View Full Version : Is it possible to beat Dark Falz as an android in Ultimate w

Apr 5, 2004, 08:51 PM
Mylla & Youlla? I'm was a Racaseal at level 135 offline and I remembered barely beating Dark Falz playing single player mode with one Star Atomizer left. If it wasn't for Mylla & Youlla, I would never have enough healing items to beat him.

Beating his first 2 forms are easy but beating his third is tough. Even now I can only do about 100 damage with a rifle and less then 40 with charge vulcans.

I had 2 god power, a god arm, and god battle. My shield is S-parts V 2.01 (he has really high evasion) and my armor is eletro frame.

Apr 5, 2004, 09:27 PM
Yes its very possible, Make sure your mag has milla & Youlla on it, if you find it too hard you can always take a bunch of Scape dolls.
Make sure you atleast have a 4 slot armor,(Guard Wave or Electro Frame) with 3 perfect resists aswell as a cure freeze for the first and second form, Attribute Wall really helps too,since it has great resistancies, that's the shield i reccomend.

For the final form you can unequip the cure freeze and 3 perfect resists and use 2 Resist Holy and 2 God HP, with these resistancies Dark Falz doesnt stand a chance,make sure you atleast have 1000 HP if you think it might be too hard.
This is my Strategy hope it helps you.

Apr 5, 2004, 10:06 PM
Yes its very possible, Make sure your mag has milla & Youlla on it, if you find it too hard you can always take a bunch of Scape dolls.
Make sure you atleast have a 4 slot armor,(Guard Wave or Electro Frame) with 3 perfect resists aswell as a cure freeze for the first and second form, Attribute Wall really helps too,since it has great resistancies, that's the shield i reccomend.

For the final form you can unequip the cure freeze and 3 perfect resists and use 2 Resist Holy and 2 God HP, with these resistancies Dark Falz doesnt stand a chance,make sure you atleast have 1000 HP if you think it might be too hard.
This is my Strategy hope it helps you.

This is very sound advice. I would go with what he said on this one.
But, if anything, instead of those two resist holys, Maybe God/Powers (if you have them?) An extra 100 ATP is useful in very situation. Unless that Grants kills you (or if it takes a little less than half of your life), then, I would suggest the God/Powers. Anything else, Nineteen has got you covered. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Apr 5, 2004, 10:08 PM
Thanks for answering my question NiNeTeeN69 but my question was it is possible to beat it without milla & Youlla. I only do about 40 or less damage with Vulcans without them but with them, I do over 150.

Personally I don't think its possible unless u have 10 scape dolls or something and even then, it will still take some work since it takes forever to even damage him.

Apr 5, 2004, 10:09 PM
yeah thats true you can replace a Resist holy with a God Power if you wish, aslong as you can survive it well,then go for some extra ATP, unless you wanna totally nulify his power of grants where it does so minimal damage that it wont even knock you down.

Apr 5, 2004, 10:19 PM
Oh! Well, hmmm...
To answer your question, no, its not REQUIRED, but, its very useful.
What Nineteen described to you was definatly the best, and safest way to do it WITHOUT that photon blast.
Without it though, it'll be an even longer, harder battle.

Apr 5, 2004, 10:33 PM
I don't know if this helps but I would bring along a strong melee weapon like demoliton comet or the such, because there are a few rare times when he drops his invince in front of you. Thats how I can kill him fast. Nineteen's advice is perfect, but this is something else to help.

Apr 5, 2004, 10:37 PM
If a hunter, then yes, a Demolition Comet would tear him a new asshole http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif
As in weapons go with this certain RAcaseal, the charge vulcans look nice. And, well, anything goes here. Bring a strong Rifle/Handgun, and a good pair of Mechs (the ones you have are perfect) http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Apr 5, 2004, 11:09 PM
Dont use mech guns on the last form try using a high hit % Supressed gun or red handgun this way u can hit him from a further distance,the mech guns wont reach him when he is mid range, they will only work when he comes right up to you, however the hanggun (supressed) will hit him from alot farther,not only that it has more ATP and will break through dark Falz defense,keep in mind that hand guns and rifles have better ATA than Mech guns,remember way back when u try to damage a pan arms with mech guns and all it says is 000 000 000 (damage)
then u go ahead and use a weapon with less hits but more ATP and it says 15 17 15 16 15 22 (damage)
yeah you need more ATP to break through his defense becuz dealing 40 damage wont get you nowhere.
By the way red hand gun is your best choice and the strongest handgun a HUcast or HUcaseal can use, is that who your using a HUcast?? or are you using a Ranger Android becuz they can use rifle with nice range and more ATP than any of the guns Hunters can use.
But anyways red handgun is your best choice if you are a hunter android,it has like 100 more ATP than supressed gun, but i use Supressed becuz i think its the koolest lookin handgun in the game and not only that mine has 30 hit %
But i dont blame you, Androids have the hardest battle when it comes to Dark Falz,if you cant beat him dont worry doesnt mean u suck, players with MST have the easiest game since magic is extremly effective on the final form of Dark Falz,not only that they can do shifta deband whenever they want,jellen & zalure and most of all,they can heal whenever they choose.
My first time through the game i couldnt beat Falz on ultimate with an android so i made a new game and used HUnewearl since she could use resta and shifta deband + Jellen & zalure,and now i went back to my androids, cuz u know what, freeze traps & confuse traps own any other magic trick them Fo's have up their sleeve,and they are hella fun to use.
Good luck man

Apr 6, 2004, 05:50 AM
yeah i killed him with ease with a RAcast 120 without any stars n M&Y

Apr 6, 2004, 12:20 PM
I'm a RAcaseal and I did beat Dark Falz (I did mention her in my first post but for some reason no one notices....)

Anyways during battle I used a Burning Laser. It has some nice ATP but it does about 100 damage without his shield up. With his shield up, I use the burning Laser special to hit him for 60 something damage. The only time I use my 35% hit Charge Vulcans is when s/he comes near me without the shields up.

Honestly FOnewm_Chaos, I don't think its possible to beat DF without M&Y without cheating because there was no way that you could have lasted that long against all his attacks in his third form.

Apr 7, 2004, 12:26 AM
Bring TONS of Scape Dolls =] and then anything is possible.

Apr 7, 2004, 11:54 PM
mmmhm. lvl <135 (that's "less than," mind you) hucast, 1 or 2 stars, no M and Y no scapes, Could of used S-Red's blades but didn't. Devil/battle, elf/arm, Red handgun, and i whipped his little shiny ass in to butter. What's the big deal? lvl 146 now, Olga Flow was prbly easier.

Apr 8, 2004, 12:57 PM
My RAcast did it around lv 100. I had srank zalure though

Apr 9, 2004, 04:11 AM
My hucast beat Falz but he did have his 184 pow mag 4 god arms and a Red handgun so had 1800 atp without M&Y.

Apr 9, 2004, 11:37 AM
levelm 117 hucaseal no M&Y, just my pretty sato(that I made), using the nice legit partisan of lightning ^_^