View Full Version : Your Trademark Equipment!

Apr 7, 2004, 07:56 AM
Every Hunter I've ever seen has a trademark. Something or another that makes them just who they are. A certain sword, or a certain shield, that does it for them. I want to know what everyone else's is! I'll be posting mine, and even going into details about why my character carries them.

Hayate Kusanagi's equipment:

Red Sword + 15 (10/0/0/0)
Kusanagi carries the Red Sword as a temporary gift from Rico. I've written Kusanagi's story out as him being a Pioneer 1 Hunter. In the story, his old Calibur was damaged in a duel against Rico. Rico loaned him her Red Sword, but the incident occured, and they split up. Rico left Kusanagi the Red Sword, with the stipulation that Kusanagi had to return it eventually. This leads on later in the story, as one can imagine.

Twin Psychoguns (0/5/0/0)
Kusanagi's Twin Psychoguns are a final remnant of his father, a Ranger. The guns were his father's primary weapon, and though Kusanagi followed a different path, he kept the guns as a memory of his father. It serves no relevant purpose in the story, except for Kusanagi's occasional ode to his father as he whips out the guns.

Asuka + 35 (0/0/0/0)
This is Kusanagi's only weapon he didn't get from someone. His Hunter training was focused around using Twin Swords and Heavy Swords. Therefore, Kusanagi always preferred these styles of weaponry to others. It was natural that when an exploding Canune in the Mines blew a pair of Photon swords out when it exploded, Kusanagi was the one to take the weapons, repair them, and wield them.

Well, that's mine. Anyone else have any stories to theirs?

Apr 7, 2004, 08:21 AM
Hmm...I sort of have one.

Aerin's equipment:

Double Cannon
Aerin got her double cannon from her cousin, only to find out later that it was an illegal weapon (lol...meaning it's a dupe). She wanted to get rid of it, but before she could, her cousin was murdered. She decided to keep the cannon until she could find his murderers, and use it to avenge the first real friend she ever had.

Aerin's mag was raised by her friend Demi and given to her as a gift when she earned her Hunter's License. She loves the little bugger more than anything else.

Apr 7, 2004, 09:10 AM
Well... no plot as such... but at one point i realised that all my main weapons (Frozen Shooter, high hit Blizzard Arms and high hit H&S 25 Justice) had the blizzard special... complete coincidence, especially with my character's name ^_^...
However, I've unfortunately moved on from the Arms to a Spread Needle, so...

Apr 7, 2004, 09:16 AM
When I do something like this, it might be on the Fanworks section...

Apr 7, 2004, 09:19 AM
i have rather imaginatively dubbed my gatling "RedFoxs Gatling"

i will upgrade it to an s-rank mechgun but i will probably keep it as it has gotten me out of many difficult situations (and it has cool %s).

in fact i still use it on ult mode altho it is quickly losing its effectivness

Apr 7, 2004, 09:54 AM
Heh, forgot the rest of my equipment.

Custom Barrier Version 00

An old barrier Kusanagi found that he uses. He repaired it and now has it firmly attached to his arm. I'll later be upgrading it to the Hunter Shell in my storage.


This was the MAG Kusanagi recieved after passing the Hunter License Test. It became Rati on a complete accident, with an accidenal feeding resulting in one of the most desired MAGs in Pioneer 1. Kusanagi just smirks at this, and continues on, enjoying the uses of his most reliable partner. Eventually, this MAG will change, when I get my new MAG finished.

Apr 7, 2004, 09:59 AM
My trademark equipment:

Spread Needle
Frozen Shooter
Tripolic Shield


Apr 7, 2004, 10:34 AM
With Hedoba :
Psycho Wand
Aura Field
*Colour* Merge
Sato 50/0/0/150


Apr 7, 2004, 11:17 AM
Each of my characters (Except the evil organization Bloody Art) has a colored ring. It's kinda a legendary power, in my story.

As for weapons:

PJ, FOmar (Purple Ring)
Either Bringer's Rifle or DarkChao Rod (SRank)

Sarah, FOnewearl (Yellow Ring, when released)
Holy Ray, newly found Red Saber

SUPAH CHAO, HUmar (Black Ring, when released)
Flight Cutter, Demolition Comet

Monaco Chao, RAcast (Green Ring)
S-Beat's Blade, Baranz Launcher

Kirin, HUnewearl (Red Ring)
Red Partisan, Heart of Poumn

Rachel, FOmarl (Blue Ring)
Rappy's Fan, Angel Harp, Summit Moon

Gold.EXE, HUcast

Yamikarusu, HUcaseal

Sudo Kupo, RAcaseal
Frozen Shooter

Budokai, FOnewmn

Apr 7, 2004, 11:20 AM
Azumi - fonewearl

summit moon +9
lumnous field
Divinity barier/ various merges
god/hp x4

Natsumi - hunewearl

meteor cudgel/ red sword/ red handgun
luminous field
shield of delsaber


Apr 7, 2004, 11:42 AM
Aveida - 80 Humar

Either a Rappy's Fan or a plain ole Saber, ground once. Just because i'm weird.

