View Full Version : It's over

Apr 1, 2004, 09:18 PM
Or good as...

Let me start off this little vent by telling all of you out there: I realise that you dont care, and that's ok.

And now, some history.
For the past hockey eason, my team has been dominating our interlock circuit (four mid-sized towns, 20 teams). We entered the playoffs in third place, and fought our way to the finals without a single loss. Last night, we had the first of our best of three championship matches, and demolished our opponents 4-1. Tonight we expected a win, and instead were fucked over brutally.

We recieved 3 regular penalties, and another when our goalie expressed his... displeasure with one of the ref's calls, creating a five on three advantage for the other team, giving them the lead that lasted for the rest of the game. Normally, this would have been fine (one game left to take the trophy), except for the fact that after the game, the ref decided that our team needed a spanking for our "poor sportsmanship". One of our players made similar remarks afterwards, and the ref blamed our goalie for his actions. Before you get on my sac: yes, the referee mad some horrible calls. It wasn't just us being loud mouthed.

Tommy, the best Goalie in our league (a biiiiig diferance from the others) is now benched for the last game of the season. Our only choice is to call up a 15 year old kid to play net in a 16-18 league...


heh, not much beside the crushing problems of others, but enough for me to break my 2 paragraphs or less rule >_>