View Full Version : No Mo Fo..

Mar 28, 2004, 03:26 PM
I been using a Fomar char ever since i got pso for the xbox. I have been using hunters and rangers for th e dc and gc version. I am at lvl 30 now and it is time to call it quits. Fo's are too damn weak and take hella $ to use. I was online for the gc and dc but im now offline with the xbox. Oh and offline play is better for me because online is flooded with hacked weapons and mags that it isnt a challenge to play....Well now i have a lvl 11 ranger and i hooked him up with my old mag from the fo and a nice 25% hit ice rifle and he is definetly way more my type... well anyways ..there is my 2 cents

Mar 28, 2004, 03:32 PM
wat level was your fo?

Mar 28, 2004, 04:31 PM
On 2004-03-28 12:32, Zero999 wrote:
wat level was your fo?

level 30.

and the answer to your next question is "because i'm psychic" http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Mar 28, 2004, 05:36 PM
oh my god how did you know that?
oh wait maybe it's because he said his level right in his post.

Mar 28, 2004, 06:53 PM
when i read forums i skim!!!!

Mar 28, 2004, 07:56 PM
stay on topic

Mar 28, 2004, 08:00 PM
Unfortunately, it sounds like you aren't giving Forces a good chance to really get to know them.

(...I'm such a hypocrit XD Stupid RAmarls)

Mar 28, 2004, 08:46 PM
i deleted my FOnewearl at 24, i just couldnt afford it >.<

i might make another FO soon.

Mar 28, 2004, 09:35 PM
"..." I never had a problem with money raising my FOs. They just got twinked(Which at the start of my FO-using days meant a Rati with 50ish MIND, and some techs that weren't even over L20, heh), given 100k seed money from my HUmar, and went out and raped Ragol sideways.

L30... L24... Gah, people. You can't judge FOs at those levels. FOs have it rough at the start, especially non-twinked, but by the time you get to respectable levels...? You aren't going to solo much online unless you're a human FO geared for melee, but you can bend offline Ult over backwards at retardedly low levels and basically destroy the game.

My main character, Zero, basically is a full-time support FO. His fluid usage is not huge. He can and has gone through Ult TTFs without needing to return to P2 for more Trifluids, and that's -with- damage tech spammage on bosses. Zero is generally rich. His bank always has 999999 meseta in it, and what he has on him typically varies between 140k-800k. I've died, alone, with 500k on me before and gone back to P2 without batting an eyelash. If he wants to melee, he can do it well enough without much trouble. He can deal respectable damage and hit consistently with -Force- weapons in Forest. This is at a mere L136, without any sort of actual gearing for melee combat. He can take hits even with a Resta Merge, and he can heal the damage he takes in one Resta. FOs are hard? FOs suffer? FOs are expensive? Like hell they are. XP

Mar 29, 2004, 07:42 AM
my fo is now lv 121...yes they cost alot, but trust me its worth it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif when u do ttf runs u get 20k and thats enough to buy supplies ^_^

Mar 29, 2004, 08:15 AM
Forces are weak early on, and as you said, expensive to run. They stay below the 'poverty gap' longer than the other classes do. Add the fact that you probably want to make a Mag with high Mind, and you have two mouths to feed with all those precious fluids early on. But seriously, it's only early on this is the case. Once your force begins to hold its own, and you can easily afford enough Trifluids so you never run out before you inventory is full of items, a Force ROCKS. This typically happens around level 60.

At this point something shocking happens....your Force begins to totally overpower other non-Forces of similar level. Come level 70 your Force is a far more efficient killing machine than even a HUcast. Hunters begin to exhibit all the problems that your Force did earlier on. Amazingly, Forces clear rooms much quicker than a Hunter or Ranger can. Hunters need to get to the monsters and swing a sword at them. Rangers need to line up their ain, get in range and fire. Forces just nuke the Site from orbit (i.e. the doorway). Suddenly that little character - who up till this point you always felt was lagging behind, missing out on the all the experience as the Hunters carved their way through rooms - is the one everyone is shouting at to stop hogging all the bad guys!

Yep it's true they are very hard work up till then, but the payoff is there. Once your Force 'comes of age' it is easily the most efficient killing machine PSO has to offer. Ultimate mode for example was a nightmare whenever I first got a Hunter or Ranger to it. While Forces just blaze on thru though, no problem. And the feeling of having mid- to high-level 20s Techs to throw about is unsurpassed. Feel the power!!

