View Full Version : Possible Parasitic Gene Flow method (Probably not) Can someo

Apr 18, 2004, 05:32 PM
Hi I just joined this site and i am legit and offline. I was on GameFAQs when this topic came up, it said there is a way to get the Parasitic Gene Flow offline. I'm pretty sure its a load of bull but I'm not at Ult. OF to prove it so can anyone here confirm it? here is the post as is:

Credit: JiyahSAMI-

This is an explanation of how to obtain Red Ring and Parasitic Gene FLOW online and offline in a step-by-step process.

1. Use any character class.
2. You will need HP draining weapons that don't require you to hit an enemy to deplete your HP. These weapons are:

HU= Lavis Weapons, Yamigarasu, Soul Eater, Soul Banish.
RA= Yamigarasu, Soul Eater.
FO= Dark Bridge, Gal Wind, Soul Eater, Soul Banish
You can also try Virus Armor: Lafuteria, Parasite Wear: DeRol, Parasite Wear: Nelgal or Parasite Wear: Vajulla, Luminous Field.

3. many Scape Dolls.
4. Ult difficulty open and Ruins to get Red Ring on EP1 and Seabed to get Gene FLOW on EP2.
5. Ryuker tech or a stock of TP
6. Knowledge of the Boss TP Trick.

For Parasitic Gene Flow

1. Bring Scape Dolls with you and a full stock of TP and go through the Seabed.
2. With your Ryuker or a TP, drop your TP down before OF's teleporter and take it to P2. Use this oppurtunity to stock up on your toolz and things you will need for the fight with OF. Bring Scape Dolls, drop your Meseta on the floor for later, take your HP draining weapon from the bank and place it in inventory and head back down your TP again to return next to OF's teleporter.
4. Drop another TP or use Ryuker again. You always want to have an easy way back to the boss's room in case you die.
5. Now this time, go into Olga's teleporter for the fight against him.
6. Defeat his 2 forms
7. Now equip your HP draining weapon and proceed to use it's special to drain all your HP until you die. If you have any Scape Dolls on you, drop them B4 you kill yourself or you may waste them when you die. You can also just keep them on you and quickly press "A" to port back to P2 before the Scape Doll revives you.
8. You should now be back on P2. Go pickup your money and whatever else you dropped on P2 earlier and head back down the TP you set before the fight with OF.
9. Head into OF's chamber again and then look around on the floor. If you see a red box, that is Parasitic Gene FLOW. If not, SAVE your game and redo it (offline).

If you are doing this online, combine this trick with the Boss TP Trick by having a buddy idle on P2 while you go off and kill OF. Then, instead of doing the Suicide, do the Boss TP Trick steps. When you return to your game and head back to OF's chamber, you will be greeted by a freshly reborn OF and, if the DNA was dropped, it will be sitting there on the platform. If not, repeat until you get one. It will take awhile to have patience.

For Red Ring

1. To get the Red Ring, you will basically be doing the same thing as you do for the Gene FLOW. But this time, you will do this on Ep 1 Ult difficulty and you must battle your way through the Ruins until you get to Falz.
2. Once at the teleporter to Dark Falz, do the same steps as your did for OF, Drop your Telepipe or cast Ryuker to always have access to P2 and Boss's chamber.
3. Get your Scape Dolls, and your HP draining weapon and return back to Ruins 3 to go to Falz. Don't forget to drop your TP or cast Ryuker when you return to Falz or Olga especially if you are doing this ONLINE.unless you like running through the whole Ruins 3 or Seabed Lower Levels everytime.
4. Kill Falz's forms. Then do your Suicide (OFFLINE). Return back to your TP and see if you got a Red Ring. If not, SAVE and repeat until you get one. You will be doing this a long time so have patience.

If you are Online, combine the Boss TP Trick with this trick as explained in the Gene FLOW part of this trick. The red box that is the Red Ring will be halfway between the cave and the Spire that leads to Falz if he did drop it. Online players can repeat these steps over and over if they know the Boss TP Trick and combine it with this trick. Good luck!

