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View Full Version : EVERQUEST OR PSO?

Apr 21, 2001, 11:50 AM
ok i know this is a stupid question to ask on a PSO webite but for the summer im going to my dads house in Cali.I can either get another Dreamcast and another PSo game or get Everquest. Which is better? Everquest looks bigger and stuff but more older people play it and it looks complex. I am only 13 and im not sure if ill like it due to how hard it is. Pso is kewl cuz its a little easier to understand and my brothers will be on with me but it also has no challenge after you get to V hard. You might as well make a new char but theres not a huge selection. PSO vr 2 is gunna come out in a year and by then, no on will be playing. So the question is everquest, or PSO? Latley i have found myself bored with PSO after a while then wanting to go back on later and then i want everquest but i looked on the website and they talk like they are like 4 million years old. I only have 100 bucks and im not getting both. So PLZ PRIVATE MESSAGE ME UR ANSWER! but if you must just reply here