View Full Version : Funny online gaming moments.

Mar 10, 2004, 05:46 AM
This happen to my brother, he was playing nba live 2004 online, hes like in the 2nd quarter losing by like 30 points, and i am on computer next to him and i keep hearing my brother cusing and getting pissed saying "God damnit!!" "I hate this fag" "ARRGG THAT WAS A FOUL I HATE CHEATERs" "Yes i am only down by 20 now, this fag is gonna lose" He kept saying all this shit and he was getting so pissed, then i turn around and tell him to shutup and i notice the mic is pluged in and i say "HAHA, dude, you do know that the mic is pluged in, that would be so funny if this guy had a headset" So my brother put it on and heard the guy. Should of seen the look on his face. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Post your funny online game moments. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: googles on 2004-03-10 02:49 ]</font>

Mar 10, 2004, 07:56 AM
Soldier of Fortune 2 on the PC. Running around the sky scraper map and feeling a bit silly, i run into the kitchen, equip the knife and suddenly start yelling 'Im the cook here, no one shoots in my kitchen, i only make he finest burgers'. Soon i have about half the people in the game equipped with knives and working in 'my' kitchen. It was a great laugh untill some muppet burst in with the SMG and killed us all for easy points.

Mar 10, 2004, 10:57 AM
Being called a n00b in battle mode, since I used megid. Since I'm a FORCE. And then being called a jerk when I stopped using megid and raped them with Jellen.

Mar 10, 2004, 11:44 AM
Rainbow Six: Covert Ops

We're all waiting outside the hospital as someone goes to put a breaching charge on the door or something. Anyway, I'm not really paying attention, but I see one of our guys drop. The door never opened, so it had to be somebody on our team. I ask if anyone saw it, but nobody did. So anyway, I didn't trust one of the guys, so I keep an eye on him. Of course, I watch as he slowly walks up behind one of the guys and kneels. I then watch as he slowly lifts his gun up to the guys head. He waits for a bit, then shoots him. I start screaming at him... "You just shot him!" He of course said, "No I didn't!", even when I pointed out that I was staring at him the entire time. In the end, I just shot him with my magnum and we went on with the mission normally.

Meh, it was probably funnier if you were there.

Mar 10, 2004, 02:34 PM

A teammate had flashbanged me, and I decided to fire off rounds randomly about the area. I took out four members of the opposing team, and took no damage, while I was blinded! XD

Mar 10, 2004, 03:45 PM
Call of Duty

It was a multiplayer match in Carentan. Within 30 seconds of the round starting all but three of the other Allies had been killed. I was one of em (12 total on both sides). My friend and I are huddled in a building, me with a Thompson, him with a B.A.R. The other surviving Ally crosses the street and gets gunned down. We made a run for it. My friend got killed leaving me. I TOOK OUT HALF OF THEIR TEAM BEFORE GETTING KILLED!!! And their team was at full strength too! It also was a straight on assault, not a stealthy type thing. It was so damn funny.

Mar 10, 2004, 04:33 PM
On PSO for Xbox I was hanging around the lobbies when a guy came. His character was a short, fat Fonewm with a really deep voice mask. The guy was yelling some very, very racy stuff. I finally got sick of the guy and decided to have some fun of my own. I went back and created a character that looked the exactly the same and named it "Mini(guys name)". I went back and found him and followed him around the lobby. Everyone was laughing.

Another was on Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I was playing the beach invasion level and I was one of the axis guys when some person comes on and tells us that we are going to be wipped into shape. If we didn't do what he told us, he would yell at us. I finally said something.
Me: Er, are you drunk?
Him: Guess what guys: I'm drunk.

I guess ugotta bedare.

Mar 10, 2004, 04:48 PM
UT 2003:

We were playing CTF on orbital, which is mostly a really cramped map with only a couple of open areas, and I was using a shock rifle most of the time. There was a guy on the opposing team boasting about his '1337' skills, and how he was going to win the round for his team. he acted really shocked when I killed him, and he seemed fixated that he was the best player on the server, when in fact he was just shit. Every time anyone killed him, he got more and more pissed off, calling us fags and whatever, and eventually he presumably mashed his keyboard with his hand, because the next thing he said was a jumble of random letters and symbols. Of course, this was drowned in a sea of lols and he left the game. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Another 'You had to be there' moment.

Mar 10, 2004, 04:59 PM
Call of Duty

There were 5-6 of us (at a time) playing on the... er... Russian map with the sniper-ready buildings. Anyways, we decided that we would have a grenade-bash and pistol-shoot match.

I eventually got bored of beating people to death with a 'nade and decided to cook the grenades a blow myself up. One time I jumped off of a balcony behind someone and suicide bombed him by the time he turned around.


Mar 11, 2004, 01:36 AM


I did almost the exact same thing for the first couple of times I played Jedi Outcast online...

