View Full Version : First impressions of ultimate mode

Apr 16, 2004, 06:46 PM
well.. the first time i reached ult, i was pretty excited about all the new things too see and do...

i was pretty horrified at first, believe it or not, i only had a virista and some 9 star mechs.. H&S25's... i hardly did any damage at all

when i reached the ruins (don't know how i managed) but i was pretty scared of the indi belras there... and their machine gun arms.. those are just my first impression of ult mode when i first played it through quite a while ago...

just something i remembered since it was qutie scary to do... now my fonewearl can completely pwn the ult ruins it just brings back memories of how hard it was first entering the difficulty with no clue how hard it was and what to expect after an easy walk through normal > very hard http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

what where your first thoughts when you first reached ultimate mode and what did you think of it when you first played it through? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dragon_Ash on 2004-04-16 16:51 ]</font>

Apr 16, 2004, 07:02 PM
ULT was awesome when I first saw it. No one told me previously that the monsters and the look of the areas were different so I was completely surprised and found it to be very exciting. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Now it's neat to go back to VH and play sometimes because it seems so different and "fresh" after playing ULT for so long.

Apr 16, 2004, 07:06 PM
oh yeah? i was sorta horrified too, when i first got there im like damn these gusy are huge!!!
I was gettin my ass kicked insideout, all i had a 4 slot frame.. 4 metal bodies... no arm units my ATA was completly horrible, it would take me long enough to kill a single enemy,i think all i had was an H&S25 Justice and maybe a Varista,suprisingly i beat the sil dragon on my first try, i was lucky enough to dodge the ice when he goes up in the air and spins freezing ya, but i guess it was a fluke since after that i could not beat him at all the next 5 or so times i tried, so i needed a few scape dolls to get past ice that killed me. I had a hell of a blast tho definetly my greatest PSO moment, everything looked so new, new monsters, new atmoshphere, discovering new rares. Then i remember my first time going into the ultimate cave or trying out the temple.... but i wont go there LoL Damn Ob Lily's.

Apr 16, 2004, 07:12 PM
well.. the first time i made it to ult mode was on the DC version 2.. the enemies in the caves were super fast... especially melqueek... and i'm sure the enmies on the DC version were faster than the GCN versioN o_O

Apr 16, 2004, 07:25 PM
i never got to play version 2 on DC only the original...

Apr 16, 2004, 07:28 PM
i think it was much harder.. and some of the enemies in the game could out-run you and catch up with you.. as i found out in the caves...

Apr 16, 2004, 07:30 PM
yeah i heard it was harder, also the item rarity was insane and rare findings were incredibly difficult to find eh?

Apr 16, 2004, 07:33 PM
I didn't know it had a different look either (never played the DC version) so I was definitely surprised. The only thing I don't like about Ult. is that the Forest area hurts my eyes LOL. Its too orangish or something. Then I made it to caves and it was worse. Luckily Mines and Ruins looked better http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif It was cool to see the new enemies though.

Apr 16, 2004, 07:34 PM
yes.. out of version 2 the only rares i ever found was one custom ray, H&S25 justice, L&K12 combats and a varista.. they sold the last survivor, zanba and another rare sword int he shops ocassionaly... but apart from those and a dragon slayer, thopse were the best things i had... however in verion 1 on the DC, i found around 5 cells of mag 213 in the very hard forest.. my best rares yet http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

I'm glad they fixed the GCN drop rates ^_^

Apr 16, 2004, 09:11 PM
i knew about the changes i thought they were like dif areas and all...and then when i got there i was mad because it was the same just a recolor...

Then i started facing off against Bartles...i hit it and was like shiz! i took 0...and thwap dead

i found 2 things in DC v2 Varista...and Red hangun...I play a friggin HUcast..*cries*

Apr 16, 2004, 09:16 PM
Ult Scared me senseless! I walked in a lil mere Level 80 Foneweal (Online) and got so scared i ran off! (I saw teh Evil Bartles! Oh No! )

That was when i realied on my Techs for Attacking, then i met the nice Hucaseal and her Level 30 Discs for SDJZ... I was so greatful! Now i can whip bootey till the Mines (Offline), They still own me~ Though that WAS when i was level 110ish, now 14 levels higher, lets see if i can get to Ult Ruins!

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Apr 16, 2004, 09:19 PM
My first ult enemy was dark falz. Me and my justy were scared! Then we realized he was the same. Actualy I died less than the force on my team... I thought it was weird,and cheepy was scared! I had seen some parts of it on my brothers ramar.

Apr 16, 2004, 09:26 PM
Heh, my HUmar was still using a Yamato. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif He did okay damage, didn't miss constantly, but got his ass handed to him, thanks to uber-slow weapon. I switched to a partially-better Stag Cutlery...that worked nicely until I found my Demolition Comet, and some Vulcans with Hit.

FOnewm had no trouble at all, really. A few HP units and he was continuing to kick ass. When he first got into Ult, though, it took a LOT of casting to kill stuff. Like 10+ per enemy.

