View Full Version : Freedom of speech denied by moderators

Mar 21, 2004, 08:28 AM
Yes, I accept that this website is run by these guys and they can choose what they see suitable to be posted and whether or not posts can be locked, but I felt very strongly by one such locking on this board I felt I had to reply.

Someone had started a thread explaining that his life was a b*tch and how he and others like him were bullied in school and left with a pretty miserable life after that.

The final post of that thread was by the moderator Abdur101 (I think) who made a very unhelpful reply about 'Stop moaning, other people have worse lives' and then using the old 'famine and starvation' speech. While I understand these are also problems faced by the world, this was irrelevant and unnecessary to the thread and was a rather pathetic moan at someone who has a genuine problem in life of a certain kind.

Then this moderator went and locked the thread on his post. I honestly believe if you're going to lock a thread you should have the last post be impartial in the topic and this post was not. I also wanted to make a constructive post on this thread but could not because of the ignorant guy who locked it.

While I don't think people should be posting their life problems on a forum about a game, I think we should answer people's cries in a mature and sensible way, so please could the moderators recognise the way in which they should be carrying out their job.

This a forum for b*tching, so why lock posts that do just that (unless they contain 1000+ expletives and racist comments)? If you just lock posts that are difficult topics or are an attack on the establishment (i.e. the moderators in this case), you're just eligible for being compared with organisations such as the Nazis, who ultimately denied the freedom of speech.

Message boards are full of interesting problems that people like me like to read and contribute in their own individual ways. Therefore, I cannot object to Abdur's post but I will object to fact he made that post and then locked it. Please don't ruin this (superb) board like this!

Mar 21, 2004, 08:50 AM
Actually, I agreed with Abdur's statement in that thread, but that is beside the point. The point is that that thread was locked because it was a continuation of an already locked thread.

Mar 21, 2004, 10:37 AM
1. It was a repeat topic.

2. What I said was true. The world revolves around no one, everyone has problems, great and small.

3. My replies don't have to be helpful in the slightest, infact I could have just said "+1 warning for making a repeat topic" and that would have been it, but I decided to give my viewpoint on the matter(which is of no one else's concern, as it is a public forum and I was giving my opinion on the matter. I did'nt even give a warning for the repeat topic.)

4. Everyone in life has a genuine problem or problems, and they deal with it as best they can. That was the point of my post, which you obviously missed.

5. If you think my reply was immature and wasn't sensible, too bad. You're more than welcome to feel that my reply was lacking anything you want.

6. Comparing the mods to Nazis has been done so many times, it stopped being amusing, expecially when the thread was a repeat topic which I said in the original to not make a new one.

7. This should have been pm'd to an admin, as it says in the forum rules not to take out problems with members or staff on the forum.

Thus, topic locked. Feel free to continue this with a pm to an admin of the site.