View Full Version : What are max stats for force?

Apr 23, 2001, 02:29 PM
just wondering..

since my atp seems to have maxed out at 493

but then i still continued to receive atp points after each leveling up until 100, (though it doesnt show on the meters)

now with shifta, i can hit with either soul eater+35 and brave knuckles+55, for up to 600-800 dmg..

my hp still hasnt maxed, and i continue to increase with hp materials at a hp of 709. defense is still relatively low though..

Apr 23, 2001, 04:53 PM
This one's easy.rangers and hunters have a preset "maxed out " threshhold but the forces DO NOT have a max limit, it is endless.( it's sort of a reward for all the pain and suffering and endless humiliation we endure for having to wear those shoes.)

Apr 23, 2001, 05:00 PM
Well Aviendha's stats are maxed out :

atp (483)
def (273) not maxed http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif
mst (650)
ata (132)
evp (450)
lck (42) not maxed

Avi's Hp are only 577 and her tp is 1123

How do you have 493 atp? and 709 hp HOLY!

Apr 23, 2001, 05:28 PM
I don't know about max stats, but i do know my FOnowearl's ATP blowz, its gonna be FOREVER before i can equip certain weapons, however, she packs a whallop bare fisted...*cackles*

Apr 23, 2001, 10:54 PM
I really do hope merlins right, but it sounds 2 good 2 be true.

Apr 24, 2001, 07:28 AM
thats 483 atp not 493.. (that was not wishful thinking on my part)

Apr 24, 2001, 07:56 AM
It's always a good idea to unequip your mag,if he is maxed when you find materials and try to use them i believe.

Apr 24, 2001, 10:03 AM
On 2001-04-24 05:28, magenta wrote:
thats 483 atp not 493.. (that was not wishful thinking on my part)

Whew, I thought something was wrong with Aviendha. heh

Apr 24, 2001, 10:16 AM
On 2001-04-24 08:03, SaitoH wrote:
Whew, I thought something was wrong with Aviendha. heh

umm...well....we've been meaning to tell you.... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

How *IS* Aviendha anyhow? Don't let her out much anymore do ya? Is she in the old folks home or something now that she's been 100 for so long? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Apr 24, 2001, 10:39 AM
I'm encouraged by your hp figure Magenta.... My hp total is crap at the moment (lvl 71 and only about 350hp).

I don't know if I'll get it that high though. Don't FOnewearls have the lowest hp of all classes?


Apr 24, 2001, 11:00 AM
This has been seen often but here goes? hope it helps

Force Fomarl Fonewm FOnewearl
Attack power 483 463 463
Defense power 290 290 290
Magic Strength 650 670 670
Attack Accuracy 132 121 120
Evasion ratio 450 450 450
Luck 100 100 100

Apr 24, 2001, 11:18 AM
thanks for the stats mike..

Apr 27, 2001, 09:25 AM
On 2001-04-24 08:16, Nynaeve wrote:
How *IS* Aviendha anyhow? Don't let her out much anymore do ya? Is she in the old folks home or something now that she's been 100 for so long? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

She's still in the game but has been relegated to offline item hunting. I've been getting all her stats maxed and desperately trying to play catchup to Magenta's obscene 735 Hp.......grrrrrrr.

I'm up to 656 Hp and everything but luck is maxed http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Apr 27, 2001, 09:30 AM
On 2001-04-27 07:25, SaitoH wrote:
She's still in the game but has been relegated to offline item hunting. I've been getting all her stats maxed and desperately trying to play catchup to Magenta's obscene 735 Hp.......grrrrrrr.

I'm up to 656 Hp and everything but luck is maxed http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Ah, I see. Well tell her we miss her http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

And SaitoH - awesome new sig. Gotta get me some pics. *sigh*