The only difference is the bots sometimes spoke, I think... but I realized later it was just some pre-programmed taunts...

Mar 11, 2004, 10:20 AM
that's what they're there for - sort of like digital friends...

Mar 11, 2004, 01:11 PM
Best moment was C-Strike

Some guy blocked a room door which was guarded and I hear one of our opponents saying "Let me in" I followed him... And he said "It's just me blahblah" and I was right behind him when he walked in and I said...


And I pwned everybody and didn't die until I had dinner...

Mar 11, 2004, 02:59 PM
On 2004-03-11 10:11, BogusKun wrote:
Best moment was C-Strike

Some guy blocked a room door which was guarded and I hear one of our opponents saying "Let me in" I followed him... And he said "It's just me blahblah" and I was right behind him when he walked in and I said...


And I pwned everybody and didn't die until I had dinner...

http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif Classic.

Mar 11, 2004, 03:55 PM
well its more embarrassing rather than funny.

me and 3 friends are playing goldeneye teamatch. me and my buddy darren are playing against other buddies gavin (who ruled all in that game) and frank (unbelievably bad). me and darren were prtty good and made a dam good team.

so about half-way in, we are winning 25-10.

gavin flicks his hair to the side and says 'okay, youve had your chance'. he then proceeded to wipe the floor with us, winning the game 50-29.

Embarrassing for me and darren. worse for frank, his only kill was when he accidently mowed down gavin with a rcp-90.

edit: oh yeah and worms! always funny shit happens during a game of worms! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BOC on 2004-03-11 12:56 ]</font>

Mar 11, 2004, 04:42 PM
I had a really fun game ages ago on Midtown madness 2 in a cops and robbers game. Everybody was driving buses (it's such much fun like that), and somehow, someone's bus got destroyed when they were flying through the air off a ramp! result? 8 buses then proceded to try and jump off high enough to catch the gold, which was floating in the middle of the air. eventually I managed to get it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Mar 11, 2004, 09:21 PM
Quake III Arena for Dreamcast

Playing Q3A on DC is a pain because of the extreme lag. You fire, and the bullet flies off one second later. Thus, one fine night, I chase some guy around and equip my rocket launcher. The guy runs into a dead-end and I fire away while moving forward. Unfortunately, I didn't take bullet-lag into account.

I ended up shooting myself in the back.

Mar 11, 2004, 10:09 PM
ouch you shot your sel in the back.
sorry but a tickle fairy is forcing me to laugh at you.
still owww

Mar 12, 2004, 09:09 PM
On 2004-03-11 18:21, KodiaX987 wrote:
Quake III Arena for Dreamcast

Playing Q3A on DC is a pain because of the extreme lag. You fire, and the bullet flies off one second later. Thus, one fine night, I chase some guy around and equip my rocket launcher. The guy runs into a dead-end and I fire away while moving forward. Unfortunately, I didn't take bullet-lag into account.

I ended up shooting myself in the back.

Thats the best thing i've heard in a while.

I was playing counter-strike, which i suck at because of my 56K connection, and i was really doing crappy always getting killed and never killing anyone. I bought the crappiest sniper rifle for the Counter terrorist, steyr something, and in a middle of a gun fight with a guy that never died i jumped off the wall and pressed the fire button in mid air and when i landed on the ground i was dead, but i had given the perfect no death guy a head shot and he wrote to me "what the...".

Not that funny, but i was amazed i killed someone like that in mid air with a sniper rifle.

Mar 12, 2004, 09:53 PM
My friend and i where taking turns playing CS

he got got called away by his mom to help with something, any way, i took over and started the next round.

I bought the Clarrion, and the basic arrmor. and guarded the Bomb site, i saw a terrorist pop out a the water, and he saw me, i sprayed 20 rounds from my rifle and hid behind the boat house and switched to pistol,

else where, every other team mate had rushed out to the island in the center of the map an or killed themselfs with the boats.

i heard a flash flash-bang land and i was blind, i waited about .5 seconds and unloaded the pistol and got the guy in the head as he tried to come about the corner. reloaded both wepons, picking up his stolden M4, and capped 4 T's as they came outa the water before getting caught from behind hehe. i only added to my friends reputation of "hacker" on that server.


D2, i was just screwing around in Norm dif, and some guy joins my game raving about how his acound got hacked and he couldnt log into it anymore, after a few well placed questions, i pointed out to him that this was East realms and now West hehehe

i bet he felt funny

Mar 14, 2004, 06:45 PM
something that happened to me twice:
going on random servers and being in a... tournament match!
i enter,choose my side and wait for round start. then ppl tell me to leave and i watch score and DAMN its filled with [A-clan] and [B-clan] people doing an official match.
first time i did a round with them and left.. second time it happend i bought the shotgun 2-2 and tked 4-5 people screaming "put a f*ckin pasword" and left.. i know it's childish but it makes me laugh....