View Full Version : Wrong Evolution for Rati

Mar 25, 2004, 08:42 PM
hi i am tring to rase a Rati. I am a Ramar and when my mag reached lvl 50 it evolved into a Bhirava not a Kaitabha. What should i do. just keep going or start over with a new mag. I really want a rati and i cant get on line. I also like raseing mags. Thanks.

Mar 25, 2004, 08:44 PM
It doesn't matter what it turn into at level 50 (as long as you get the PB you wanted), the onlyu thing is you have to figure out its new feeding chart and how to raise the desired stat(s). As long as at level 99->100 it meets the Rati requirements it will be a Rati.

Mar 25, 2004, 08:51 PM
well i didn't get a pb when it evolved.

Mar 25, 2004, 09:01 PM
On 2004-03-25 17:51, buckeytucker wrote:
well i didn't get a pb when it evolved.

Ok, then use this guide (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1016) to set up a way to get your desired PB, and use one of the feeding charts availible to compensate for getting a different Mag than what the guides say. You will still get a Rati at 100 if you get the stats and character correct at the feeding from 99->100.

Mar 25, 2004, 09:02 PM
This guy never give up.

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Do not post any exploits or methods or parts thereof. Do not post links to cheat codes or sites containing them or post cheat codes. Do not ask for cheat codes. Do not post cheat codes or even attempt to describe it. Do not ask for cheat methods. Do not pm members asking or sharing cheat methods or codes. Do not ask for members to dupe for you. Doing so will result in an instant ban. We have a 0 tolerance level for these activities.

Mar 25, 2004, 09:05 PM
On 2004-03-25 18:02, Nites wrote:
This guy never give up.

Cheat Codes and Methods
Do not post any exploits or methods or parts thereof. Do not post links to cheat codes or sites containing them or post cheat codes. Do not ask for cheat codes. Do not post cheat codes or even attempt to describe it. Do not ask for cheat methods. Do not pm members asking or sharing cheat methods or codes. Do not ask for members to dupe for you. Doing so will result in an instant ban. We have a 0 tolerance level for these activities.

But notice his "new custom title":

I just wonder how long the cleanup will take from deleting all of those messages.

Mar 25, 2004, 09:08 PM
I looked at his post list and it looks like there was around 7 differant topics that he posted in

Mar 25, 2004, 09:29 PM
All is well, back on topic. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Stats don't matter until 99
The only variable from those first ninety eight levels are the photon blasts you might like.

Oh, and just a warning, it's a bitch to feed/raise properly. =/

Mar 25, 2004, 09:30 PM
You can still get a differen PB as long as your mag stat orders change. If they do change then at every multiple of 5 level, it will evolve into a different mag and you might learn a PB if you dont have that pb.

Mar 26, 2004, 06:52 AM
ok thanks guys

Mar 26, 2004, 07:05 AM
On 2004-03-25 18:05, Ketchup345 wrote:

On 2004-03-25 18:02, Nites wrote:
This guy never give up.

Cheat Codes and Methods
Do not post any exploits or methods or parts thereof. Do not post links to cheat codes or sites containing them or post cheat codes. Do not ask for cheat codes. Do not post cheat codes or even attempt to describe it. Do not ask for cheat methods. Do not pm members asking or sharing cheat methods or codes. Do not ask for members to dupe for you. Doing so will result in an instant ban. We have a 0 tolerance level for these activities.

But notice his "new custom title":

I just wonder how long the cleanup will take from deleting all of those messages.

Hmm, I have a strange feeling I missed something...

Mar 26, 2004, 08:05 AM
Nothing really, some idiot spammed the board with an incompleate (at least from what I bothered to read) duping process and was blabing his moth off about this and that. Annoying nand not the least bit helpful, I've know how to dupe for a long time.