View Full Version : phantasy star on ps2 ?

Apr 18, 2004, 01:16 AM
whats with these phantasy star games for ps2 why the old ones why not release pso for ps2 ?
never played the old ones but might be interesting are they any good ?
and does anyone know when these old ones would be released for ps2 ?

Apr 18, 2004, 01:23 AM
Phantasy Star: Generations Volume 1 is supposed to be released next quarter if I remember correctly, with Generation 2 coming out aroudn the same time in Japan, and no definite release date in the US.

As for PSO, Yuji Naka stated long ago (the year V2 was being shown at E3) that he didn't like developing for the PS2, and had no plans to bring PSO to it. Now, Naka is no longer with the devlopment of PSO, but he is still nominally the producer, and holds some sway. Not to mention that making the game for the PS2 would require a full port project, which would cost the company quite a bit of money just to put an aging game on a system with far too many competitors for the MMORPG market.

No, you're not likely to see PSO ever on PS2. And honestly, it really doesn't need it.

And, to end, this is not an Episode 3 related topic....