View Full Version : Personal opinion

Mar 14, 2004, 08:04 PM
just curious as to what people think of my character and his equipment
Lavis Cannon(also have syncesta but dont kno if i should use yet)
red handgun+50(30% a beast)
guard wave 4slot
delsabers sheild

Mar 14, 2004, 08:06 PM
very good! thats cool but i'd take out the cure/poison for a HP/revival if yu find one! but of course thats coming from a low level charcter like me!!

Mar 14, 2004, 08:14 PM
beleive it or not all that stuff was offline aswell

Mar 14, 2004, 08:46 PM
I would switch that Rati for one with the stats of:
5/145/50/0 or 5/135/60/0

A 50/50/50/50 Mag is basically just wasting a Mag's points. Defense is wasted on a Mag, and non-FOrces shouldn't need Mind on their Mags except to learn new Techs (which you should borrow a FOrce's Mag for anyway).

Mar 14, 2004, 09:05 PM
I'm gonna go with Ketchup on this one. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Mar 14, 2004, 09:20 PM
ahh thanks

Mar 14, 2004, 10:44 PM
I would switch that Rati for one with the stats of:
5/145/50/0 or 5/135/60/0 Very good advice... you don't really need MST on your hunter, but you're gonna need some ATA esp. in ULT and some extra ATP is always good...

Mar 15, 2004, 09:18 AM
On 2004-03-14 17:04, ShinAsura666 wrote:
just curious as to what people think of my character and his equipment
Lavis Cannon(also have syncesta but dont kno if i should use yet)
red handgun+50(30% a beast)
guard wave 4slot
delsabers sheild

If it was me, I would lose the cure/poison and use a cure/shock, coz I HATE being shocked. I would also, if possible, replace the tp/revival with a god/battle. OK, so you'll need to create a new char., but its definately worth it.

Also, perhaps an Aura Field is in order? or a Brightness Circle? I'm pretty sure that both have better stats than the Guard Wave, and they're not too hard to find...

But overall, you're lookin pretty good!

Mar 15, 2004, 09:43 AM
On 2004-03-14 17:04, ShinAsura666 wrote:
just curious as to what people think of my character and his equipment
Only thing you should change IMO

Mar 15, 2004, 01:01 PM
cure freeze is my best friend. lol or a cure/death would be great....if they existed

Mar 15, 2004, 01:10 PM
On 2004-03-14 17:04, ShinAsura666 wrote:
just curious as to what people think of my character and his equipment
Lavis Cannon(also have syncesta but dont kno if i should use yet)
red handgun+50(30% a beast)
guard wave 4slot
delsabers sheild

Crappy mag, orotiagito < lavis, Wheres your twin/sword/partisan/slicer/mechs? TP revival is worthless, cure/poison is worthless, and you have a sucky mag. Overall, you have some really crappy equipment.

Mar 15, 2004, 01:16 PM
ok, lol, PaleKid is not totally wrong, but I feel like reassuring you

-Lavis Cannon is good
-Orotiagito is very good IMO, Lavis if kept untekked is better, but I like Oro myself and use it, though not its special, well not often
-Red Handgun+50 is very good
-Guard Wave 4slot is ok, time for a better one, though
-Delsaber's Sheild is good
-God/Arm is crucial

Other than that, I fear PaleKid is right =/

Mar 15, 2004, 01:26 PM
Why the hell aren't you using 1/3 demo comets you have? It's better than O-agito and LC IM(C)O. ANd while it is possible that th LC/ Orotiagito are legit, it is VERY unlikely, and if they are cheating, they aren't even doing a good job of that.

Mar 15, 2004, 01:28 PM
I think ShinAsura mentioned being offline.

And Oro+Lavis is not that hard to find, ask Vulpes, he found two of each.

I have not found Lavis yet, but I found many weapons equally rare or rarer, including Oro, Yasha and Handgun:Milla.

Mar 15, 2004, 01:59 PM
right i would just like to add that i wasnt cheating when i found my lavis or my agito i got a der sword but its shyte i got a 4 slot sacred cloth and i got a mag thats somethin like 135/25/17/23 I JUST DONT LIKE THEM.Demolition comets are shyte and i upgraded my lavis into a blade.I have a red slicer with 35%on abeast and 30% on machine i fot a twin brand+60 with 30% on dark iv'e got more or less everythin you lot just mentioned.Understand i use the equipment I like although i wouldn't mind a kasami bracer.

Mar 15, 2004, 02:07 PM
If you are just going to use the equipment you like, and not take good advice, then why did you make this topic?

Mar 15, 2004, 02:10 PM
On 2004-03-15 11:07, PaleKid15 wrote:
If you are just going to use the equipment you like, and not take good advice, then why did you make this topic?
How is any advice "good" ?
he just wanted opinions, he never mentioned anything about changing his equipment.

Mar 15, 2004, 02:19 PM
On 2004-03-15 11:10, Kef wrote:

On 2004-03-15 11:07, PaleKid15 wrote:
If you are just going to use the equipment you like, and not take good advice, then why did you make this topic?
How is any advice "good" ?
he just wanted opinions, he never mentioned anything about changing his equipment.

Ok then, what do you plan to do with those opinions? How is any advice good? What the hell kind of a question is that? It is my opinion that they should change thier equipment because most of it is horrible. I made a suggestion and they said DC is shyte, I was looking for some kind of an explanation for that statement.

