View Full Version : Broadband hookup

Mar 16, 2004, 05:34 PM
I'd like to get online with PSO, but before I buy anything, I need to know if I'll be able to hook it up in my house.

I do have a computer, with a broadband subscription (is this required?), but it's far away from where my Gamecube is.

Do I need to plug the adaptor into my modem? If so, is there a way I can use a wireless connection?

Mar 16, 2004, 06:03 PM
All right, well, this really does depend on how your broadband is set up. If you computer connects to the broadband directly, then you'll need to have an extra ethernet jack available on the back of your computer to plug your GameCube into. From there, assuming your on Windows XP (I suppose ME might do this, as well), you'll have to run your Network Setup Wizard and tell it that your computer connects directly to the internet and is to share its connection on the network. Then you just plug your GameCube into the extra ethernet jack, and everything should work just fine.

Now on the other hand, it's considerably easier if your computer plugs into a hub and the internet is just kinda automatically there. In that case, you just plug your GameCube into the hub, and you're done.

As far as wireless connections go... The same kind of rule applies. I've not tinkered with wireless networks to really know what goes where, but so long as you've got something to plug your GameCube's BBA into, it should work just fine. I suppose that the only difference between using a wireless network and a wired network in this case, would be that you'd have a couple of wireless hubs (one by the computer or broadband modem, and one by the GameCube) instead of a single looooong cable running through your house.

Mar 16, 2004, 07:15 PM
First of all this belongs in Tech Support, not General.

Anyway, we need specifics about your connection. Who is your ISP? What type of broadband is it (Cable, DSL, T connection?) If DSL what type of DSL (PPPOE or PPPOA?) If cable, does your ISP require that the MAC address of each device on the network be registered with the DHCP server? Most Comcast customers have to register the MAC on the BBA in order to use their service with PSO.

Also what type of setup are you using (direct connect, ICS or ar you using a hub or router?) If you are using a hub or router, which brand is it? Some modem/router combos have ports automatically closed that need to be manually openned in order to access the Sega servers.

Mar 17, 2004, 12:38 PM
if your gamecubes a long way from your internet access point, and you dont have any wireless internet stuff, your best option would be a long length of ethernet cable.