Mar 29, 2004, 09:02 AM
On 2004-03-29 04:42, Balbarei wrote:
my fo is now lv 121...yes they cost alot, but trust me its worth it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif when u do ttf runs u get 20k and thats enough to buy supplies ^_^

Someone said this to me before so I am going to pass it on. Not everyone can play online so don't expect them to be able to do ttf runs! XP

Mar 29, 2004, 09:32 AM
same way i thought bout fonewm ots well fun at ult

Mar 29, 2004, 11:25 AM
forces own all. but it shouldnt be youre first char. i found it a lot easier to have another char on hard or vhard to find tech disks for them, armor, and give them money. having some high lvl disks waiting for you in the bank is a nice feeling instead of having to spend a lot of time looking for that one tech you dont have yet, i must have spent a month trying to find a megid disk tht was higher than 14.

Mar 29, 2004, 12:19 PM
Well, FOrces are for experienced users. Players that know the basics and some advanced "survival" tricks in PSO.

My FOnewearl needed more levels to get through Normal-Hard-Very Hard than my other chars. But once she got in Ultimate, I got her a God Mind and 3 Angel Mind, and used all the tech disks I had found (up to Grantz lv17?). She then started to OWN. Like, The Forest was done in 5 tries (14 for my HUmar), the Caves were done after 4-5 times (20+ for my HUmar), the Mines were done twice in 3 runs! I now have monster spells like Foie lv24 or Zonde lv27. (Gi-magic lv25, all 3!). I got lv24 ra spells but need a few MST more to use them. At 1300+ MP, I need about 2 Trifluids to do the Mines, and 2 Trifl on the boss. And that's playing DC! Where spells aren't really effective against monsters.

At first (Normal through VH) I'd advise you to make a "Sol Atomizers only" mag. Those aren't that bad, actually. Once you get to Ult, create another mag that you will feed Trifl only. It sounds expensive, but considering the high number of weapons that your character has NO NEED of (get a good handgun and a wand, and you're set) and the high number of armors and shield that you CAN'T equip, the money shouldn't be a problem.

Mar 29, 2004, 12:34 PM
Heh, outside of online, FOs have a great time in Ep1&2. First FO I got to Ult? L54. He immediately started pwning. Second FO? L52. Pwned just as much, and he was a FOmar. Third FO? Dropped off a whole 10 levels, L42. Still no problems. Fourth FO? L40 even. Again, no problem. Pwnage everywhere.(You haven't lived until you've dropped a Hildetorr at L48 with L9 Grants... XD

Online, though, tech resists are a lot higher. You can kill things, it's just painful to do so. L29 Gizonde on a FOmar with a native boost only doing 200 damage to monsters weak to it... T_T

At least Megid works real well in Seabed! XD

Mar 30, 2004, 05:50 AM
Well to top all of this off, I still have the fomar on my hard drive. I let my friend use him now, but anyways, i got my new ramar to lvl 19...tried to go online with him for the 1st time today and WHHHAAAAMMMM! I can not play online with him because of his name "BadMuthafuka" so...now that i deleted badmuthafuka and started a new ramar named Bad Mofo, not only did i lose all the time getting the damn fo to lvl 30, i lost 19 early levels also...But i did find my first xbox rare today "boomas right arm"...also met some cool people online today who hooked me up with a god battle and a god tech. W00T, now bad mofo is lvl 10 and going fast ! wish me luck! Thanks for all the responc es!

Mar 30, 2004, 06:48 AM
"L29 Gizonde on a FOmar with a native boost only doing 200 damage to monsters weak to it... "

But that is great!! Assuming you are going unarmed, you can let rip Gizond at faster than 1 cast a second. And it hits every enemy at very good range. What? 10 casts to kill them ALL (or less)? That's awesome damage output.

Mar 30, 2004, 10:14 AM
My first character was a FOnewearl, I played offline with her only and got to level 141. Then realized I wasn't going to make max stats (one of my goals) so I started over.

To be honest, I find it easier to use forces then the other two classes. I clear out rooms very easily since i know what every charcter is weak against. I know the resistances are higher online but I can still hold my own, I don't mind being a support for my team if need be but I also get the occasional hit in as well.