Mar 15, 2004, 03:21 PM
ok the olny reason i made any comment is cause someone accused me of chaetin to get my lavis and agito.As for the demo comets mine are crap cuz only one has a %(25 on machine)which i do use when im in the mines as for the opinion i just wanted to kno what people thought of my setup, i didnt ask for any advice on how to fix or imrove on it.THanks for the comments though

Mar 15, 2004, 04:36 PM
Nice move with the Lavis. I HATE sabers...

Have you got a Holy Ray also? I recommend it if you haven't - it is more powerful than the Red Handgun, and has the highest accuracy of all the rifles - definately comes in handy! Just my opinion...

I found many weapons equally rare or rarer, including Oro, Yasha and Handgun:Milla

*drools*...Gimme! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Mar 15, 2004, 06:50 PM
thanks i'll consider lookin for one of them cuz lets face it red handgun looks awful.

Mar 15, 2004, 07:08 PM
Sorry I accuse you of cheating. (I see 2 HUmars with high ATP hard to get weapons, one of which isn't that good, on a low post count member, I think cheater). DC is still better than O-agito, don't know about the b;ades though.

Mar 15, 2004, 07:17 PM
just cuz they have low post counts doesnt mean they're cheating... people dont HAVE to join this forum as a noob. he could have beatin the game 50 times and has just joined the forums (very unlikely... just an example though http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif). i used this site for guides, etc. for a month before i actually started posting.

Mar 15, 2004, 09:37 PM
On 2004-03-14 17:14, ShinAsura666 wrote:
beleive it or not all that stuff was offline aswell

It's understandable i have been offline up to 109 so far. IT SUCKS. but i cant say my stuff is as good.

Spread Needle +13(unlucky)
Guard Wave
Custom Barrier
Pushan ??/??/??/??( a little hazy there)

Mar 15, 2004, 10:01 PM
i would just like to add that i was a veteran of the DC version(1and2) and i have had the game since the day it came out so it aint that surprising to see my characters at those lvls(i have 2 more that i just didnt add)I am also VERY persistant when it comes to rares i want(Im on somethin like 43 pal rappies lookin for an angel harp and 14 heldetorrs for a magic stone iristia which SUCKS)

Mar 15, 2004, 11:15 PM
On 2004-03-14 17:04, ShinAsura666 wrote:
just curious as to what people think of my character and his equipment
Lavis Cannon(also have syncesta but dont kno if i should use yet)
red handgun+50(30% a beast)
guard wave 4slot
delsabers sheild

Okay, I shall give you my opinion.

Firstly, either upgrade the Lavis into a Double Cannon, or start using that Demolition Comet! It hits multiple times, and will most likely do more damage total than the Lavis. The Orotiagito might be nice for enemies with higher DFP, I suppose...

Red Handgun is a keeper. Get some good mechs, though. Even Vulcans with a little hit are godly. Armor is okay, though, I'd hit 152 and make/find a Aura Field. Shield is pretty good, but try to find that Kasami.

Use that Red Slicer, or MAKE A RAINBOW BATON for hitting multiple targets. A Red Sword or ChainSawd would be nice as well...but a Rainbow Baton with lots of Hit would probably be better.

Ditch the TP/Revival. Those SUCK. Get another God/Arm instead. Cure/Poison is kinda useless, as long as you have Anti level 1...go for a Cure/Shock, Cure/Freeze, or Cure/Parylasis. (God, I always mangle the spelling for that.)

Rati is a great mag, but your stats are kinda, meh. Go for something like (5/145/50/0). You can vary it as you like, but don't waste more than 20 points of DFP on a non-FOrce Mag. Mind is kinda meh too, especially on a HUmar.

On 2004-03-15 19:01, ShinAsura666 wrote:
i would just like to add that i was a veteran of the DC version(1and2) and i have had the game since the day it came out so it aint that surprising to see my characters at those lvls(i have 2 more that i just didnt add)I am also VERY persistant when it comes to rares i want(Im on somethin like 43 pal rappies lookin for an angel harp and 14 heldetorrs for a magic stone iristia which SUCKS)

Well, duh, by itself, it's terrible. It's just a red box. But, you can use it to make the BEST slicer in the game. And with good percents as well. Or if you don't like it, trade it to someone, it's kinda rare.

Mar 16, 2004, 03:59 AM
Absolutely the best slicer, even considering S-ranks, IMHO. I take my Rainbow Baton everywhere, in any situation. It has the most range of any slicer, a useful special, and excellent power.
Any 50% hit shop slicer can yeild one of the best overall weps in the game, with that stone.

On 2004-03-15 20:15, Eihwaz wrote:

Well, duh, by itself, it's terrible. It's just a red box. But, you can use it to make the BEST slicer in the game. And with good percents as well. Or if you don't like it, trade it to someone, it's kinda rare.


Mar 16, 2004, 05:41 AM
On 2004-03-14 17:04, ShinAsura666 wrote:
just curious as to what people think of my character and his equipment
Lavis Cannon(also have syncesta but dont kno if i should use yet)
red handgun+50(30% a beast)

guard wave 4slot
delsabers sheild

My opinion:

Try to find a AURA FIELD in an Oran Game, from Mil Lily temple (if possible), but the frame is OK!
Shields are much harder to find, but some good low level extra shields can be: SECRET GEAR, and ATTRIBUTE WALL. Or a STANDSTILL SHIELD (lvl 125), which can be pretty easy obtained in Viridia Temple from Mil Lily!
I would ditch the TP revival and go look for a GOD HP. As for the other slot items, I would also ditch the cure poison and look for a CURE FREEZE, or a GOD BATTLE!
The mag is your choice and already be spoken of by other players.

Not a bad setup you have, but anyway, the slot items are the worse of the complete setup. lose 2 and try to find 2 new ones, which I said. But its only my opinion!