FOmar hit Ult a bit harder. His trusty Spirit Vulcans with 35% Hit did like 0-3 damage (literally), and missed quite a bit. Soul Eater was useless as well. I did okay with a Durandal...then I got Red Saber, then my ATP got high enough with Shifta I could use his Vulcans effectively again, and I got the Rainbow Baton with 50% Hit made.

HUnewearl hit okay, she was using Asuka, which was annoyingly slow. She used a Dragon's Claw for a while, then Heart of Poumn. Then I wised up, and switched to a Meteor Cudgel.

The enemies in Ult are quite unique looking. Rappies weren't quite as cute. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

I liked Vhard Mines better than Ult Mines, in terms of appearance, at least.

Apr 16, 2004, 09:28 PM
On 2004-04-16 19:19, Cheep wrote:
My first ult enemy was dark falz. Me and my justy were scared! Then we realized he was the same. Actualy I died less than the force on my team... I thought it was weird,and cheepy was scared! I had seen some parts of it on my brothers ramar.

I'm just curious...How was Dark Falz your first enemy? Can you join a team anytime Online or something? I don't have online so I'm stupid and useless when it comes to that.

Apr 16, 2004, 09:46 PM
i was hyped. i had my g-assasin blades. my zalure level 3, and a varista. it was in two player mode. i was level 80. my character later found out that the ground was a very comfortable place. i had a 4 slot perfect frame and an attribute wall. my original thought was that rare items would fall like candy from a pinata. damn i was wrong

Apr 16, 2004, 10:11 PM
oh boy...ult...got there with my Fomarl that day...lvl80 me and my friend both hit 80 at the same time...well he was like 10levels ahead of me and had been telling me about it right...well I couldnt wait so I played and played my heart out to get there and when I did I went to forest on OMG spazzed that there were a bunch of turtles roaming around in a forest....when we got to mines I was casting Razonde like crazy to stay alive till I looked hard enough and realized that it wasnt doing any damage. They then told me rafoie was better...I had to get off after mines too much for one day...

Apr 16, 2004, 10:23 PM
On 2004-04-16 19:28, Sef wrote:

On 2004-04-16 19:19, Cheep wrote:
My first ult enemy was dark falz. Me and my justy were scared! Then we realized he was the same. Actualy I died less than the force on my team... I thought it was weird,and cheepy was scared! I had seen some parts of it on my brothers ramar.

I'm just curious...How was Dark Falz your first enemy? Can you join a team anytime Online or something? I don't have online so I'm stupid and useless when it comes to that.

When I joined the team,they were stocking up before falz. You can join anytime the team is not on a quest online. You're not useless *huggles*

Apr 16, 2004, 10:26 PM
the transition is monster strength is what scared me.

Apr 17, 2004, 10:42 AM
I was kicking major ass in V.Hard and when I got to Ultimate (DC) everything changed and I got my ass handed to me..

Apr 17, 2004, 11:07 AM
Ahh... innocent GC players... you really miss out on something. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

I've had V1 for quite some time, and only bought V2 to raise a good Fonewearl because of the spell improvements. But sometime along the road I made a Humar, then a Hunewearl. They both hit Ult at low levels (54). And BOY did they get their ass kicked.

I was surprised at the Forest look, it was pretty neat... then I saw a Barble, and then I saw how fast it moved... and then I realised I couldn't hit him with my Hell Calibur. With my Varista +40% on Native, I could do about 7HP damage if I used Shifta and Zalure... and about 50 damage with Foi. So I stuck to Foi http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif
Needed about 5 tries and several scape dolls to get through Sil Dragon. Sil Dragon was just plain awesome. The fighting area, the attack patterns... the SPEED!
I thought I could "foi" my way through the Caves... boy was I wrong. 1 critical hit : my character dies. *Gulp* First Ob Lily in front of me : Me :miss-miss-miss. Ob Lily : some purple orb (I didn't even know it was Megid) - I'm lying dead on the ground. *sweat*. I get to Dal Ra Rie (level 70ish): dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead. All 16 scape dolls I had in my bank disappeared, and I had barely depleted his face "mask". But the fight had been exciting.
The mines were a pain in the ass (you need 2000ATP to start doing damage if you don't have really high attributes on your weapon) and Vol Opt 2 was plain unfair. At least until I got over 750HP. After that, it was only plain crazy hard.
I've yet to clear Ultimate. I lost 12 scapes on DF last time I took him on (at level 106 or so). I'm at level 115 right now, and I can't pass the quests that are in the Ruins...
Edit: I've just cleared the Ruins! At lv 116, with an Imperial Pick for the darvants and the first form, and a Custom Ray with hit 20% and dark 40% for the 2 others. I lost all my scape Dolls, but this time I won! And let it be said that DF only gives 9k exp. That sucks. (compared to the what... 40k on GC?)

My Fonewearl had it a bit easier, since her spells are so much higher... but she's not going to clear the Ruins until a long time has passed... until I figure out how to survive Grantz from the Gran Sorcerers. And how to inflict them damage :sweatdrop:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Saffran on 2004-04-17 22:25 ]</font>