Eh. It works though.

Apr 7, 2004, 12:44 PM
RAmarl's equip
Frozen Shooter
50% Hit Charge Gatlings
Spread Needle 20% Hit when I'm soloing or crowded in
Aura Field
Standstill Shield
Nidra 5/145/50/0

HUnewearl's equip
Red Sword
50% Hit Vulcans
Brightness Circle
Delsaber Shield or Secret Gear
Sato 15/115/50/20

Lowbie HUnewearl's equip
Dragon Slayer
50% Hit Charge Gatlings (store bought weapons > all) http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif
Twin Brand
Custom Ray 35% Hit
Various junk armors/barriers
Borrowing Sato 15/115/50/20 while I make a new Diwari

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jae on 2004-04-07 10:46 ]</font>

Apr 7, 2004, 01:19 PM
Weapons: S-Red's Blade, Stag Cutlery, Anything from the Red Series
Armor: DF Field / Attribute Plate
Shield: Kasami Bracer / Attribute Wall
Mag: Rati

Weapons: Bringer's Rifle, Snow Queen, Vulcans
Armor: Sense Plate
Shield: Safety Heart
Mag: Pushan

Weapons: Elysion, Technical Crozier
Armor: King's Frame
Shield: Resta Merge
Mag: Sato

Apr 7, 2004, 03:47 PM
My three main characters each have their own unique weapons. Only my FOnewearl hasn't changed her weapon since v.1 on the DC.

Tesla: Lavis Cannon/Oritiagito
I used to love the Lavis Cannon on the DC.. but I've been unable to find one so far on the NGC. One of the very first rare weapons I got though, was the Agito 1975 a month or two after Ep I & II launched. It's become my main weapon, since it has helped me set the most goals and force me to develop my HUmar the most.

Sinue: S-Rank Claw
I used to use a Nei Claw exclusively on the Dreamcast versions.. but for some odd reason Sega decided to make this female only weapon, into a HU only weapon. I tried tinkering around with Photon Claws, Morning Glories, ect.. but ended up comming right back to the Photon Claw like Srank because of it's +250 grind and the ability to put a Zelure special on it.

Mana: Pan-Arm Blades
Her main wep, has been, and always will be the Pan-Arm Blades. They are simply the most efficent way for me to deal out damage with her - and they match her outfit (pink) very nicely. I've lately also been using a Red Saber, simply because it the most powerful weapon I can equip on her. My goal for NGC Ep I & II was to make her crest 1,000 damage - a mark she set in v.2 back when I cheated substancially and Shifta affected your adjusted ATP (GC PSO Shifta only affects your base ATP). It took a long time, and every single tweak I could muster.. (including the craptacular Combat Gear which adds 35 ATP) but the Red Saber at +78 grind got me there. Her top damage on a critical is recorded at 1010 damage in a single strike.

Mana also uses a Custom Barrier v.00 almost exclusively for it's looks.

Apr 7, 2004, 03:57 PM
On 2004-04-07 05:56, EndlessNight wrote:

Red Sword

I was going to name this as mine but on Saturday the game F'd up and made me lose all non equipped items. I guess I'm glad I had the Holy Ray equipped because that would have been worse to lose.

Apr 7, 2004, 04:00 PM
(HUcast) (all maxed stats)
Sword:Dark Flow 55%hit
Double Cannon 35% hit
Sealed J-sword (trying to unseal)
Supressed gun 30% hit
Electro Frame 4 slots
Cure/slow (sealed J Sword slows you down)
S-Parts Ver2.01

Everybody seem to hate Dark Flow but i love it, which makes me stand out from the rest.

Apr 7, 2004, 05:08 PM
Kelly (HUcaseal)- Twin Chakrams for a weap, and my fugly Kama.

Jill(FOnewearl)-Fire Scepter Agni. it was the first rare I got, and I stuck with it.


Apr 7, 2004, 08:20 PM
Yamishi: Sange&Yasha, Bloody Arts
Kori: Angel Harp, Twinkle Star
Ame: Brionac, Flowen's Sword
Kaseifu: AA Rifle, H&S 25 Justice

Apr 7, 2004, 09:38 PM
Well my main char is K'Tani the HUnewearl, so:

FoxFire Twin (s-rank, spirit special)
I...have a thing for foxes http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif In fics it's special, but I can't get into that without a spoiler http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Tani is slated to appear in Matra's fic later on.

