just to find one. Basically there is maybe 50 (non purpleum mil piped) PWs out there and your is most likely not one.

Mar 11, 2004, 07:03 AM
The Psycho Wand is indeed the strongest cane type weapon for a spell casting force!
It decreases HP by the full amount of one casted spell however! That can be a big dis-advantage. You have to learn how to play with it, and its especially NOT for low level forces.

On the further notice about the trade: I think heyf00L's quote is the best!

On 2004-03-09 14:16, heyf00L wrote:
No, they should feel worse for being scammed and trading something of great value for something of no value. Just because you payed full price for a copy doesn't make the copy any more valuable.

If you have like a good weapon which is duped, the VALUE is nothing!
If you have an item you found yourself, which is maybe not as good as the psycho wand for example, (because that one is duped), its still way MORE VALUABLE than the duped item!

A copy/dupe of an item isnt worth anything!
It is WORTHLESS, because the one who traded the item, dint tell you it was a dupe, so it is brought to anybody by lying people, which makes it worthless.

Trading a good item with high value, which isn't duped, is way in NO league of an item which is duped (no matter which item it is!)

Anyway, if anyone found a psycho wand I bet thay woulndt trade it for the world.


Mar 11, 2004, 07:06 AM
On 2004-03-11 00:04, Kef wrote:
Anything you trade for is a dupe.
I see it that way, and that's why I do not trade.

Not quite, but thats your opinion, which i can understand quite well!

Trading is based on thrust! If you thrust a person very good and this person dont plays with duped items, and he find an item before your nose in a game, and you want to have it, it still can be traded, cant it?


Mar 11, 2004, 08:52 AM
On 2004-03-11 04:06, PatserGOUKI wrote:

On 2004-03-11 00:04, Kef wrote:
Anything you trade for is a dupe.
I see it that way, and that's why I do not trade.

Not quite, but thats your opinion, which i can understand quite well!

Trading is based on thrust! If you thrust a person very good and this person dont plays with duped items, and he find an item before your nose in a game, and you want to have it, it still can be traded, cant it?


Legit trading happens, though not as common. Just takes a while of watching the trading threads to get an idea of who trades with legit items, as well as having to turn down trades that are too good to be true sometimes. I trade once and a while, and everything I have is legit.

It definitely is all about trust. I dont trade too often because the hardest thing is competing with the stats on duped items, as well as their general availability. Still, if it is also important to the other party trading to have something legit, they'll look at your list and a trade might happen.

Rest of the time I hunt for the things I want offline. I come online mostly just to play which, since I am rebuilding, has unfortunately not been often.

As for that Psycho Wand, there is NO way that is legit. No one who found one would trade it. Does that make its value zero? In some ways yes, but it is all about how you wish to play. I resigned myself long ago to never having one of those. All the better should it ever drop.