View Full Version : The kind of phone call you don't like to hear

Mar 18, 2004, 08:23 PM
Long story short, my grandfather died yesterday. 8:33 a.m. The only one we could send up to New York for the funeral was 1 person. Seeing it was my Mom's farther, she went. Another bad event to add on my unbelievably bad month. February was great. I found a great amount of really nice PSO items. And I got a some CD's, a GC cable for the GBA, and some other stuff. But... it's all gone now. And then my grandfarther dies. I just can't have a good month and keep the spoils can't I.... I can't wait to see what happens next.

Mar 18, 2004, 08:30 PM
My sincerest sympathy for you and your loved ones. I know the void that one endures as the world continues on, without paying heed to your pain.

This is but only some of the hurdles and obstacles that we come across withing out limited time that we call life. MegamanX there is always hope, if you let it be. Yes this has not been your time, and perhaps the day after will also not offer any freedom to your pain. But if you hold on to hope, if you dare to dream, and keep yourself steady in the face of despair, you shall witness a new morning, a new freedom. Hold on to your precious moments, remember the ill moments but do not dwell in them, and you shall forth head into life on your feet and proud.

Mar 18, 2004, 09:13 PM
I can't do it alone though. I need someone I can share my thought and feeling with. I have nothing else to do but dwell on my past. It's all I have left. I'm bored outa my skull and I have many unplesent thoughts to dwell apon. I'm afraid of what I may become. I doubt i'll find someone like my 1st love ever again. But... I don't really give anybody else a chance. I am not the sociable one. And I don't think I want to be either. But I sure as hell don't like where I am now either.

Mar 19, 2004, 07:56 AM
I've been done your road before. Love will find a way. A memory is an important part of life, but take your time, it's hard to move on. I didn't date until a year after I broke up with my ex fiance.

Mar 19, 2004, 08:05 AM
I remember when I found out my grandmother died. I was playing with my favourite toy at the time and was very young. After my dad came in crying and told me, I never played that game again because of the upset it caused.

Thing is bad things happen like this and there is very little you can do about them. I cann only offer my griveances and hope that this is the last of life misfortunes you befall for a while.

Mar 19, 2004, 11:23 AM
Death really sux. I have lost a lot of family members. Two grandmothers who died from illness, and my cousin who was shot to death. My grandfather has cancer, but he's seems to be doing ok right now. And my OTHER cousin was just recently shot, but he's ok now.

Life just sucks sometimes.

Mar 19, 2004, 02:29 PM
I know what you feel. When my grandfather died, we were on our summer vacation. It wasn't long before we scheduled a trip back home on the hurry.

I'll never forget that feeling of not knowing what to say, or who to talk, and my father's silence, since it was his dad who was gone.

I rarely saw that grandfather of mine, but my father was obviously disturbed. He just kept working on his office on the days after the accident, with the door surprisingly wide open. Like if he was saying "It's normal if I feel down, I don't need to hide it from anyone"

My condolences. Life goes on, even with the void you probably feel.