Moon Slicer (s-rank, Zalure special)
Named after the Moon Slasher in Phantasy Star IV. I was miffed because I only found one when Alys was about to die, and Kyra wasn't very good with weapons at all >_< So mine's a lot better http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

C'mon, it's a giant chain saw! Fuuuuunnnn!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Rico's Earrings
Don't appear in fics for obvious reasons, but online I'm one of few legit players to use them. Massive EVP boost, and stylish too!

Turquoise Sato
It's exactly the same color as her hair http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

My FOmarl, ForceKTani, is famous for her Inferno Bazooka. It's uber fast with the class boost and a God/Battle, and when I fire it I often trigger a shortcut that says "BOOM!!! HA HA HA!!" K'Tani enjoys making things explode http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

And I haven't developed personalities for my other chars yet heh http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Apr 8, 2004, 12:47 AM
On 2004-04-07 05:56, EndlessNight wrote:
Every Hunter I've ever seen has a trademark. Something or another that makes them just who they are. A certain sword, or a certain shield, that does it for them. I want to know what everyone else's is! I'll be posting mine, and even going into details about why my character carries them.

Hayate Kusanagi's equipment:

Red Sword + 15 (10/0/0/0)
Kusanagi carries the Red Sword as a temporary gift from Rico. I've written Kusanagi's story out as him being a Pioneer 1 Hunter. In the story, his old Calibur was damaged in a duel against Rico. Rico loaned him her Red Sword, but the incident occured, and they split up. Rico left Kusanagi the Red Sword, with the stipulation that Kusanagi had to return it eventually. This leads on later in the story, as one can imagine.

Twin Psychoguns (0/5/0/0)
Kusanagi's Twin Psychoguns are a final remnant of his father, a Ranger. The guns were his father's primary weapon, and though Kusanagi followed a different path, he kept the guns as a memory of his father. It serves no relevant purpose in the story, except for Kusanagi's occasional ode to his father as he whips out the guns.

Asuka + 35 (0/0/0/0)
This is Kusanagi's only weapon he didn't get from someone. His Hunter training was focused around using Twin Swords and Heavy Swords. Therefore, Kusanagi always preferred these styles of weaponry to others. It was natural that when an exploding Canune in the Mines blew a pair of Photon swords out when it exploded, Kusanagi was the one to take the weapons, repair them, and wield them.

Well, that's mine. Anyone else have any stories to theirs?

Those are very creative stories! Interesting too. Well for me its:
-Grass Assassain's Sabers
-Valiant Frame
-Dragon HP
-Dragon HP
-Dragon HP
-Elf Arm++
-Secret Gear

No story though...

Apr 8, 2004, 01:07 AM
Lets see cheep had her riccos earrings,guld milla,love heart,and twin blaze and best of all my pretty white preta. I made him myself and his name is Amon,Egyptian god of the wind and air and the cutest mag in all of PSO!!!

Apr 8, 2004, 01:22 AM
Hideyoshi keeps an Orochiagito. This was given to him by his friend Tsan-Tsi who found it from a Pal Rappy but had no use for such a sword. Now, Hideyoshi will use the sword as soon as he can and, in doing so, always think of his good friend. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Both those characters are mine and I kinda searched for the agito with Tsan-Tsi but meh.

Apr 8, 2004, 01:38 AM
On 2004-04-07 14:00, NiNeTeeN69 wrote:
(Everybody seem to hate Dark Flow but i love it, which makes me stand out from the rest.

I wonder...
Are you using it as a serious weapon in Ultimate ?
Because I'm seriously questioning the play style of someone who can handle ultimate with a sword that lacks an ability to perform a combo attack. -_-;

Apr 8, 2004, 02:13 AM
Well clearly, he hacks... That or he takes part in the disgusting world of dupes... Either way, not good.

Apr 8, 2004, 02:30 AM
me and my musashis going bonzaii!!!

Apr 8, 2004, 09:11 AM
I don't have trademark equips yet, I think. I'll look for a better Imperial Pick for my Humar, but he's sticking to his Nelgal with 3 god units and a state Maintenance. I'll have ALL my characters get that armor actually, but I can't find 4 slotted Nelgals anymore (except with the Humar...)

Oh, and give a break to the Dark Flow guy. If you're going to play with a nonlegal weapon, you might as well do it correctly, and at least he's open about it.

