View Full Version : Quests: What special things should I look out for?

Apr 11, 2004, 11:45 AM
I'm about to go through all the quests on ep 1 and 2. What should I look out for along the way, are there special things I have to do to unlock special events/quests/items?

Thanks in advance,


Apr 11, 2004, 12:14 PM
You dont really unlock things in this game by collecting items, hower if your playing online its best to collect alot of photon drops since you can get some pretty neat stuff if you trade em at Gallon shop, basically look out fore any red item, special weapons get them tekked,if you see any different colored monster that stands out from the rest (Rappy,Hildebear,Lily,Pofuilly slime)
they have a chance of dropping a rare item, they wont always drop it depending on how rare that item is. I dunno what else u wanna know.

Apr 11, 2004, 12:16 PM
Look out for Frames with Slots, and drop the ones without slots if you see the same one with slots.
Look for Percentages, especially HIT. In Episode 1 Forest you'll find better Native %s, in Caves better A.beast, in Mines you'll find better Machine and in Ruins you'll easier find %s on Dark.

Apr 11, 2004, 04:12 PM
Sorry guys, maybe I should be more clear! What I wanted was some info on how to get the most out of the quests. For instance, I know there's some issue with giving your name (or not), getting a ragol ring (sounds nice!) and getting kireek on the seat of the heart quest. That kind of thing.

Basically, I'm just about to have a run through of all the offline quests (in V. Hard) and was hoping to get a "perfect run" through them getting all the possible bonus items and stuff like that.

Can anyone help?


Apr 11, 2004, 07:00 PM
This what you wanted? http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1237