View Full Version : RAmarl Units?

Apr 8, 2004, 06:20 AM
Hey what would be a good combination of Units for a RAmarl? I want her to have a good balance of ATP and MST so I was ASSUMING(correct me if i'm wrong) that God/Power, God/Mind, God/Arm would be good but not sure about the last Unit. God/Battle worth puttin on a ranger i know their awesome on hunters? maybe another power mind or arm? i'm very indecisive about it as u can tell so any suggestions are welcome.

Apr 8, 2004, 06:30 AM
My lv 74 Ramarl equips:
Frozen Shooter/Yas R
Cant Remember(armor)
Cant Remember(shield)
Ogre Pow
Dragon hp
Metal Body
Cant Remember(unit)
Rukmin (10/55/80/55(new one will be 20/75/50/55 or around that))
So I'd say a hp unit, a pow unit, a body unit and something else.

Apr 8, 2004, 06:33 AM
Mine uses :
Cure 1
Cure 2
Cure 3 or Resist/Devil


But scratch the mind, Power and HP are most useful on her, Arm only if you want to equip a weapon and you can't, otherwise Power and HP is waht RAmarl lacks most.

Apr 8, 2004, 10:55 AM
At level 171 mine still uses the same units she used as a baby 'marl.


My RAmarl has her mats and MAG set up so that she would max stats naturally at 200 without slot units, but meh I don't have any useful Cure units anyway. Besides I like seeing the pretty yellow numbers with my ATP and ATA maxed. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

But since your RAmarl is still in her early stages, you'll probably be using a combination of God/Arms and God/Powers to fit on better weapons as you level up. Just play it by ear. There is no "correct" setup at this point. Throw on a God/Battle if you can afford the loss in ATA or ATP. Like Kef said, forget the God/Mind. Just use God/Minds and a Mind MAG if you have one to learn new techs. Then swap out again for your ATA/ATP setup.