I guess we all have our personal favs for characters, mine is the force class!

Mar 30, 2004, 02:13 PM
On 2004-03-30 03:48, TheGoldenVoid wrote:
"L29 Gizonde on a FOmar with a native boost only doing 200 damage to monsters weak to it... "

But that is great!! Assuming you are going unarmed, you can let rip Gizond at faster than 1 cast a second. And it hits every enemy at very good range. What? 10 casts to kill them ALL (or less)? That's awesome damage output.

It's pathetic and disgusting when you consider that to the same monsters, offline, it does close to 500 damage. And FOmars, much like FOmarls, do not drown in TP, and fluids are expensive. Once you reach a certain point and obtain the correct weapons, it's actually cheaper and more effective to melee as a Human Force. Up your ATP, slap on a Soul Banish and you're easily doing 300-500 damage on a heavy hit, with your only TP expenditures being for Shifta, Deband, Jellen, Zalure and Resta as needed. Not to mention that unless it's Ep2, you're goint to be facing monsters that are all of the same type, but not the same resistances - 30% A.Beast, for example, always works on everything A.Beast, but Gizonde only works on things weak to Zonde, or half weak to Zonde.

Of course, I'm usually half asleep when I'm playing, so I usually just play support FO and concentrate on keeping the rest of the team alive, rather than doing damage. I indirectly cause damage, L30 Zalure and L30 Shifta makes a hell of a difference, especially in areas like Ruins and Seabed and Tower. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Mar 30, 2004, 02:19 PM
On 2004-03-30 11:13, Ian-KunX wrote:
It's pathetic and disgusting when you consider that to the same monsters, offline, it does close to 500 damage.

For example, my newm does 600 damage to Hildes with Grants, online, 200-ish. :/ If I grab a pair of mechs, I am doing 500 in a combo. :/ Even newms, who come with massive TP are not very useful, tech-wise online. That's why meleeing would become an option.

But to the original poster. Ya know, untweaked FOs don't even get fun until level 50-ish. Level 30 is WAY too early to draw a conclusion. I mean, even HUcast don't become a full killing machine until level 120-ish! Forces own, but you need to give them time. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Mar 30, 2004, 02:31 PM
It is really worth the time and money to raise an FO. I have an FOnewearl Lv.136 and It is really worth while, But maybe thats cuz my TP goes up super fast, so i dont need to spend as much meseta on fluids. Well, I dont think you should delete your FO cuz you will regret it when you find out that the next character you make is one that oyu dont really like.

Mar 30, 2004, 02:58 PM
They are indeed a 'Force' to be reckoned with. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif I coudn't help myself.

Forces can really rock the house, especially 'tweaked' as some people put it (I'm assuming that's giving them a level 200 Mind mag, high level disks, and all that good stuff)

People have already said it, Forces are good for advanced players. Forces are more required to know your enemies weaknesses as well as their strengths. You've got to remember how to attack certain enemies, and especially how to avoid their attacks, Forces have crap for defense.

Mar 30, 2004, 03:03 PM
On 2004-03-30 11:58, _brainchild wrote:
They are indeed a 'Force' to be reckoned with. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif I coudn't help myself.

Forces can really rock the house, especially 'tweaked' as some people put it (I'm assuming that's giving them a level 200 Mind mag, high level disks, and all that good stuff)

People have already said it, Forces are good for advanced players. Forces are more required to know your enemies weaknesses as well as their strengths. You've got to remember how to attack certain enemies, and especially how to avoid their attacks, Forces have crap for defense.

FO's dont nessicerly(I dont know how to spell, LOL) have low defense. If you are a Force you would most likely have "DEBAND" therefore increaseing your defense, as well as once you get up to a high level you will be able to equip good armors/frames like "Guard Wave", "DF Field", and also "Aura Field". these are great for any FO cuz of the super high defense.

Mar 30, 2004, 03:10 PM
On 2004-03-30 11:58, _brainchild wrote:
Forces have crap for defense.

Actually both the newm and marl are quite sturdy. To the point that after Deband 30 you might not get knock down at all. This is when high def is going to kill you because you can't fall over and use the time to resta.