Apr 8, 2004, 09:35 AM
Mine is
Hucast-Dark Red
Flame Garment- 4 slotted
Twin Blaze
God Ability x 2
God Power
God Battle- A must since the Twin Blaze is so Slow
Standstill Sheild
and a Fire Red Sato

Apr 8, 2004, 09:44 PM
Recent change:

The battle against Dark Falz massively damaged Kusanagi's Twin Psychoguns. The weapons became completely useless, since the back end was pretty much crushed, making it impossible for Kusanagi to connect to the weapons. He resorted to a different style of mechgun, the L & K 14 Combat Mechgun. Though not as adept with them as he was with his Psychoguns, he nonetheless uses them well.

(In other words, an FSOD after a battle with Dark Falz ate my Psychos.)

Apr 8, 2004, 09:55 PM
My trademark weapons are:
Striker (yes a striker ^_^)
Brightness circle
Resta Merge

Apr 8, 2004, 10:22 PM

Lavis Cannon (Untekked) 15/25/0/10
Actually my second Lavis Cannon, piped from a Puilly Slime, only took one pipe too.

Aura Field
Piped from Oran Mil Lily in Temple.

Standstill Sheild
Traded with friend DAKKON.

Soniti (Blue) 5/145/50/0
Raised myself to max Atp and Ata.

Apr 8, 2004, 10:41 PM
On 2004-04-07 05:56, EndlessNight wrote:
Asuka + 35 (0/0/0/0)
This is Kusanagi's only weapon he didn't get from someone. His Hunter training was focused around using Twin Swords and Heavy Swords. Therefore, Kusanagi always preferred these styles of weaponry to others. It was natural that when an exploding Canune in the Mines blew a pair of Photon swords out when it exploded, Kusanagi was the one to take the weapons, repair them, and wield them.

... playing on Dreamcast ?
limited grind on I&II is +30 ...

Apr 8, 2004, 11:01 PM
Dragon/HP: Maggie inherited this unit from her older sister. Maria knew how Forces were less physically tough than other classes, and didn't want her little sister to get hurt. She's had it nearly since the beginning.

Dim series anything: Maggie does not like using weapons. But when she's extremely desprate and NEEDS to kill something and cannot use techniques. So she uses Dim series weapons, just in case. At the moment she has a Shadow Pole +7, which she's been carrying around for a while.

Vjaya: Not that she ever uses them, but Maggie's got Vjayas coming out of her friggin' ears. Take one. They're free.

Apr 9, 2004, 12:39 AM
Ooh, I get to show off my character's equipment! *joy*

Matt, HUmar:
Demolition Comet
L&K14 Combat (55% Hit)
Chaos Gungnir (40% Hit)
Brightness Circle
~Elf/Arm++ x2
~Dragon/HP (Not sure on this one...)
Secret Gear (Am looking for Kasami...>.<)
Rati (5/145/50/0)

Shade, FOnewm:
Prophets of Motav
Summit Moon
Guard Wave
~Dragon/HP x4
Red/Blue/Yellow Merges
KapuKapu (5/0/30/165) - Not at all sure about stats...

Arc, FOmar:
Red Saber
Rainbow Baton (50% Hit)
Vulcans (40% Hit)
Spirit Garment
~Dragon/Hp x2
Attribute Wall
Rati (5/115/70/0)

Cassandra, HUnewearl:
Meteor Cudgel
Red Sword
H&S25 Justice (25% Hit)
Attribute Plate
~Elf/Arm++ x2
Secret Gear
Sato (5/115/70/0)

Lorena, RAmarl:
Frozen Shooter
Spread Needle (55% Hit)
Dragon Frame (Unsure...)
~Elf/Arm++ x3
Secret Gear
Savitri (5/103/70/0)- Also, unsure of.

Illumina, FOnewearl:
Laconium, Adaman, Zumurian
Non-Rare Frame
~Dragon/HP x3
Non-rare Barrier
Angel Wings (Unsure, but very high Mind, similar to Shade's)

These were all pulled from memory, BTW. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 9, 2004, 03:26 AM
On 2004-04-08 20:41, Firocket1690 wrote:

On 2004-04-07 05:56, EndlessNight wrote:
Asuka + 35 (0/0/0/0)
This is Kusanagi's only weapon he didn't get from someone. His Hunter training was focused around using Twin Swords and Heavy Swords. Therefore, Kusanagi always preferred these styles of weaponry to others. It was natural that when an exploding Canune in the Mines blew a pair of Photon swords out when it exploded, Kusanagi was the one to take the weapons, repair them, and wield them.

... playing on Dreamcast ?
limited grind on I&II is +30 ...

Asuka on Dreamcast?...
Twin Swords were introduced to Phantasy Star Online when Episode 1&2 came out.

Apr 9, 2004, 04:10 AM
Ibuki the Hucl...
Venturing with her Dragon Slayer, electo frame and purp ring in Ultimate.
Before som1 replies that 2 of my items are rather crappy for ulti, plz know that I go for the looks and I like challenges