Thanks in advance!
- -
credit the person is fine, there is no need to post the link to the cheat site.. please remember that!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dhylec on 2004-04-18 16:32 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2004, 05:37 PM
well if it works then YAY legit items.
even though you won't be able to tell the differance between them and hacks.

and if not..... Oh well.

this seems familier though???

Apr 18, 2004, 05:46 PM
i'ver tried this method myself... i used my force equpiied with a red saber the whole battle and i never unequipped the saber until flow was dead... after which i equipped the soul eater and along with the luminous field drained my hp until i die, upon returning to the elevator shaft i found nothing, no spirit whatsoever

Apr 18, 2004, 05:48 PM
Thx! Now to kill that duper for telling me false info!

Apr 18, 2004, 05:57 PM
i'ver tried this method myself... i used my force equpiied with a red saber the whole battle and i never unequipped the saber until flow was dead... after which i equipped the soul eater and along with the luminous field drained my hp until i die, upon returning to the elevator shaft i found nothing, no spirit whatsoever

You may didn't unequipped the Red Saber while battling Olga Flow, but did you give it at least one hit with it or casting magic with your Force all the way through? Or did you re-equipped the Red Saber before returning to the area after you died? Maybe that's why you didn't see the spirit, or maybe you need a pair of glasses (or needing to upgrade if you do wear one). Or maybe the spirit doesn't want to be seen by your character for some reason.

The drop rate of Dark Falz and Olga Flow are set to 0%. From the method you posted, that's the glitch (if it does work) to make it trigger a chance to have Falz or Olga to drop Red Ring/DNA which means by doing this method it won't make either one drops it 100% every time you try. Like for example, does a Sil Dragon drops a rare with a chance of 100% every time you defeated it? No.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jason on 2004-04-18 16:23 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2004, 06:16 PM
Mmmm... I try it next weekend to get the Red ring and level up, if it doesn't work then that guy suxs! cause I'll do it alot!

Apr 18, 2004, 06:26 PM
Didn't someone bring up this method a while ago? I remember that it was shot down in flames...

Apr 18, 2004, 06:52 PM
On 2004-04-18 16:26, _Ted_ wrote:
Didn't someone bring up this method a while ago? I remember that it was shot down in flames...

like I said.... This seems familier

Apr 18, 2004, 06:52 PM
Ahhhhhhhh crap, how do you close this topic?

Apr 18, 2004, 09:33 PM
On 2004-04-18 16:26, _Ted_ wrote:
Didn't someone bring up this method a while ago? I remember that it was shot down in flames...

He's a n00b here (look at his post count), so how was he suppose to know? I won't blame him.

Apr 18, 2004, 09:54 PM
it is a shame there isn't some method that will work for this

Apr 19, 2004, 09:33 AM
Its annoying that its set to zero whats the point of having a drop set to zero to keep ppl playing longer, it makes no sense. And yes it was brought up ages and ages ago so long ago in fact its ok to have a new topic on it.

Apr 19, 2004, 09:43 AM
On 2004-04-19 07:33, Armok wrote:
Its annoying that its set to zero whats the point of having a drop set to zero to keep ppl playing longer, it makes no sense. And yes it was brought up ages and ages ago so long ago in fact its ok to have a new topic on it.

It wasnt set to zero at one point, so it actually does make sense http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Apr 19, 2004, 09:46 AM
Its things like cool items being set to 0 that makes hackers

Apr 19, 2004, 03:16 PM
I remember this topic recently, but not the end result.... How as it shot down in flames? I remember someone saying that that's how the only person who found Parasitic Gene Flow got it; using this method or something. If someone found it and it wasn't a hack, it has to be possible. Seems rather convincing, if only I had the time to do 64 Ruins runs on Ult, http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
By the way, I know that's not true probability 1/64 means every time you do this method one had a 1/64 chance. Usually, though, my rare drops fall somewhere in the drop rate, so that's what I meant by 64 runs.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Scales_of_Air on 2004-04-19 13:17 ]</font>