View Full Version : Mina byebye,not yet but maybe soon...

Apr 19, 2001, 07:49 AM
Okay,i know i am gonna buy pso v.2 if it comes out..and i do like pso,ill just for now be shortaning my hours on da game,i said this somewhere else,like in another topic.
See lik ryiko im getting back to being an anime addict,i will only play for like 2 hours a day,and in that time ill be lvl'n up anim,to atleast lv 70,and getting ocean to lv 100.
I just feel like pso isn't very..fun any more,with the duppers and the hackers and the perverts,and the pk'ers,and the gs users,its just taking away the fun,i am not quiting ..yet i just need to shortan my hours on the game... i love anime now,i've found an anime thats funny,and seems cool,ill show you pic of it,tell me if it looks stupid,actully dont tell me lol...its called Mahou Tsukai Tai.and it seems funny..i need to find a darn place to uplaod the videos!hehe...

i dont remember what html code it is so hopefully its this one lol


does it seem cool or no?