But, I guess that only becomes an issue once you're really high leveled. So.. no worries, I guess? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Mar 30, 2004, 03:11 PM
On 2004-03-30 12:03, AKA_Hotei wrote:
FO's dont nessicerly(I dont know how to spell, LOL) have low defense. If you are a Force you would most likely have "DEBAND" therefore increaseing your defense, as well as once you get up to a high level you will be able to equip good armors/frames like "Guard Wave", "DF Field", and also "Aura Field". these are great for any FO cuz of the super high defense.

There's always ways to get around it, I was just comparing it directly to my naturally thick skulled HUmar.

Mar 30, 2004, 08:43 PM
I started PSO with a FOmarl almost a year ago. I knew virtually nothing about the game, yet I wished to nuke. I wanted decent defense just in case I got mobbed and good hp too. I ended up with an extremely versatile character that can do any task with relative ease. She excels in a group of Hunters/Rangers, j/zing everything and nuking from afar, but if I have to, I melee, and I can do enough damage to make it worthwhile. Early on, it was expensive and difficult to deal with, but around lvl 130 or so, I got online. Then, I found out that if your main char is a FO and you rock at support, it's not hard to find a place to play when there aren't many games. And when I made games, they filled up real fast. A good FO is extremely valuable to any team. If you're having problems early, level a bit and do some rare hunts for it with your higher leveled characters if you have them. High level forces are purely awesome.

Edit: good armor I used and liked on the way to my final armor was Spirit Garment and Luminous Field before moving on to Love Heart. Not getting knocked over anymore kinda sucks when you are mobbed by darvants, but other than that, get some good armor and a good team and it is all good.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ElizaBluefull on 2004-03-30 17:46 ]</font>

Mar 31, 2004, 12:57 AM
A good force player is fun to watch.

Mar 31, 2004, 07:37 AM
navi: "For example, my newm does 600 damage to Hildes with Grants, online, 200-ish. :/ If I grab a pair of mechs, I am doing 500 in a combo. :/ "

That's a really bad example since Grants is slow and only to be used against a specific few enemies that are excelptionally weak to it. Let me replace that Hilde you mentioned with 6 enemies that are weak to Gizonde. Now you use your mechguns....you will do 500-700 in a combo to ONE target. In the SAME TIME it took to do your 3-hit mech combo, an unarmed FOmar will spam level 29 Gizonde about 5 times, doing approx 1000 damage to ALL 6 enemies. :/

Mar 31, 2004, 08:05 AM
theres a simple conclusion to this thread..

FOs are great at higher lvls but they need a LOT of patience earlier on.. which i do not have

i, personally dont like still being being stuck on normal ruins at lv40.. using a helluva lotta scape dolls in order to get to falz and then being beaten down with single hits.

i understand that maybe im possibly doing something wrong (likely), but by the sounds of it so are the many others who give up on FOs early on

i've said it before and i'll say it again, i have great respect for ANYBODY who can take a mild mannered FO (espsecially FOmars), and turn them into high lvl killing machines

Mar 31, 2004, 02:02 PM
my m8 has a fo and he seems to be doing ok so i decided to create a fo. But thanks to my Hu he doesnt cost a lot coz my hu always has a lot of money

Apr 4, 2004, 07:56 PM


Apr 5, 2004, 07:15 PM
Well that's good to hear (or read, to be literal) that you haven't deleted the FO http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif This is just like the rest of the posts, but my very first character was a Fomar and it was hard as hell to do anything money-wise. My first time in Forest ever playing PSO I got hit not knowing what to do and died instantly, LOL! But painstakingly learning about the unique FOmar, he's now lv. 82 and tearing up Ult - Forest. Supporting the first, it took me to level 40-50 I think to get my mag to only lv 100, and still in Normal but now I have a very helpful Lv200 Nidra at my side. All-in-all, if one feels like persisting in leveling up his/her FO, it's definately rewarding. Now i'm rich as well, because there are so many items FOs can't use, one can sell them all and still make a profit buying 10 Trifluids, hehe. By the way, I think Ian said "you haven't lived until you kill a hildelt at level 42 with lv.9 Grants," - definately! My grants is only lv. 11, but yeah, 564 damage on the Hildelt rocks! He's an easier opponent than most of the Forest level! Yeah, cheers everyone!